The 3rd Annual International Auction 2013 will be held in July around Steam- Up more details will be forthcoming.
Make your plans now, the Antique Power land museums have made many upgrades to their attractions for this coming year, you won't want to miss it.
Saturday July 27th 2013 the Antique Caterpillar Machinery Museum will hold it’s annual Banquet in the Museum. Barbeque Dinner starts at 6:00 pm and is $35.00 per person. Awards and a small auction of some special items will take place at the dinner.
Details for the banquet will be forthcoming.
The above picture is of a reproduction 1906 Holt 111 steam tractor on tracks. It was the first track layer that was commercially sold in the US of A. This replica was built by Don Hunter and was finished in 2008. It took 9 years to build. The tractor is scheduled to be at Steam up the first weekend July 27th and 28th.
Tool Board:
A new tool board has been established on the north wall of the museum where it will contain a very large collection of special Caterpillar repair tools. Only one display has been completed, there are many more tools to be setup on display.
These tools have been donated by Dave Smith, one of the founders of the museum.
The new library has been established and will be dedicated at the 2011 Steam Up. We have a very large collection of Caterpillar service and owner and parts manuals for Caterpillar machinery.
This collection has also been donated by Dave Smith, one of the founders.
Don Bowman has been busy cataloging and organizing the thousands of documents and other media. Once completed, the list of documents will be added to the ACMM computer system for research purposes and will be available for searching from this website.