St Stephen’s School

Year 12LITERATURE 2015-2016

Creative- Written(5%)


Your task is to create an original, engaging and well-crafted piece of microfiction(or novel extract) of between 250-300 words. In addition, you will also need to submit a rationale of between 300-500 words in which your creative choices are explained. You will need to integrate a line from Othello from the selection below. Your work will be submitted through Turnitin.
Choose ONE of the following lines from Othello:
‘But I will wear my heart on my sleeve
For daws to peck at: I am not what I am’
Act I Scene 1
‘She loved me for the dangers I had passed,
And I loved her that she did pity them’
Act 1 Scene 3
‘If I were now to die,
‘Twere now to be most happy’
Act 2 Scene 1
‘It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock
The meat is feeds on’
Act 3 Scene 3
‘Here is my journey’s end’
Act 5 Scene 2 / ‘Kill me tomorrow; let me live tonight!
Act 5 Scene 2
‘Put out the light, and then put out the light’
Act 5 Scene 2
‘Unkindness may do much;
And his unkindness may defeat my life,
But never taint my love’
Act 4 Scene 2
‘Put money in thy purse’
Act 1 Scene 3
Or… a line of choice by negotiation with your class teacher.
Task distributed: Week 1
Task submitted: Week 1
  • Completed at home.
  • Submitted via Turnitin to Mr Jakeway on due date. It is your responsibility to ensure that the file is able to be clearly seen and heard.
  • Late penalties (10% per day) will apply for work not submitted on due date.
It is, of course, vitally important that you plan your response in considerable detail before attempting to write it. It is important that your work is original and thought-provoking. When I read your response, I want to feel that I am reading something which has been crafted for precise effects. It is expected that your work is thoughtful and imaginative.
I expect to see that your chosen line from Othello has been used effectively and imaginatively. It should be used in a credible and believable way and shouldn’t seem out of place in the context of your narrative.
You should show evidence of having been inspired by Shakespeare’s oeuvre – themes and/or motifs and/or language features and/or stylistic devices etc.
The most successful responses will be a pleasure to read. They will be challenging, thought-provoking, insightful, original and imaginative.
Your rationale can be presented in a written form of your choice. I am looking for you to explain/explore the decisions you made in crafting your creative written response. The wider range of of creative choices you can explain, the more successful your rationale will be. Some students may also choose to evaluate their approach to the task.
You need to demonstrate that you understand (and skilfully employ) the appropriate conventions of chosen form of prose fiction (microfiction or novel extract) in a controlled and sustained way. You should ask your teacher if you need generic guidance on your chosen form.
Your response needs to be coherent and effectively structured, paying attention to how the text works as a whole.
I would expect to see a deliberate, original and effective use of a range of language and stylistic devices –
  • Use of appropriate, precise, varied, imaginative, experimental, original, evocative language to shape mood/emotion and reader response, create shades of meaning, and provide aesthetic enjoyment
  • Varied sentence structures to enhance effect - sentence openings, the organisation of words in sentences, punctuation
  • Evidence of having been inspired by some specific elements of Shakespeare’s oeuvreeg word and sound patterns, startling visual imagery, use of both colloquial and highly patterned descriptive, figurative and allusive language, and so on.
Accurate written expression (spelling, grammar, punctuation) – evidence of proof-reading and editing is essential to success in this response. I should not expect to see any (avoidable) errors in your work. The best responses will use a range of punctuation for precise effects.