Meadow View
Site Council Minutes
Sept. 15, 2015
The meeting was called to order by Chris Kastler, Principal
Mr.Kastler reviewed the years of service of current members. Those with one years of service left: Terri Saye, KayleeHandshy, Andres Chavez Martinez, Gina Pearson, and Renea Whitaker. Those with two years of service left: Kathy Carrillo, Meri Smith, TishaKarhoff. New Members present were: April Roberts, Cliff Oshel and Misty Burke We have 11 total members.
Mr. Kastler read and discussed the Meadow View Grade School Site CouncilBylaws
Members Present:
Cliff Oshel, April Roberts, Chris Kastler, Terri Saye, Gina Pearson, Renae Whitaker, Misty Burke, and TishaKarhoff.
Members Absent:KayleeHandshy, Andres Chavez Martinez and Meri Smith.
Also attending the meeting was Nicole Dean, Counselor, Kayla Giefer, Social Worker and Kevin Cole Board Member
Officer for the 2015 – 16 Site Council
- Gina Pearson – Chair
- Cliff Oshel- Vice Chair
- Terri Saye- Co-Secretary
- Kathy Carrillo- Co-Secretary
Mr. Kastler presented the new accreditation procedures from the state and the work the USD 506 administrative team had done to begin the process.
He shared the KSDE Fact sheet for Accreditation and discussed the 5 R’s and district goals
Mrs. Rhodes could not attend but Mr. Kastler presented on the KRR After School Program Report:
- 39 in program
- 72 letters to students that would benefit
- FAST begins Oct. 12
- FAST is an 8 week program
Nicole Dean, Kayla Giefer made a Counseling Presentation
told about the Counseling Grant and the programs and staff that has been added.
In the Past –one elementary counselor, one Jr. high counselor per district….Now we have – 5 counselor 3 social worker
A 4th -5th grade FAST will start in January
Rachael’s Challenge-Acts of Kindness and compassion has been implemented in the schools
KC Club (Kindness and Compassion) for Middle School is being launched at this time. They will meet twice a month over lunch and student will discuss ideas for different projects. They plan an Oct. 30 Kickoff
Another component was the Student Leadership Academy
10-15 students per building; 30 total students. They will meet 4 times each semester and workon leadership and college and career readiness awareness
We set future meeting dates:
Oct. 6 –District Site Council- 6:00 @ the LCHS cafeteria - Presenter will be Randy Watson Kansas Commissioner of Education
Jan. 12 – building meeting, agenda to be determined.
April 12- District meeting @ LCHS, agenda to be determined.