Academic Resources
Often students find that they are not as academically successful as they wanted to be or that they are encountering new struggles in their classes that they have not faced in the classroom before. Here is some information that can be of assistance.
Common reasons for poor academic performance:
1) Time spent on academics.
While it sounds obvious, course attendanceconstantly reaffirms, that there is a direct relationship between the number of class sessions missed and poor class performance. The first step to academic success is simply going to class. In the same way, being prepared for each class session by reading materials ahead of time is important.
The amount and quality of time spent studying is the other obvious step. Many students find studying in a group to be very helpful, as long as they are truly studying as a group and not socializing with open text books in front of them. It is also certainly true that courses from different academic disciplines require a different method of studying.
If you’d like help improving your skills in these areas, there are a number of people you could turn to: 1) the hall staff and me, 2) the Academic Success Center, 3) your academic advisor, and 4) if the concerns are with a specific class, the instructor of that class.
2) Personal concerns.
We all face times when things in our personal life impact our professional life. If there are things such as alcohol or drug use, finances, relationships or other issues affecting you or your family that impede your ability to focus on your academics there are a number of people you can turn to: 1) the hall staff and me, 2) the CounselingCenter, or 3) a friend or family member
3) The course is just really difficult.
It could be that this is the first time the academic demands being placed on you are roughly equal to your academic skill level. This is true for most students, which is why there are so many tutoring or supplemental instruction programs at colleges & universities. You can also ask your professor for information on tutoring for your courses.
Just as people have different learning styles, instructors use different teaching styles. Knowing your preferred learning style and being able to recognize different teaching styles can be a great advantage. If you’d like assistance in this area, your best bet would be to visit the AcademicSuccessCenter.
It could be that you have a learning disability. If you suspect this might be true, your best course of action is to get tested by asking for assistance at Disability Services Office located in the StudentServicesBuilding 1076.
Of course there are many other reasons people don’t do as well as they had hoped to do, but these are the most common. If you don’t think any of these are it for you, then keep trying to find out what it is and take the steps need to address it. The residence hall staff would be happy to discuss this with you. Here are the web addresses for some of the places mentioned above.
The AcademicSuccessCenter is located in the Hixson-LiedStudentSuccessCenter, room 1060. The phone number is 294-6624.
Make sure to check out the tutoring options available at IowaStateUniversity.
Visit the Supplemental Instruction webpage for a complete listing for spring 2009 schedule.
CounselingCenteron the third floor of the StudentServicesBuilding.
For help with writing papers or media projects check out this website.