Action Learning Network

National Disability Services (NDS) in Tasmania is focussed on supporting disability service providers to adapt to the new operating environment of the NDIS. With funding from the Sector Development Fund, we’ve developed the Action Learning Network to support this aim. This is an exciting new opportunity for disability support providers with an interest in implementing contemporary approaches to disability service delivery. The Network will run as a project from August 2017 until the end of June 2018.

This is an opportunity to showcase your organisation as an innovator and a leader in the field. Through practical application, Network members will learn how to co-design, implement and evaluate an initiative to strengthen the quality of service delivery in your organisation.

The invitation

NDS invites you to nominate one to three people from your organisation to join the network for the duration of the project. Their engagement in the Network needs to be something they personally and professionally want to do.

Network members should be directly involved in delivering frontline services for people with disability. They might be team members, support workers, team leaders or operations managers. They will participate in the project activities overleaf as well as designing, implementing and evaluating a workplace project that benefits your service users. They should be committed to strengthening the quality of service delivery in their workplace and the sector more broadly. They will be your high achieving, problem solvers and critical thinkers - your ‘imagineers’. They’ll emerge from the project with strengthened skills in:

·  Reflective practice

·  Outcomes-focussed project coordination

·  Co-design skills to collaborate with the people they support and their colleagues

·  Reporting skills

The approach

The Network will use an action learning approach. This means learning will happen more through doing in the workplace and then reflecting, rather than programmatic ’lessons’ or ’workshops’. Learning is supported by a facilitator and all the other network members. The facilitator will be available to link Network members to learning content as required. Network members will support one another’s learning by assuming the role of a critical friend: asking probing questions, prompting reflection, and sharing insights.

The cost

There is no financial cost to participation. However, individuals and organisations will be required to invest time and commitment to attending activities, doing the project, and engaging with the Network. Network members need to commit to, be able to, and be supported to:

·  Engage in all the project activities

·  Co-design a project by collaborating with the people they support and their colleagues

·  Implement a feasible workplace project with the necessary support from their management

·  Evaluate the project

What next?

If you have any queries at all, please feel free to call Cath Ralston to discuss (03 6212 7305).

If you have one to three staff members who you think are cut out for this project, then please email Cath Ralston, with the information below pertaining to each person you would like to nominate.

This needs to be received by COB Wednesday 9 August 2017.

There is an upper limit of 14 places in the network. If we find we are oversubscribed, we will contact you for further information. This will help us identify those most suited to the project, and most likely to ensure the benefits are sustainable in your organisation.

Field / Information /
Office address
Line manager’s name
Line manager’s email
Employment status / Casual/part-time/full-time

Network Activities

As a member of the Action Learning Network project, you will be inspired to imagine, design, implement and evaluate a meaningful, structured and outcomes-focussed workplace project that aims to strengthen the quality of services you provide for people with disability.

Ideas & innovations showcase

Wednesday, 5 September

This event offers you an overview of a range of contemporary service quality improvement initiatives in the disability sector. We’re really interested in how they developed their initiatives as much as what they actually do. Sneak-peak: projects include - eliminating abuse and neglect, relieving boredom in group homes, encouraging healthy lifestyle choices.

Huddle co-design workshop (

Two days in early October

During the two days, network members will develop a mindset for co-design by looking at and reframing problems, exploring possibilities, and thinking about feasible actions. You will emerge from the workshop ready to begin designing your project alongside the people you support and your colleagues.

Back in the workplace, you’ll work with others to begin your project design. We’re encouraging big ideas but doable-sized projects.

Refine your program logic workshop

One day in early November

Network members will bring their initial program logic based on conversations in the workplace.

During this workshop, you will work with your network peers to critically enhance your design using the Golden Thread methodology or similar. You’ll leave the workshop with your design almost complete, including the core of your evaluation framework. Back at work, you will hone these with your colleagues and seek endorsement from your management to implement.

Facilitator and critical friends

November to end of April

During the implementation of your projects, network members will participate in monthly GoToMeetings to share, support and learn. The network facilitator will visit you and connect you with information you need. Your critical friends are only a phone call or an email away. The facilitator and critical friends are there to listen and prompt reflection, to tease out issues, give out tissues as you weep and overcome hurdles, and celebrate successes however small.

Reporting and evaluation workshop

One day at the end of April

Network members will learn about writing in Plain English and how to effectively report on your project outcomes. You will make a start on writing up your case study.

Final celebration and reflection

One day in mid-June

The final network event brings members together to showcase your projects to one another and celebrate your achievements. We’ll also make time for some structured reflection and evaluation of the whole project, and think about if we want to continue working with each other through a community of practice.