Course Name
COURSE DESCRIPTION:Consistent with the College of Education’s Conceptual Framework focusing on Part IV: Producing the “Educator as Decision Maker,” this course is designed to develop the student’s understanding and knowledge of the organization, and management of school physical education and athletic programs.
REQUIRED TEXTBOOK:Bucher, C. , Krotee, A. and March, L. (2002). Management of Physical Education and Sport. 12th ed. Boston: WCB McGraw-Hill.
TELEPHONE:(334) 229-4522
OFFICE:243 West Acadome
OFFICE HOURS:To be Announced
Prepared by Dr. Pat Floyd4/06
Approved by ______
Department Chairperson Date
NOTE: Any candidates requiring alternative formats for testing, handouts or other types of accommodations, due to a disabling condition, should advise the instructor within the first week of classes.
Consistent with the College of Education's conceptual framework, Part IV: Outcomes Context, this course is designed to develop the candidate's understanding and knowledge of the planning, organization, and management of school physical education and athletic programs.
1.Upon completion of the course, the candidate will demonstrate content knowledge and disciplinary concepts related to planning and management of physical education and athletic programs. Candidates will know
A. concepts relative to personnel management and supervision.
a. Discuss the need for personnel policies.
b. Identify basic principles underlying effective personnel management.
c. Discuss and write a job description for physical educators and coaches in various settings.
d. Identify and describe the process ofrecruitment through professional development
of new staff members.
e. Discuss the role ofgroup dynamics in the supervisory process.
f. Identify the steps involved in procedural due process.
g. Describe a variety of methods for the evaluation ofphysical educators, coaches, and
other personnel in physical education and athletic programs.
B.concepts relative to program development for physical education and athletic programs.
- Discuss and identify in writing,program goals for a physical education and an
athletic program.
b. Discuss the importance ofthe management process relative to physical education and
c. Identify and describe factors that influence program development.
d. Identify and describe the steps in the process for program development, including the
individuals who will be involved.
e. Describe a systems and competency-based approach to program development.
f. Discuss significant developments in program development.
g. Develop a written procedure for evaluating a physical education program, athletics
program, and community based program and evaluate each type ofprogram.
C.concepts relative to the management ofphysical education and athletic facilities.
a. Develop a list ofprinciples to be used by management in planning, constructing, and
using facilities for physical education and athletic programs.
b. Describe the budgeting process and formulate a written physical education and
c. Apply a PPBES in the management of a physical education and athletic programs.
d. Describe the role of school and college business managers or administrators in fiscal
e. Identify principles necessary for managers to follow to ensure accountability in a
physical education and athletic program.
f. Discuss zero-base budgeting as applied to a high school level physical education and
athletic program.
D. concepts relative to the guidelines for the purchase and care of supplies and equipment
for physical education and athletic programs.
a. Discuss why sound supply and equipment management is important to physicaleducation
and athletic programs and the basis on which supplies and equipment should be selected.
b. Describe the procedures and principles that should be followed in purchasingsupplies and
c. Identify guidelines for the selection of an equipment manager and for themanagement of the
equipment room.
d. Develop a system for checking, storing, issuing, and maintaining supplies andequipment.
e. Describe the need for various audiovisual supplies and equipment for physicaleducation and
athletic programs.
E. concepts related to management of physical education and athletic programs.
a. Discuss the incidence of injuries among athletes.
b. Describe the role of prevention and care of injuries in physical education andathletic
c. Describe the qualifications, duties, and responsibilities of team physicians andathletic
d. Describe managerial procedures that should be followed to emphasize safety in physical
education and athletic programs.
e. Identify the appropriate supplies that should be included in an athletic trainer's kit.
F. concepts related to legal liability involved in the management of physical education andathletic programs.
a. Define the terms: legal liability, tort, negligence, in loco parentis, save harmless,assumption of risk, attractive nuisance, immunity, and risk insurance management.
b. Discuss the legal basis for physical education programs and the implications formaking physical education a requirement for all students.
c. Discuss court interpretations regarding sports product liability, violence, andphysical
education activities held off campus.
d. Identify what constitutes negligent behavior on the part of physical educators andcoaches.
e. Discuss the relationship of Title IX to legal liability in the conduct of physicaleducation and
f. Develop an insurance management plan for physical education and sport programs.
G. concepts related to public relations for physical education and athletic programs.
a. Define the term public relations and its purpose and importance to physicaleducation and
sport programs.
b. Discuss the relationship of marketing to a public relations program.
c. Identify the various publics in physical education and athletics.
d. Describe key principles that guide a sound public relations program.
e. Discuss the various public relations media and how they can be used to promotephysical
education and athletic programs.
- Identify professional organizations that can serve as resources for the conduct ofpublic relations programs.
H. concepts relative to office management in physical education and athletic programs.
a. Discuss the importance of office management in a physical education and sportprogram.
b. Discuss the role of the computer in accomplishing management tasks.
c. Justify the need for office space and personnel in the management of the physicaleducation and athletic program.
d. Identify the basic office management procedures used in carrying out tasks of the physical education and athletic program.
e. Identify the records that should be maintained in the physical educator's andathletic director's office.
2. summarize any five (5) articles relative to the chapters covered in class discussions (SeeAppendix A for evaluation).
3. write a ten (10) page research paper on an aspect of administration ofPhysical Education and/orAthletics (See Appendix B for evaluation).
4. make an oral/PowerPoint presentation (See Appendix C for evaluation).
5. design a physical education program for the elementary and secondary school level. (See Appendix Dfor evaluation).
I.Personnel Management and Supervision
II.Program Development
III. Facility Management
IV. Fiscal Management
V. The Purchase and Care of Supplies and Equipment
VI. Management and the Athletic Training Program
VII. Legal Liability, Risk, and Insurance Management
VIII. Public Relations
Reciprocal instruction, discussion, guest lecturers, problem solving, multi-media
Outcome 1will be evaluated by written examinations. The examinations will include objective, short answer and essay questions. To pass the outcome, the candidate must achieve 70% of the available points for the outcome.
Outcome 2 will be evaluated by the five articlesummaries submitted. To pass the outcome, the candidate must achieve 70% of the available points for the outcome.
Outcome 3 will be evaluated by the research paper submitted. To pass the outcome, the candidate must achieve 70% of the available points for the outcome.
Outcome 4 will be evaluated by the oral/PowerPoint presentations presented. To pass the outcome, the candidate must achieve 70% of the available points for the outcome.
Outcome 5 will be evaluated by the physical education program design submitted. To pass the outcome, the candidate must achieve 70% of the available points for the outcome.
Written Examinations (2)200 PointsGrading Scale
Article Summaries (5)125 Points 608 – 675 = A
Research Paper100 Points 540 – 607 = B
Oral/PowerPoint Presentation100 Points473 – 539 = C
Program Design (2)150 Points 405 – 472 = D
000 – 404 = F
To pass the course with a grade of A, the candidate must pass all outcomes and accumulate 90% of the available points.
To pass the course with a grade of B, the candidate must pass all outcomes and accumulate 80% of the available points.
To pass the course with a grade of C, the candidate must pass all outcomes and accumulate 70% of the available points.
For a grade of D, fail any outcome andaccumulate 60% of the available points.
Failure to pass any outcome and achieve less than 60% of the available points will result in a grade of F.
Appendix A
Article Summaries
1. Maximum of 1 1/2 pages in length.
2. Summaries must be word processed.
3. A copy of the article must accompany the summary.
4. Complete bibliographic information included at the top of page one.
5. Summarize important points brought out in article.
6. Personal reflections on the article.
Point ValuesGrading Scale
#4 – 523 - 25= A
#5 – 1020 - 22 = B
#6 – 1017 - 19 = C
14 - 16 = D
0 - 13 = F
Article Summaries Rubric
10 / 8 / 5 / 3Bibliographic Information / Documentation is complete and has no errors / Documentation is complete and has few errors
Summary / Information is very clearly, accurately and completely summarized and reported / Information is clearly, accurately and completely summarized and reported / Information is somewhat clearly, accurately and completely summarized and reported / Summary is not clearly, accurately, and completely summarized and reported
Personal Reflections / Clearly displays richness and perceptiveness, reflects on and applies information / Displays richness and perceptiveness, reflects on and applies information / Somewhat displays richness and perceptive-ness, reflects on and applies information / Display little richness and perceptive-ness, poorly reflects on and applies information
Appendix B
1. 10 double spaced word processed pages
2. Must be referenced -Use the Publication Manuel of the American Psychological Association (APA
3. Reference List - include all sources cited in paper, minimum of ten (10)
4. Clear and logical organizational pattern
a. Introduction
Explanation of topic
b. Review of Literature(Article Summaries)
Supporting information
c. Summary
Draw conclusions
Tie together and close paper
5. Maximum of ten (10) grammatical errors
Point Values
#110#4a - 25
#2 - 5#4b - 20
#3 - 10#4c - 25
# 5 - 5
Grading Scale
90 - 100 = A
80 - 89 = B
70 - 79 =C
60 - 69 = D
0 - 59 = F
Research Paper Rubric
25 / 20 / 15 / 10 / 5Length of Paper / Document has minimum number of pages in length. / Document has less than 75% of minimum number of pages in length.
Documentation / All sources correctly documented using APA style.
Reference List / Minimum number of references included. All sources sited in text included. Correct format. / Less than minimum number included. All sources cited in text not included. Correct format.
Introduction / Central topic clearly identified and well explained, research problem identified. / Central topic identified and explained, research problem identified. / Some identification and explanation of topic, research problem somewhat identified. / Central topic not well identified or explained, research problem poorly identified.
Review of Literature / Problem of research well supported by background data. Minimum number of sources included. / Problem of research supported by background data. Minimum number of sources included. / Problem of research somewhat supported by background data. Fifty percent of minimum number of sources included. / Problem of research poorly supported by background data. Less than 50% of sources included.
Summary / Conclusions very clearly and completely stated. Brings paper to close. / Conclusions clearly and completely stated. Brings paper to close. / Conclusions clearly stated, but incomplete. Somewhat brings paper to close. / Conclusions somewhat clearly stated, but incomplete. Somewhat brings paper to close. / Conclusions not clearly stated and incomplete.
Does not bring paper to close.
Sentence Skills / No grammatical errors, including punctuation. Few spelling errors.
Appendix C
20 / 15 / 10 / 5Knowledge
of Subject / Outcomes very clearly stated. Information is very clear, correct, appropriate. Knowledge is evident throughout the presentation. / Outcomes clearly stated. Information is clear, correct, appropriate. Knowledge is evident throughout much of the presentation. / Outcomes not clearly stated. Some knowledge is evident, but much information is confusing, incorrect or flawed. / Outcomes not stated. Knowledge is not evident. Information is confusing, incorrect and flawed.
Documentation / Sources well documented . Appropriate format used / Sources documented. Appropriate format. / Sources not documented correctly. Incorrect format. / Sources not documented. Incorrect format.
Organization / Strong evidence of preparation. Information is logically sequenced and flows smoothly. / Evidence of preparation. Information is logically sequenced and flows smoothly. / Some evidence of preparation. Sequence somewhat confusing or flawed. / Lack of preparation. Sequence confusing and flawed.
PowerPoint / Presentation is appealing. Has video, audio or special effects. Has no misspelled words or grammatical errors. / Presentation has some appeal. Has some video, audio or special effects. Has few misspelled words or grammatical errors. / Presentation has little appeal. Limited or inappropriate use of video, audio or special effects. Many misspelled words or grammatical errors. / Presentation has no appeal. No use of video, audio or special effects. Many misspelled words or grammatical errors.
Presentation / Well prepared with few errors in presentation, stared outcomes were achieved. / Prepared with limited errors in presentation, stated outcomes were achieved / Somewhat prepared with many errors in presentation. / Unprepared.
Appendix D
You have been chosen by your school district to work on the district wide physical education program development committee. A new elementary school and a new high school will be built. Your committee has the privilege of designing a comprehensive program for the new schools. The elementary school will have apopulation of 500 studentsand the high school will have a student population of 1,500. The program design will contain the following:
1.Program Philosophy
2.Program Goals
3.Program Description (article summaries)
a. Curriculum
c.Budget (by category)
d.Scheduling (classes, teachers, and facility)
4.Program Brochure
5. Facilities Model
a. 3’ x 4’ minimum
b. Three dimensional
c.Support curriculum
25 / 20 / 15 / 10 / 5Program Philosophy / Philosophy very well defined, very clearly explains how PE fits into school curriculum and how it benefits students / Philosophy well defined, clearly explains how PE fits into school curriculum and how it benefits students / Philosophy defined, explains how PE fits into school curriculum and how it benefits students / Philosophy somewhat defined, some-what explains how PE fits into school curricu-lum and how it benefits students / Philosophy poorly defined, poorly explains how PE fits into school curriculum and how it benefits students
Program Goals / Program goals are very
comprehensive and very clearly reflect the philosophy / Program goals are very comprehensive and clearly reflect the philosophy / Program goals are comprehensive and reflect the philosophy / Program goals aresomewhat
comprehensive and somewhat reflect the philosophy / Program goals arenot comprehensive and do not reflect the philosophy
Program Description / Description very fully explains each area of the program, very clearly justifies and supports choices with research / Description fully explains each area of the program, clearly justifies and supports choices with research / Description explains each area of the program, justifies and supports choices with research / Description somewhat explains each area of the program, somewhat justifies and supports choices with research / Description poorly explains each area of the program, poorly justifies and supports choices with research
Program Brochure / Brochure very clearly presents program, very attractive / Brochure clearly presents program, very attractive / Brochure presents program, attractive / Brochure some-what presents program, some-what attractive / Brochure does not presents program, unattractive
50 / 25 / 20 / 15 / 10
Facilities Model / Model meets dimension specifications and very clearly supports the curriculum, very attractive and neat / Model meets dimension specifications and clearly supports the curriculum, very attractive and neat / Model meets dimension specifications and supports the curriculum, attractive and neat / Model meets dimension specifications and somewhat supports the cur-riculum, some what attractive and neat / Model meets dimension specifications but does not support the curriculum, somewhat attractive and neat