Answers to Assignment #2
182.______Gravity______is the force behind all erosion.
183.______Running Water______is the primary agent of erosion.
184. Stream velocity depends on ______ gradient ______and ______volume (discharge) ______.
185. The size of the particle transported depends on the stream’s _____ velocity ______.
186. Heavy-dense-round particles settle ______ first ______in water.
187. Graded bedding (vertical sorting) _____ large______sediments are on the bottom.
188. Glacial sediments are ______ unsorted ______, scratched and form ______ “U” ______shaped valleys.
189. Stream deposits are ______ sorted ______, round, and form _____ “V”______shaped valleys.
- Weathering- Break down of rocks at the earth’s surface into ______ sediments ____.
- Sediments – broke down pieces of rock.
- Soil- mixture of weathered rock (sediments) and organic remains that cover bedrock.
- Chemical weathering dominates in _____ warm ______and______wet _____ climates.
- Physical weathering dominates in _____ cold ____ and ____ wet ______climates. (Good For Frost Wedging)
- As the particle size decreases, the rate of weathering will ______ increases______.
- When particles are broken into smaller pieces, the surface area _____ increases ______.
- Sediments are classified based on their ______ particle size__. (i.e. .02cm particles are sand)
- Erosion- _____movement______of sediments
- ______ Gravity _____ is the ultimate force behind erosion.
- ______ Running Water ______is the primary agent of erosion.
- Dissolved mineral are carried in _____ solution______.
- Silt/Clay colloids are carried by _____ suspension ______.
- Sand/ Pebbles slide and bounce along the bottom.
- As the velocity increases, the size of the sediments a stream can transport ______ increases ______.
- As the slope/gradient of a stream increases, the size of the sediments a stream can transport _____ increases______.
- As the discharge (an amount of water in a stream) increases, velocity will ______ increase ______.
- The velocity of a stream is greatest on the ______ outside___ of a meander (bend).
- Erosion occurs on the _____ outside______of a meander where velocity is ____ fast ______.
- Deposition occurs on the _____ inside ______of a meander where velocity is ______ slow ______.
- _____ Large______, ______dense______, ______Round _____, particles are the first to settle out of water as the water slows down. (Sorting Sediments)
- Sediments transported by water are _____ round______and _____ smooth______due to abrasion.
- Streams erode a _ “V” ____ shaped valley.
- Sediments deposited by glaciers are ______ unsorted ______, (all mixed up in size and shape.)
- Glaciers erode a __ “U” __ shaped valley.
- After a glacier has moved through an area the bedrock is ______ smooth___ and ______polished____ with parallel glacial striations (scratches).
- Wind deposits consist of fine grained well sorted particles (sand) particles exhibit a pitted/frosted appearance and cross bedded layers.
- Residual soil- developed from the bedrock below it- _____ same ______mineral composition as bedrock below.
- Transported soil- transported from another location- _____ different______mineral composition than bedrock below.
- ______ Longshore ______drift moves sand along the beach in the direction of the ocean current.
- ______ Divergent ______plate boundary – Two plates move apart.
- ______ Convergent ______- two plates move toward one another.
- Proof of sea floor spreading -1- the age of the ocean floor is ______ younger____ at the mid ocean ridges and gets _____ older____ as you move away in either direction. 2. There is also a matching pattern of earth’s _____ magnetic__ polarity on either side of the ridge.
- Inferences about Earth’s interior come from the study of ______ seismic waves ______.
- Earthquakes and volcanoes happen in the same spot, near ______ plate boundaries______.
- ______ Hot Spots______are not associated with plate boundaries –magma burns through plate = a series of islands (Hawaii).
- Continental crust is ______ older______with a density of ______ 2.7 g/cm3 ______and is composed of ____granite ______.
- Oceanic crust is ______ younger___, with a density of ___3.0 g/cm3 _____ and is composed of ___basalt____.
- When a continental plate collides with an oceanic plate the ______ oceanic______plate subducts because it ______more______dense.
- ______ Transform______Boundary – Plates slide past each other (San Andres Fault).
- Subduction zones/Trenches are where ______ oceanic crust______is destroyed. (Recycled).
- _____ Convection Currents_ in the asthenosphere (mantle) cause the plates to move.
- P- Waves travel _____ faster ______than S- waves.
- P waves travel through ___ solids______& ______liquids _____, but S- waves through _____ solids ____ only.
- We can infer that the outer core is _____ liquid______because __ S__ waves cannot penetrate it.
- One seismic station can determine the _____ distance ______to the epicenter.
- As the distance from the epicenter increases, the time lag between the P sand the S wave ______ increases______.
- You need ______ 3 ______seismic stations to plot an epicenter. (Where three circles meet).