Building Guidelines—Detached Storage Sheds

Detached storage sheds or any outbuilding must be approved in writing by the Architectural Control Committee in advance of construction or installation.


  • Exterior material shall be of wood, brick, stucco or stone. No metal buildings will be approved.
  • If wood is used, it must be painted or stained to match the house. If brick, stucco or stone is used, it must be consistent with the material used on the house.
  • The roof must be shingled. Metal roofs will not be approved.
  • Maximum building size shall not exceed 200 square feet.
  • The building must be either screened with shrubbery, or the back yard must be fenced in order to protect the view from the adjoining neighbors.


  • A site plan, preferably a survey, locating all structures and those proposed, including setback dimensions to the nearest property line.
  • Minimum setback distances for accessory structures are 7.5 feet to the rear, and 10 feet to the side lines.
  • Description of the building material, size and color of paint or stain.
  • Description of roof material.
  • Description of landscaping or fence detail.

The ACC meets weekly. Plans may be emailed () or dropped off at the KLHOA office. Please attach the site plan, and an ACC request form, completed with all your contact information.

**PLEASE NOTE** The attached Building Guidelines are not binding on the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) and MAY NOT be relied upon by any homeowner as approval of their particular building project or improvement. All projects must be submitted to the ACC prior to building commencement for review and approval by the committee. These guidelines are published by the Killearn Lakes Homeowners Association only for the purpose of providing residents with general information regarding the approval process and reflect only the general status of building approvals as of the date their issuance. These Building Guidelines are subject to regular changes and updates. Homeowners should contact the Killearn Lakes Homeowners Association offices with any specific questions or concerns regarding your particular project or improvement.

7110 Beech Ridge Trail Tallahassee, FL 32312 (850)668-3231 Fax (850)894-1477