If you have read anything about fitness over the past 20 years, or have talked to any fitness "professional", you have probably run across the term "fat-burning zone". If you dug a little deeper, you were probably told that exercising in this zone which is around 50% of your maximum heart rate, was the only way to burn fat from your body.
For example - If a low intensity workout in the "fat-burning zone" gets 50% of the energy from fat and burns 100 total calories, it is using 50 calories worth of fat. On the other hand, a high intensity training (HIT) workout may only get 25% of the energy from fat and the rest from carbohydrates but burn 400 total calories. Do the math. That's 100 calories worth of fat burned. And the high intensity workout would have taken much less total time to complete. So, if you are like me, you longed for something different. A way to exercise that not only guaranteed fat reducing results, but also took the drudgery out of your workouts. Also as a past athlete and someone who at 48 still enjoys being explosive, running slow is not what I like to do. Training with Resistance Band (RB) has several HIT workout options that will achieve the fat burning results wanted but there is one particular series of drills I have enjoyed doing for several years and really epitomizes the HIT approach. Also regardless the age, if you can move quickly for 3 to4 steps, you could do it.
RB Sprint Matrix Workout
Why it works and how to do it anywhere, anytime and at any intensity.
Why Building Muscle Tissue Is Essential To Fat Loss
First off, theRB Sprint Matrixwill work all of the muscles in your body at the same time because it uses the movement of locomotion which is what are body was designed to do. The RB Sprint Matrix not only elevates workloads through running but also increases lower torso and trunk strength as a result of the increased band resistance.
So, what does more muscle have to do with burning fat?
It turns out that muscle tissue is like a calorie burning furnace. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism and the more calories you will burn - even when you are just sitting in front of your computer or sleeping, especially after a workout.
Muscle also helps regulate your blood sugar by using sugar when contracting. By using up sugar the body must absorb more from the blood stream thus lowering blood sugar levels. Lowering your blood sugar levels can help prevent the onset of diabetes as well as several other diseases while creating a better environment to retain lean muscle tissue.
Get Hollywood's "Fountain of Youth" For Free
The second advantage of the RB Sprint Matrix over traditional cardio exercise is that this kind of high intensity exercise prompts your body to release higher levels of human growth hormone (HGH) - naturally. Low intensity cardio does not have this same effect.
Human growth hormone in adolescence is essential for just that - proper growth. In adulthood, HGH, which is released from the pituitary gland, is a key in speeding up your metabolism and shifting fat burning into high gear.
Funny thing is your body has plenty of HGH stored inside the pituitary. It just releases less and less as you get to age 30 and above. However, releasing HGH will not occur naturally or automatically and to make matters worse a "couch potato" lifestyle will shut down the levels of HGH in you system.
Hollywood stars and professional athletes, eager to look and feel young forever, are paying big bucks for synthetic injections of this substance. If they only knew how to get it for free using HIT and specially the RB Sprint Matrix Workout.
Why You Need To Cut the Fat
So, what's the big deal about a little extra padding anyway? Besides the obvious cosmetic reasons, there are a number of health benefits involved with cutting the amount of fat you are carrying around. Being obese or even moderately overweight has been linked to health risks from heart attacks and strokes to arthritis and diabetes. Interestingly fat around your middle has been shown to be the worst kind. But, a recent announcement from the American Diabetic Association stated that high intensity exercise, like the RB Sprint Matrix, is the best way to reduce that stubborn belly fat.
Anytime you have arms and legs moving simultaneously, you immediately activate your deep lower abdominal stabilizers. (External Obliques, Internal Obliques and Transverse abdominus) These are the muscles that make six-packs a reality. Arms and legs cannot create power with high velocity movement if the trunk is not stable.
So not only do you get increased metabolic benefit and strength benefits, now you also get awesome trunk development benefits.
Have you ever seen a fat sprinter??
The RB Sprint Matrix is like having a short hill in your basement
I am sure you have heard of athletes running up hills to get in great shape. The fact is it works, but how many of us have hills in our backyard. The RB Sprint Matrix is like running up a 4 to 5 yard hill several times. In addition to being an incredible fat-burning exercise, hill sprints, or band sprints have a number of other advantages over traditional cardio workouts.
RB Sprint workouts take less time.
RB Sprint workouts make you run faster
RB Sprint improve your athletic performance in any sport
RB Sprint workouts are fun and can be done anywhere
RB Sprint workouts improve lung capacity
RB Sprint workouts increase the heart's reserve capacity
You will quickly notice that by adding RB Matrix Sprint training to your workout routine can quickly bring about positive changes in your health. You'll drop the excess fat in no time and feel younger and better than you have in years.
Here is a sample video clip of how to perform theRB Sprint Matrix
Shuffle Sprints
Backpedal Sprints
Crossover Sprints
Full workout
The RB Sprint Matrix
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