May 8, 2014
Commissioner / Present / Absent / Late / District / SupervisorJack Bransford / x / 1 / Cox
Mark Kukuchek / x / 1 / Cox
John Freni / x / 2 / Jacob
Doug Streed / x / 2 / Jacob
Bill Crawford / x / 3 / D. Roberts
Eve Simmons / x / x / 3 / D. Roberts
Jeff Carle / x / 4 / Roberts
D’erdra Smothers / x / 4 / Roberts
Jim Conrad / x / 5 / Horn
Steve Turigliatto / x / 5 / Horn
- Call to Order-A quorum of commissioners being present, Chairman Streed called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
- Introductions-Commissioners introduced themselves. Guests included: Sandy Parks-AWM, Scott Tremor- San Diego Natural History Museum, Terri Stewart- California Department of Fish and Wildlife, April Wakeman - The Sportfishing Conservancy.
- Approval of minutes of the meeting from February 13, 2014
Changes: none
Motion made to approve minutes
Motion made by: Commissioner Conrad
Seconded by: Commissioner Bransford
Passed:6 Ayes 3 abstentions
- Public Comment on any subject matter within Commission jurisdiction, but not on the agenda (No discussion or action may be taken by the Commission.) None
- Chairman's Report (Streed)
It was suggested that during the feral pig eradication effort a test case could be conducted to examine the efficacy of “green” (non- lead) ammunition versus the traditional lead ammunition. This could provide much needed feedback on the upcoming lead ammunition ban for hunting in California.
- Administrative Items--The Commission will discuss, and may take action on, administrative items related to the Commission. -None
Old Business:
- USDA/USFS and Feral Pig Populations in San Diego County (Bransford)
Sandy Parks from AWM was tasked to provide information from the San Diego County Feral Pig Eradication and Control Project for County lands regarding program dates, timelines and action plans. This information would then be used by each Commissioner to brief their respective Supervisor and staff regarding the project.
Retain this item for next agenda YesNo
- Conflict of interest Code-Form 700 (Parks)
Each commissioner will need to provide a signed form 700 by the next meeting. Any questions can be answered by email or at the next meeting.
Retain this item for next agenda YesNo
New Business:
- USDA/USFS and Feral Pig Populations in San Diego County (Bransford)
Scott Tremor from the San Diego Natural History Museum and Terri Stewart from the State Fish and Wildlife Department gave an update on the feral pig eradication and control working group and status of actions in the county. Both NEPA and CEQA documentation has been completed and the group is working on the implementation plan with the expectation to start eradication and control in July of this year. The group is also working on a communication strategy that will include outreach speakers, pamphlets and other communications that will detail the eradication and control process and methods to prevent any further introduction of feral pigs.
Retain this item for next agenda YesNo
2. The Environment (Simmons)
Commissioner Simmons will give a presentation on climate change at the August 14th FWAC meeting. The presentation will take one hour and will include a question and answer period.
Retain this item for next agenda YesNo
- The CDFW’s Request for FWAC Assistance Regarding the Development of the “phase-in” Regulation for the Use of Non-lead Ammunition (Bransford)
The county does not allow the FWAC to respond to other than the board of supervisors on issues. AWM staff – Sandy Parks has action to request permission to allow FWAC to provide comments on this issue.
Retain this item for next agenda YesNo
- Commissioner’s Corner- no input
- Adjourn-7:07 PM- motion to adjourn by Commissioner Conrad, Seconded by Commissioner Bransford, 9 Ayes.
Note: Commission agendas, including any revisions, are posted on the front door of the Department of Agriculture, Weights and Measures, 9325 Hazard Way, Suite 100, San Diego, California, 92123-1217
San Diego County Department of Agriculture, Weights and Measures
Phone: (858) 614-7704; E-mail:
Fish and Wildlife Advisory Commission Web Page:
The next meeting is: June 12, 2014