Online Expense Report Processing
Printable Instructions
Page 2 – 31 – Creating an expense report
Page 32 – 37 – Change requested/make change
Page 38 – 45 – Search tool/history
Page 46 - 56 - Approving an Expense Report
Direct any questions to the Mazda Helpdesk.
To complete an Online Expense report
– go to the MNAO Intranet home page and click on Workflow System
The Workflow Home page will display…here you can Create an expense report. You can also view the Training for Creating or Approving expense reports or view the Frequently Asked Questions. You can also find the Direct Deposit Authorization form
To begin a report click on
· Expense Report.
You will be asked to Sign on. This is your LAN ID and password.
You will need to read and agree to the Expense Report policies to continue. There are links to the policy at the bottom of the homepage and there are also links within the expense report form itself.
Click I Agree
Start by verifying the Requisition information – you name, phone number, Division, Cost center, Company, currency and approver should all default.
If the Requestor or the Approver is incorrect – change them via the buttons below the Requisition Information box. Select Requestor or Select Approver
You can scroll through the list – or select a name and then type quickly the first two letters of the last name and the list will jump to that area. When you have selected the appropriate name click OK.
Now Complete the Employee information by using the PICK EXISTING EMPLOYEE Button.
Pick from the list. If the address shown is not correct – please contact the helpdesk with the correct address. They will forward to the correct personnel for updating.
ONLY IF you are completing this expense report for someone else click Reviewer required. This will send a copy of the expense report to the reviewer for approval before sending it on to the Approver. This is used primarily by Assistants to complete expense reports. For example Sheri McNeil would be the requestor and she would pick Robert Davis as the employee and Jim O’Sullivan as the Approver. Robert will receive an email to review his expense report (entered by Sheri) before it will route to Jim O’Sullivan for approval.
AGAIN DO NOT use this function unless you are completing this on some one else’s behalf.
If you drive a Demo vehicle or used a company car and are claiming mileage or expenses for the vehicle on this report – complete the Company car section and check the Demo car box as appropriate.
NOTE if you are driving a DEMO vehicle this is MANDITORY and include your Business Mileage.
The total mileage will calculate automatically.
The second time you use the expense report form the system will automatically populate the Model, Last 6 of the VIN and the Starting Mileage from the previous report for that Employee. Note this is based on the employee field.
Now you are ready to add the detail expenses by day. Click on Add Item.
Clicking Add item takes you to the detail screen. The expense report number defaults to a unique number and the dates default to the last week.
You can change the date by clicking on the calendar Icon next to the date or you can simply click on the date and change it. Note you cannot enter items with future dates.
Now click on Add Another Day.
Adding another date makes the dates available in the detail for completing.
You can click on add another date as many times as you need for your expense report.
You can also change the dates that appear as needed by clicking on the date and changing it.
Enter the amounts on the appropriate lines. Note if the field has … (Red ellipsis) comments are required. Blue ellipsis comment field is available and encouraged by not required.
When you have completed entering…click on Update Data on Current Page. This will run the field checks and return any messages.
Any error messages or warnings appear in the upper right quadrate of the screen. Red are errors that must be fixed before proceeding. Yellows are warnings that will require your manager’s specific approval during the approval process. It is highly encouraged that you put notes/comments on the yellow warning items and use the Unusual expense box at the bottom of the screen for clarifications.
The errors in this example are that Business meals require a comment – Purpose and attendees and that an Explanation for Expense report was not entered.
Scroll down and you will see the Purpose of Expense report field. Complete the field.
In order to enter comments click on the ellipsis … a pop up box will appear – complete as appropriate. You must put the names of the attendees. Click on the x to close the comment box.
When you are done and all the errors have been cleared click on Save and return to main form.
This returns you to the main form. Now you are ready to attach your receipts.
Click on Attachments.
This takes you to the attachments screen. You will need to have already scanned your receipts and have them saved on your computer.
If you don’t have access to a scanner and you are a region Administrator – mail your hard copy receipts to the region admin designated for your region.
Click Add Attachment.
Click Browse.. to go find your receipt file.
Highlight your receipts file and click Open.
Title your attachment in the (2) Package Title field and click Attach to Package.
Your attachment file will show in the box. This shows it is attached. Click on the Click Here to Return to the Expense report form.
You are now ready to Submit your expense report.
If your report is completed click on Submit for Approval.
This will put for expense report in the workflow process and it will be routed for review, approval and processing appropriately.
If you are missing anything and need to come back to the report later click on Save and Submit Later.
This DOES NOT put your expense report in the workflow. It sends you an Email with a link so you can later go back and complete work on your expense report.
If you click EXIT you will loose all your work and the report will not be saved.
You will receive this screen when you Submit for approval. You can either close the session or click on the Click here to return to the Workflow Homepage.
Shortly (usually within minutes) you will receive an email confirming your submission of an expense report. There is a link to a copy of your expense report for you to View, Print or Save for your files.
This is what the file looks like. You can View it, Save it or Print it.
If you clicked the Save and Submit later this is an example of the email you will receive. Click the link when you are ready to complete your expense report and your in progress expense report will open. You can make updates and Submit it or click on the save and submit later if you need to go back again.
This completes the Submit a report section
Direct any questions to the Mazda Helpdesk.
If during the review and approval portion of the Expense report workflow someone finds questions or changes that need to be made to your expense report you will get an email like the one above. ACTION REQUIRED – Expense report Change requested.
Click on the link in the email.
You will be asked to sign into workflow. This is your LAN ID and password.
Your Expense report will open. You need to first follow the instructions at the top of the screen and click on Lock. This makes the Expense report open and available for you to make changes.
You should see comments in the Collaboration notes field communicating the change needed or question that needs clarification.
Here is an example of receipts missing. You can attach missing receipts, update company car information or update detail information. In order to update detail information click the radio select button and click Edit.
When you have completed the necessary changes click on Complete. This will route this expense report back through the review and approval process or completion.
This completes the Request for change section
Direct any questions to the Mazda Helpdesk.
There is a search function available from the Workflow homepage. You can search for Workflow packages and you can view completed packages that you were the Requestor on.
Click Search for Workflow Packages
Make your selections of what you are looking for.
Scroll down.
Select the date range and then click Start Search.
A list of results will return. If you are the requestor the Package will have a hot link …blue items. Click on the link to open a copy.
Here is a sample of what will open.
The third column on the return list from your search shows the Package status and the next column shows what Queue it is currently in. You can click on the Queue Owner Information to see more information on the Queue and who has current responsibility for the package in the workflow.
Here is a sample of the Queue Owner Information.
This completes the Search package section
Direct any questions to the Mazda Helpdesk.
The approval process is initiated through a link sent to you via email. To begin the approval process, click the link.
There is also a viewable copy of the expense report attached.
This will take you to a login screen where you will need to enter your LAN ID and Password and click Login to proceed.
The first step you will need to take is to Lock the package. This allows you to make changes and approve the report without others editing it simultaneously. To lock the package, simply click the link.
: If the expense report was finished with warnings a yellow warning flag will appear in the Details section of the report. This warning is intended to alert you to possible “out of the ordinary” situations and it is expected that you review them thoroughly.
To review the details and approve the warning, select the report…
and click View.
: To view the scanned and attached receipts click the Attachments button. Select the file and click View
The file will open in a separate window in the format it was saved.
: The warning message will display the details so that you can decide to Approve or Deny the exception. If you approve select the checkbox next to “I approve of these exceptions to the expense report policy” and click the Approve button.
The system records the approval and date and time stamps it
Now Click Cancel and Return to Main Form where you need to complete the approval or send the expense report back to the requestor for changes.
Next, scroll to the bottom of the page
You now have three options –
1. Approve. Put notes in if you would like and Click approve.
2. Deny – Put notes in and Deny the expense report
3. Request changes – put notes in the Collaboration Notes field about the request for change, question or requirement, click Save Note
and then click Send Back to Requestor for changes. This initiates an email back to the requestor and they will see your notes in the Collaboration notes field. They can make the necessary changes and then resubmit the Expense report for approval.
If you approved the report then you will see a confirmation screen. To close the session, simply click the button.
This completes the Approver Section of the training.
Direct any questions to the Mazda Helpdesk.
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