Leusden, 23August2017
PotatoEurope 2017 Innovation Award and the nominees are…
The potato sector can play an important role in feeding the growing world population. Innovation are needed with future proof innovations in the whole potato chain. The innovation award of PotatoEurope2017, that takes place on 13 and 14 September, highlights these innovations. Long before this day, many companies have handed in their innovations to the organization of the trade fair. The in total 26 submitted innovations have been reviewed by an expert jury consisting of NAO-director Dick Hylkema, PotatoProfessorandPotatoWorld Magazine Chief Editor JaapDelleman. Five candidates have been selected and continue to have the chance to win the PotatoEurope 2017 innovation award.
The nominees eligible for the Innovation Award are BASF with 1.4SIGHT, JASA with 2-in-1Pack, Weststrate with MagGrow, Solentum with Solgrader and TolsmaGrisnich with 5M. The submissions were reviewed by the professional jury on the criteria for innovation, market potential, inventiveness and sustainability. Now it is up to the public to decide which of the five nominees will ultimately roll out as a winner. Visitors can report their preferences via the website today until 11 September. The ceremony will be on 13 September between 09.15 hrs. and 10.00 hrs. on the trade fair. Everyone is welcome!
The sprouting inhibitor 1,4SIGHT was admitted for consumptionpotatoes in the Netherlands during the summer of 2015. Ittook a long time before this product was admitted because of a
tightening up of the list of demands by the licencing authorities.The sprout inhibitor contains the active substance 1,4dimethylnaphtalene. It is a non-formulated product with apure active substance of up to 100 percent according to themanufacturer. This substance is naturally found in the potatoand is responsible for dormancy. Potatoes can be stored withoutsprouting during the entire season. BASF has reported thatthe product lengthens the natural period of dormancy and thatthe quality of the potato remains unchanged. This finally translatesinto a better skin quality and fewer bruises and fewer storage losses. The possibility of storingtable potatoes at higher temperatures can result in savings inenergy costs. Last year, the manufacturer in the Netherlandstested 1,4SIGHT on a practical scale at various locations.
Jury report: 1,4SIGHT is a completely new active substance, reallyinnovative, leaves no residue and can have a huge impact on themarket. It also represents a new way of thinking about keepingsprouting in check, in this case with hormones.
JASA with 2-in-1 Pack
In the light of changes in the requirements for packaging vegetablesand potatoes, JASA hasdeveloped a packaging machinethat can fill two types of packaging at the same time. Where
potatoes are concerned, a variety of products are now packagedin bags. From whole, peeled potatoes to segments, slices,cubes, French fries and last but not least crisps. Nowadays,however, packagers want to offer more than only the basicpotato products. They´d like to add a few more things likesauces, dressings, cutlery, gadgets and/or preparation method.They can now do that, all at the same time, with one machinethat’s been developed by JASA.
Jury report: With their new packaging technique, they creativelygear to a need in the potato market. Following the trend of cool-freshand convenience. The machine can be used by all the disciplines inthe potato industry. In short, a really new and better way of marketingpotatoes.
Gebr. WeststratewithMagGrow
The MagGrow crop spray system consists of three different,mutually reinforcing magnets, which can be mounted on thesprayer and the spray arms, respectively. It does not have movableparts and is easy to mount and maintain. All parts havebeen tested up to a pressure of 10 bar. The system does not needany electric power. The number of necessary parts depends onthe length of the spray boom. A 40 m spray boom requires 8magnet casings, 80 spray boom casings and 1 jet nozzle adapterper jet nozzle. Collaboration with Wageningen Universityhas resulted in the system being included in the TCT list foremission reduction measures per 1 July 2017. In a combinationof the MagGrow magnetic spray system at a pressure of 3 barand 75 percent drift reducing nozzles, a 90 percent drift reductionis achieved. In the case of a 95 percent drift reducing nozzlethis is 97.5 percent. Compared to conventional systems, our innovative technique provides better coverage, a better hold,
more effective spraying and a drift reduction of over 80 percent.In addition to the superior drift control, the finer dropsresult in better foliage cover and hold. The MagGrow cropspray system offers the possibility of combining drop sizes of100-150 μm with more than 80 percent drift reduction. The systemcan be mounted on both existing and new field cropsprays or it can be used in the greenhouse with the help of abackpack spray. The enormous advantages of this technologyare higher profitability, higher productivity and improved performance
in regard to the environment.
Jury report: A simple and efficient technique, in the category: whydidn’t we think of this before? This fresh approach fits the sustainabilityconcept. The technique reduces drift, so less product wastage,more efficiency and therefore good for the user’s wallet. It can bemounted on various existing machines and can therefore quicklypenetrate the market.
Many crop farmers use different growth models to gain insightin the various growing stages of the potato crops in theirfields. Most of the models require complex calculations and, inparticular, a lot of time. Solentum has now invented an easyand quick solution for recording the various growing stages.During a trial lifting, the grower can take a photograph of thelifted potatoes in the field with his smartphone. The Solgraderapplication analyses and then automatically calculates thesizes of the tubers, as well as the expected yield of the field inits current growing stage.
Jury report: The Solgrader is a quick and simple method of recordingthe yield of a field of potatoes by means of an image processingmachine. It offers the grower high ease of use and it’s also innovative.
TolsmaGrisnichwith 5M temperature sensor/product sensor for bulk storage
TolsmaGrisnich has developed a 5-metre long temperaturesensor cable that measures the product temperature everywhereand at different heights in the potato heap. The purposeof this innovative product feeler is to measure and monitor thetemperature differences more accurately. By having more measuringpoints closer together in the potatoes, their temperaturecan be better controlled during the storage season. Certainly ifit is linked to the climate computer. A qualitatively better end
product can ultimately be delivered with fewer storage losses.The 5M also contributes to a lower energy usage, because fansand heaters can run for fewer hours. Another advantage of the5M cable is that it can be easily rolled out in the various placesin the storehouse when the potatoes are being stored.
Jury report: This temperature sensor/product feeler for bulk storageincreases the ease of use. It is an excellent, advanced solution instorage technique, practical to operate. It is also a simple applicationwith the potential to reduce storage losses.
Note for Editors/not for publication:
For more information, go to or for more images, more detailed descriptions of the innovations contact PaulienHoftijzer at DLG Benelux: or +31 (0) 6 52011884
The Solgrader ofSolentum
JASA with 2-in-1 Pack ‘Sjips’
Advantage of MagGrowof Gebr. Weststrate
Tolsma-Grisnich 5 m temperature sensor/product sensor for bulk storage
BASF withdormancy extender1,4SIGHT knows less loss in weight during storage