July, 2005

Avon--Our code currently does not allow such outside vending. If our Council wanted to allow it, we believe it would be a simple amendment to our peddler license provision or we could create a new type of license. The truth is, we've never been faced with the question.

Breckenridge--In Breckenridge we have regulations prohibiting the outdoor display of merchandise in specific areas of town (mostly downtown). It does not specifically address services. I can not find anything in our current Town Code that specifically discusses services performed outdoors.

Crested Butte--We don't allow it - outdoor sales are specified and controlled by Ordinance.

Dillon--We do not have a process for permitting outdoor service related industries. We do run a farmer’s market in one of the Town owned parking lots, but we have never had a business that did not sell a product as opposed to simply a service. Furthermore, the Town has never permitted a hotdog vendor or a similar business to be run out of a free-standing tent or cart – although there has been some discussion recently of allowing these types of vendors in the hope of increasing pedestrian activity in our downtown.

In Durango, we allow for outside sale of goods within approved structures, but do not allow for the sale of services like fortune telling, massages, etc. However, we do allow for jeep tours, river trips, and time share sales within these approved structures. The City attempted to regulate these types of issues in the early 1990s but the City Council at the time could not agree on an approach, so we function under some code provisions along with some policies. If you need anything further, please feel free to ask.

Greg Hoch, P&CD Director

Estes Park: Our code specifically prohibits outside sales of any type within the downtown zoning district. However we do allow craft fairs and side walk sales as special events. In our other zoning districts we issue temporary use permits (up to 60days) for seasonal sales such as spring flowers and Christmas trees. Also, outside display and sales can be accessory to established businesses.

Grand Lake—Not allowed on public property.

Snowmass Village-- Outside vendor carts or booths selling product and/or providing services are technically only authorized when part of an over-all PUD approval, by administrative temporary use permit (up to 10 days) or by annual temporary use permit (up to 1 year). The application may be submitted by a specific vendor (with landowner approval) or numerous carts and booths may beauthorized in conjunctionwitha permit for a larger scale event.

The temporary use application is evaluated for compliance with the following standards:

(1) Use shall be appropriate. The proposed temporary use shall be appropriate in the particular location, taking into consideration the nature of the use, its relationship to surrounding land uses and its impact with respect to environmental, social and economic matters.

(2) Use shall comply with policies and regulations. The proposed temporary use shall comply with the Town's adopted policies and regulations, and shall not violate any applicable state, county or federal laws.

(3) Applicant's skills and experience. The applicant shall demonstrate that he or she possesses the requisite skill and experience to ensure that the particular activity will be conducted in a safe and orderly manner.

(4) Written approval. The applicant shall obtain written approval from all reviewing agencies having jurisdiction over the proposed temporary use.

The major controlling factor in the Snowmass Mall has been landowner approval. Conditions are usually applied to the permit to address potential impacts or issues.....

Please feel free to call me or email should you have questions or require additional information. Say "Hi" to Tim for me - haven't seen him for a long time.

Chris C. Conrad

Phone: (970) 923-5524 X 637

Silverthorne--Our Town code does not separate types of temporary vendors (ie. retail from services). However, the applicant must fill out an application to the Com Dev Dept.- this is for any business operating outside of its walls including existing businesses (having a tent sale for example).

The application mainly outlines adequate parking, circulation, trash, bathrooms, property owner permission, limited number of days of operation, and signange (that is regulated by Town Code). The application must meet code standards and be approved by the Com Dev Dept. You can find more information on this on our website- by searching the Town Code for Section 4-4-26.

In addition, the application must apply for a Town business license since Silverthorne is a Home Rule Charter which costs $75.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me at

(970) 262-7363.

Julia Skurski-Town of Silverthorne

Steamboat--Steamboat Springs has a permit that allows for outside sales for up to

21 consecutive days. You can get only one such permit a year. Our Main Street board has asked that we not issue any vendor permits this year, as Main Street would like to propose new regulations for next year that will allow vendors who add to the retail vitality but who do not compete with stores that pay rent and taxes.

Telluride--Telluride does not have any services being sold on the sidewalk at this time, only goods, but we would consider it when evaluating applications. Vendors are selected on a competitive basis by our vending committee, a sub-committee of the Town Council, for five designated sites.We came close to selecting a tour booking booth last season, but did not allow it as many of our established sport shops do tour bookings. Also, several years ago someone wanted to set up a massage chair on our main street and our town attorney ruled it was not in the spirit of our vending law. The majority of vendors who apply for our vending sites seem to wantto sell products. If you would like to have a copy of our vending ordinance faxed to you, please email me your fax number.

Winter Park--In Winter park outside vending only allowed on private property with the issusance of a special use permit by the planning commission. Very concerned about competion with existing businesses that have overhead etc. DARYL