Everyone Learning Every Day
P O Box 1409
Camdenton, MO 65020-1409
Phone: 573-346-9213 ∙ Fax: 573-346-9211 / Superintendent
Tim Hadfield
Deputy Superintendent
Brian Henry, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendents
Roma Lee France
Jim Rich, Ph.D.
October 14, 2011
Dear Staff,
On Tuesday, the District filed its final response regarding the ACLU’s lawsuit against the Camdenton School District. The District has again asked the court to dismiss the case. All documents are now in front of a federal judge in Jefferson City and we will await a decision.
Wednesday was my favorite day of the month. The day I distribute Excellence in Education awards is always quite enlightening. The award is one of the Board of Education’s ways of saying “Thank you!” for your efforts in helping us reach our vision of “Everyone Learning Every Day.” Abe Lincoln once said, “People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” While this statement is true, a pat on the back certainly helps. On Wednesday I witnessed smiles and tears from teachers who were nominated and I heard rounds of applause from students for these teachers. As the Malt-O-Meal commercial used to say, “Good stuff, Maynard!”
This academic year you will receive a short survey regarding my performance as superintendent. Last summer I updated my professional development plan to include this data. The survey is still being constructed but will be sent out in the near future. Please consider completing the survey as it will be anonymous and will provide valuable information for me.
As you know, we have begun to meet with members of our community in order to help inform our District and help guide us for the future. Last week our Patron Panel met and discussed how our District could maintain a “personal school environment.” The panel was very complimentary of our staff in this area, but also had many ideas for us to consider for improvement. The Panel was also presented with information regarding the District’s facility master plan. This plan projects facility needs multiple years into the future. The group was then asked to give perceived “pros and cons” related to the plan. The Panel will receive a follow-up survey about the meeting and this will serve as the basis of discussion at the Panel’s next meeting. This meeting is tentatively scheduled for January.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Your Partner in Education,
Tim Hadfield, Superintendent