14050 Day Street
Moreno Valley, CA 92553
(888) 836-2665
A. Provisions of Division 01 apply to this section.
B. Section includes the following types of playground surface systems and accessories:
1. Resilient, poured-in-place, playground safety surfacing
C. Related Sections:
1. Section 02230: Site Clearing
2. Section 02315: Excavating, Backfilling & Compacting
3. Section 02319: Base Course
4. Section 02630: Storm Drainage System
5. Section 02881: Playground Equipment & Structures
6. Section 03300: Cast-in-place Concrete, Concrete subsurface
A. The publications listed below form a part of this Specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in text by basic designations only.
B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
1. ASTM F-1292: Impact Attenuation of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment.
2. ASTM F-1487: Playground Equipment for Public Use.
3. ASTM F-1951: Determination of accessibility of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment
4. ASTM D-412: Standard Test Method for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers – Tension
5. ASTM D-624: Standard Test Method for Tear Strength of Conventional Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers
C. United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
1. CPSC (2008) Handbook for Public Playground Safety, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, D.C. 20207, Telephone (31) 504-0494
D. Federal Standards
1. FED-STD-795 (04/01/88) Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS)
E. Code of Federal Regulations (DFR)
1. CFR 28 Part 36 (1991) Nondiscrimination of the Basis of Disability by Public Accommodations and in Commercial Facilities, Final Rule
A. Critical Height: Standard measure of shock attenuation. According to SPSC No. 325, critical height is defined as “the fall height below which a life-threatening head injury would not be expected to occur.”
B. Fall Height: According to ASTM F-1487, fall height is defined as “the vertical distance between a designated play surface and the protective surfacing beneath it.” The fall height of playground equipment should not exceed the critical height of the protective surfacing beneath it.
C. SBR: Styrene butadiene rubber.
D. Use Zone: As defined by ASTM F-1487
A. Comply with Section 01330 – Submittal Procedures
B. Coordination Drawings: Layout plans and elevations drawn to scale for the coordination of playground equipment with playground surface systems. Indicate playground equipment locations, use zones, fall heights, extent of protective surfacing, depths of material, and critical heights, sub-base materials, hardware, edge details, and drainage.
C. For each Playground Safety Poured-in Place system, included materials, cross sections, drainage, installation, penetration details, and edge termination.
D. Color Samples for Initial Selection: Manufacturer’s color charts or 4-inch squares of units (samples) indicating the full range of colors available. Special order selections to be ordered with a 6 week lead-time.
E. Submit manufacturer’s descriptive data and installation instructions, including cleaning and preventive maintenance instructions.
F. Submit a list of materials and components to be installed as part of the system, by weight and/or volume and recommended coverage, including manufacturer’s name, shipment date, storage requirements, and precautions, and that shall state chemical composition and test results to which material has been subjected in compliance with these specifications.
G. Submit a listing of at least five (5) installations where products similar to those specified are installed and have been in successful service for a minimum period of two (2) years. This list shall include the owner, address of installation, service or maintenance organization, date of installation, contact person, and phone number of contact person.
H. The Playground Safety manufacturer shall submit a signed statement attesting that the surfacing meets the requirements of ASTM F-1292 for a head-first fall from the highest accessible portion of the installed play equipment. The impact attenuating qualities of the surfacing system shall not be diminished in the surface areas covering hardware. Testing of product shall include tests conducted over hardware. The statement shall be dated after the Effective Date of the Contract, shall state Contractor name and address, and shall name the Project and Location. The statement shall also provide the name, address, and telephone number of the testing company, the date of the test, and the test results.
I. A Certificate of Insurance shall be provided by manufacturer of Playground Safety Resilient Surfacing Systems, covering both product and general liability, of not less than $1,000,000. The issuing underwriter shall be AA or better rated.
J. Maintenance Data: Submit maintenance and repair manuals for playground safety surface systems.
K. Warranty: Submit specimen copy of manufacturer’s Limited Warranty indicating a coverage period of five (5) years from the date of installation
A. Safety: Safety surfacing within playground equipment use zones shall meet or exceed the performance requirements of CPSC and ASTM F-1292 that surface yield both a peak deceleration of no more than 200g, and a Head Injury Criteria (HIC) value of no more than 1,000g, for a head-first fall from the highest accessible portion of a play equipment being installed. The highest accessible portion of playground equipment shall be as specified in Section 02881 Playground Equipment and Structures. The installer is responsible for obtaining a determination from the safety surfacing manufacturer of the required product depth to meet the performance requirements for all play equipment.
B. Certificates of Compliance:
1. The impact attenuation performance of the Playground Safety Surface System proposed for installation shall be documented by certificate of compliance as specified in sub-sections 1.04 H.
C. Accessibility:
1. Playground Safety Surfacing intended to serve as accessible paths of travel for persons with disabilities shall be firm, stable and slip resistant and shall meet the requirements of FED-STD-795, 28CFR Part 36, ASTM F-1487, ASTM F-1292 and ASTM F-1951-99.
A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Manufacturer shall have been continuously engaged in manufacturing poured-in place playground safety surfacing of similar type to that specified, with a minimum of ten (10) years successful experience.
B. Source Limitations:
1. Provide secondary materials including adhesives, anchoring materials, filler / sealant materials, and repair materials of type and from source recommended by manufacturer.
2. Provide playground equipment complying with or exceeding requirements in CPSC No. 325, “Handbook for Public Playground Safety.” Label play structures with warning label and manufacturer’s identification in accordance with ASTM F-1487.
A. Coordinate installation of playground safety surfacing with installation of playground equipment, including accurate use zones and fall heights, specified in Section 02881: Playground Equipment and Structures
A. Deliver manufactured materials in original package with seals unbroken and bearing manufacturer’s labels.
B. Store manufactured materials in a clean, dry location, protected from weather and deterioration, and complying with manufacturer’s written instructions for minimum and maximum temperature requirements for storage.
A. Environmental Limitations: Due not install playground safety surface system over wet or excessively damp substrates if prohibited by manufacturer’s written instructions.
B. Air Temperature: Ensure air temperature is a minimum of 40 degrees F (4 degrees C) for a minimum of 24 hours before, during and a minimum of 72 hours after installation.
C. Material Temperature: Ensure material temperature is a minimum of 50 degrees F (10 degrees C) at time of installation.
A. Manufacturer: Poured-in Place Playground Safety Surfacing System shall be warranted to be free from defects in material for a period of one (1) years from the date of substantial completion of the installation.
B. Installer: Installing Contractor shall provide written warranty covering defects in the installation of the specified systems for a period of one (1) years from the date of substantial completion of the installation.
A. Environmental Molding Concepts, LLC
B. Contact: 14050 Day Street, Moreno Valley, CA 92553, Toll Free (888) 836-2665, Fax (951) 214-6595, E-Mail: , Website:
A. Poured-in-Place Surfacing System: Kid Krete
B. Description: Dual-density, resilient, seamless, poured-in-place, playground safety surfacing
C. Material: SBR and EPDM rubber shreds and granules mixed with 100 percent solids MDI polyurethane binding agent.
D. Base Course: Mixture of SBR shredded rubber and MDI polyurethane binding agent
1. Binder to Rubber Ratio: 14 percent
2. Compacted Density: 29 pounds 10 ounces per cubic foot
3. Thickness: As required to meet impact attenuation as determined by ASTM F-1487 and as per Section 1.05 A
E. Wear Course: Mixture of EPDM rubber granules and MDI polyurethane binding agent
1. Binder to Rubber Ratio: 23 percent
2. Compacted Density: 62 pounds 12 ounces per cubic foot
3. Thickness: 1/2 Inch
F. Total Thickness: Selected thickness as required to meet impact attenuation as determined by ASTM F-1487 and as per Section 1.05 A:
1. 2.5 Inch Certified Head Impact Attenuation: 6 feet
2. 3.5 Inch Certified Head Impact Attenuation: 8 feet
3. 4.25 Inch Certified Head Impact Attenuation: 10 feet
G. Color Selection: Granules on wear layer shall have full color through cross section
1. Cosmic ____
2. Star Burst ____
3. Hawaiian Sand ____
4. Fiesta ____
5. Green Fields ____
6. Purple Mountain ____
7. Confetti ____
8. Custom Color Design ____
i. Custom Color Designs must be coordinated with Manufacturer and require a minimum lead time of 6 weeks.
H. Test Results
1. Impact Attenuation: ASTM F-1292
i. Gmax: Less than 200
ii. Head Injury Criteria (HIC): Less than 1,000
2. Slip Resistance: ASTM F-1677
i. Dry Value: 0.63
ii. Wet Value: 0.52
3. Skid Resistance: ASTM E-303
i. Dry Value: 96
ii. Wet Value: 47
4. Tensile Strength: ASTM D-412
i. Value: 60 PSI
5. Flammability: ASTM D-2859 Burning Pill
i. Result: Pass
6. Flame Spread: ASTM E-108
i. Class A
7. Toxicity: ASTM D-2075
i. Result: Lead Free
A. Comply with instructions and recommendations of the poured-in-place safety surfacing manufacturer.
A. Site Verification of Conditions: Verify that substrate conditions are suitable for installation
of the playground surfacing system.
B. Do not proceed with installation until unsuitable conditions are corrected.
C. Proper drainage is critical to the performance of the Kid Krete Supreme Safety Surfacing System. Inadequate drainage will cause premature failure of the system in affected areas and will void the warranty.
A. Sub-surface: Prepare the subsurface in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions to ensure proper support and drainage for poured-in-place playground safety surfacing.
1. Granular Aggregate Subsurface: Compacted, granular aggregate subsurface shall be as specified in Section 02700
2. Concrete Subsurface: Concrete subsurface shall be as specified in Section 03300.
i. Apply light broom finish
ii. Ensure concrete is sound with no cracks or loose material.
iii. Ensure concrete is a minimum of 28 days old
iv. Test concrete for moisture in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions to ensure it has sufficiently cured and is dry
v. Power wash existing concrete in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
3. Asphalt Subsurface: Asphalt subsurface shall be as specified in Section 02700
i. Ensure asphalt is sound with no cracks or loose material
ii. Ensure asphalt is a minimum of 14 days old
iii. Test asphalt for moisture in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions to ensure it has sufficiently cured and is dry
iv. Power wash asphalt in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
4. Variations in Elevation: Repair variations in elevation of completed subsurface greater than ± ½ inch over 10 feet in any direction
A. Install poured-in-place playground safety surfacing in accordance with manufacturers
instructions at locations indicated on the Drawings.
B. Install edges in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and as indicated on the Drawings.
C. Install cold seams in areas containing graphics and as indicated on the Drawings.
A. Clean poured-in-place playground safety surfacing in accordance with manufacturers
A. Do not allow foot traffic on poured-in-place playground safety surfacing until a minimum 80 percent cure is obtained.
1. Consult manufacturer’s instructions for estimating cure time
B. Protect completed playground safety surfacing from damage during construction