Dexter Drama Club 2017-2018 Agenda
Introductions of Officers and Drama Club Advisor/Director Miss Palmer
Communications – Where to go for information or share Drama experiences?
-Website: or
-Facebook: Find us at “Dexter High School Drama Club” and join TODAY
-Twitter: @DexterDramaClub
-Instagram: @DexterDramaClub
-SCHOOL POST is an Email alert system for Parents AND STUDENTS- Sign up at the bottom of any page on
-REMIND – See separate Instructions on how to receive TEXT message updates on everything Drama!
Homecoming Float Building- October 2nd –5th, 3:15-5:30pm (ish) -Must help build if you want to be on the float in the parade! Minimum of 2 days or 4 hours! New members welcome!
Fall Musical: Disney’s Lion King Jr. - TECH Meeting TODAY after this meeting in RM 71 (Ms. Palmer’s RM)/ Mandatory Company (Cast and Crew) Meeting MONDAY Sept. 11th at 3:15 CPA / Show Dates: October 20th-22nd at the CPA at the High School.
–Open to High School and Mil Creek Middle Schoolers for both Cast and Crew!
Dexter Drama Directing “3D” Series - One-Act plays -Directed by upperclassmen! Show Dates: November 16th, 17th, 18th, & 19th at Copeland Auditorium
-Great opportunity for first time performers! Shorter Rehearsal Process!
Procrastination Sensation
Written and Directed by Ainsley Grace
Tracksby Peter Tarsi
Directed by Laynie Durbin and Ethan Dixon
Written and Composed by Molly Wing and Sabina Carty
Directed by Sabina Carty
The Killing Jokeby Alan Moore
Adapted for the Stage by John Lamb
Directed by John Lamb
Partners in Crime
Written by Emma Dunn
Directed by Grace Whipple and Emma Dunn
Houston, We Have a Problemby Michael Wehrli
Directed by Kaitlin Helmholtz
Winter Musical: On The Town - Auditions: Week of November 27th (See “Save the Date” Sheet or website for Details) / Show Dates: February 15th - 18th at the CPA at the High School. Note there is only one weekend of performances this year!
-There is a STUDENT Pit Orchestra!
Spring SHAKESPEARE: Much Ado About Nothing– Auditions: Week of March 5th (See “Save the Date” Sheet or website for Details) / Show Dates: May 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th at Copeland Auditorium.
Improv- Every Friday from 3:07-4:15pm in the CPA! Improv Show Dates: October 27th, December 1st, & March 9th, May 11th, June 1st – Join Facebook page for more information on Dexter High Improv!
Improv Workshops –SPRING WORKSHOP: May 7th-10th at 3:15-6:30pm in the CPA with Performance on May 11th at 7pm at the CPA at the High School.
Thespian Society - Go to Drama website on the Thespian page to become a member in 3 easy steps!
1) Sign up on the online Thespian Society form (scroll down page to find form)
2) Pay One Time fee (Good for all 4 years) $100 via Payschools
3) Consider coming to the Michigan Thespian Festival ($300) – Go as just a participant or compete in an Individual Event (IE)! Pick up Thespian Flyer for more information!
-Click the Thespian Festival page, scroll to the bottom, to see list of categories in which an individual can compete at Festival. Click on the category to see details before entering! SENIORS -You can earn scholarship money in two ways: College Scholarship auditions or Thespian Festival Scholarship Competition! Please pay attention to due dates for registration for these scholarship opportunities.
New York Trip- April 5-8th Cost: $900 (Includes: Transportation to, from, and around NYC, 3 Broadway Shows, Hotel for 3 Nights in NYC, Admission to 9/11 Memorial, MET (Metropolitan Museum of Art), Walking Tour of Central Park, Times Square, Chinatown, and more places!) – 30 Student Limit / Junior and Senior first priority then open to underclassmen as of September 1st – Palmer will announce available spots – THERE IS ONE AVAILABLE SPOT FOR A MALE STUDENT – Email Ms. Palmer!
NEW – Sponsorships: Individual Sponsorships are now offered and printed in our programming for individuals, families, or businesses making donations to the Dexter Drama Club! Perhaps you have seen them in another theater’s program? Usually lists appear in the program of individuals who have made donations to the Theater Company. We are starting that tradition and acknowledging our sponsors!
-See next page for more information!
- Simply Add to Cart- At any time anyone may go to Payschools and under the Drama link is a Donation option to add to your cart. Check out and your donation is made!
Our programs will have the following acknowledgments:
Sponsorship Levels Sponsorship Information – Ways to Make a Donation
Varsity Letter Requirements Exchange students and Freshmen you can do this in your first year!
We strive for those who earn their Dexter Drama Varsity Letter to represent an individual who strives to possess a comprehensive experience of the theatre world. These requirements will help ensure students exiting the DHS Drama program are at the very least exposed to different aspects of theatre.
– Requirement 1: Involvement in 3 productions in at least 2 different areas of theatre: Example: Acting and Pit Orchestra or any combo of Sound/light/costume/props/running crew or any designer position, etc.... Combinations are endless!
o Note: The 2 areas can be earned during the same production. The tech area will only be counted if the commitment to this position exceeds the already required set build hours. For example, a student could perform in a production as well as make masks on Mask Crew.
– Requirement 2: Passing one of the DHS performance or literature courses: Forensics, Debate, Video Production, IB Film Studies
§ Note: It is understood that this requirement will be difficult for certain students to fit into their schedules. Thus, a 4th production can substitute for the course requirement
End of the Year Drama Gala – June 8th - Come one, come all! If you were involved in the Dexter Drama Club this year this event if for you AND your parents! Middle and High School, Exchange students, Cast, Pit, and Tech! Come celebrate the year with us!