Minutes of the Librarians’ Meeting of October 27th 2016

Present: Don Brown (DB), Analu Josephides (AJ), Mary McMillan (MM), Gary Medina (GM), Noreth Men (NM), Rebecca Russell (RR), Claudia Striepe (CS)

The meeting was chaired by GM and CS took minutes.


The minutes of the librarians meeting of Oct 13th will be summarized and approved via email., upon which Ms. Baldwin will post to the web, and send out to the LLR staff.

Program Review and Annual Planning
Ideas from MESA: RR encouraged all to visit the acclaimed ECC MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement ) program center in the Natural Sciences basement for ideas re: facilities/furnishing ideas, and how the library space could possibly be reimagined.
Goals, Evaluations and Assessments: At the last meeting it was decided to run two student focus groups – one on the Library facility and one on the online offerings. The teams will meet next week to plan and finalize the focus group dates.
CCL Fall Regional Workshop on Assessment: MM had attended this Ontario workshop and reported out. The workshop featured Lola Cowling of the Austin Community College system, which has 11 campus libraries and was titled “Evolution of Library Assessment at Austin Community College”.
Prioritization: RR mentioned that prioritization of needs is required for the annual plan, and that we should link our prioritized needs to the Program Review. We should include staffing needs as well.

Faculty Hiring and Evaluation
Position ID Job Description: Dr. Shankweiler wanted to know whether we wanted to amend the standard supplemental questions on the job application. We agreed that this would be a good idea given the specialized nature of the library positions. RR asked that we review the two job descriptions and submit suggestions to revise the job description, desired qualifications, and supplemental questions by Tuesday, 10/8 for discussion at the next librarians’ meeting.
The librarians briefly discussed the Archives segment and agreed that these duties may have to be tackled collaboratively for the foreseeable future
Evaluation Plan for Part-Time Librarians: As promised, AJ brought his part-time evaluation forms from his previous library position a Folsom College.
Update on Catherine Bueno: Part time librarians Bueno is now ready to take up her hours at ECC. She will come in for training with AJ. in November and AJ will arrange to have her work some hours with the f/t and p/t librarians.

Web Pages Timeline Updates: NM reported that the Web Taskforce Committee met and will meet again on Nov 16th and have a final meeting on Dec 7th where they will notify all of the final platform we will use going forward. The campus will then migrate in January during the Winter Break. The agreed decision to change our directory from /library to /llr will only occur during this migration to the new platform. IT will move everything and ensure that all links work, on Dec 7th the Committee will be shown the new look and then individual departments can work on their own content within the new templates.
Report out on Meeting with Prof. Marcoux and Chromebooks: The librarians met last week with Prof. Marcoux to talk about the library participation in loaning Chromebooks to students. At this time there is no fund for these proposed Chromebooks but Prof. Marcoux will work with us and the Foundation or SSSP to purchase at least 10 Chromebooks for a library pilot program to loan the Chromebooks out for a semester (or any period we designate) much like our current calculator loan program. We need to make a final decision on this issue so that we can move ahead with planning. We were reminded that we should not touch student phones or laptops as this could lead to liability issues.
List of local Libraries: It was suggested that AJ work with Doug Thompson on updating the list of local libraries. It was pointed out that the Long Beach branch of the LA Law library has moved. GM noted that he is in communication with CSULB and CSUDH re: reciprocal arrangements and they need to respond. He will be able to report more fully at the next meeting.

Academic Senate DEAC Updates MM will send us the DEAC master plan for feedback for comment and responses to mentions of the library.

Facilities and Safety
Access to Rooms 103, 128, and Mailroom for p/t librarians: Part-time librarians do not have keys for the aforementioned areas, and feel it awkward to disturb the public access staff. After discussion it was agreed that for the time being, p/t librarians should continue to ask the Public Access staff, and GM will discuss this with his staff at their next meeting. The door to the room behind the reference desk should be left ajar and the door can be on the automatic lock position for the end of the evening. It was agreed that the Adaptive Access room should continue to be kept locked between patrons. AJ and GM can investigate the possibility of putting lockers in the room behind the Ref desk, or any spare lockers behind the Circ desk area, or perhaps putting latches on the lower cupboards in the room behind the Ref desk area. P/t librarians should ensure they check the mail boxes in the mail room at the beginning of their shifts, or during breaks.
Cameras, Drills, Shelves: Tabled for the next meeting
