Awards Scheme for Support of Teaching and Learning,2015: ASUC departments other than the Bodleian Libraries
The Awards
The scheme is an annual exercise for acknowledging and rewarding excellence in teaching, the organisation of teaching, and support for teaching and learning. Awards can be made to individuals and to teams, and the winners will be invited to receive their awards from the ViceChancellor at a special Teaching Awards ceremony in Michaelmas Term.
A panel will be established to judge the applications, comprising staff from across the museums, Botanic Garden and Language Centre.
The panel will be especially interested to reward those who have made contributions of strategic significance.In particular, the panel would especially like to hear about work that promotes the links between research and teaching, and work to underpin students' long-term educational development within their disciplines.
There are many other areas where applications for awards can be considered, and there is an illustrative list at the end of this notice. Examples of sustained excellence may also be rewarded.
Who can apply for the awards?
Applicants may be individuals or teams of staff who have collaborated on improving or delivering learning support whilst employed by the museum(s), Botanic Garden or Language Centre.
Staff who have already received an award in the Reward and Recognition Scheme for the particular work can be nominated to receive a non-financial award where the panel feels it appropriate to give a second type of recognition for the work undertaken.
Can staff be nominated by their colleagues for an award?
Yes. All applications must include a testimonial or other statement of support (see below).
What form should an application take?
All applications should consist of:
- a letter of application or nomination
- a case of not more than one typed page for an award
- statements of support (e.g. testimonials) as appropriate from colleagues, students, faculty or department colleagues, or the line manager (endorsement by the line manager is not a requirement)
- other evidence of excellence and impact
- an acknowledgement of the type and quantity of work done by other people to support this initiativee.g. support service functions such as IT, Accounts, HR etc.
The statements of support and other evidence (items iii and iv) should together not exceed four pages.
What criteria will be used to assess applications?
- Evidence of excellence and contributions, above what is normally expected from the post holder, that demonstrably make a difference to the quality of teaching and/or student learning.
- Projects will be judged according to their perceived likely value in contributing to improved support for teaching and learning.
The supporting statements and other evidence submitted will be viewed as important sources of corroboration for the claims and assertions made in the applicant's case.
If the panel consider the quality of submissions is insufficient, the award may not be granted.
Applications should be submitted by5 June 2015
Decisions will be made and announced by 26 June 2015.
How is the application submitted?
The Bodleian Libraries Staff Development team administers the scheme, and all applications should be submitted as Word or pdf files by e-mail directly to tronic submissions are acceptable, along with a signed hard copy to follow.
If you have queries about the scheme, please e-mail Antonia.
Some possible areas for applications
Awards can be made both to those involved directly in the delivery of teaching and to those who support the teaching process in some way. This list is not intended to be exhaustive: it is merely illustrative of the broad range of areas to which learning support staff contribute, and is intended to encourage applications in relation to any aspect of learning support in its broadest sense.
- promotion of links between research and teaching
- work to underpin students' long-term educational development
- improving support for graduate students
- supporting innovative methods of assessment
- use of IT to support student learning
- support of introductory teaching and other means of educational support for students less well prepared for Oxford
- support of skills teaching (including teaching of study skills) at undergraduate or graduate level
- support for research supervisors
- raising students' awareness of and engagement with international research and scholarship
- raising students' awareness of and engagement with industry and commerce
- support for the development of new undergraduate or postgraduate courses
- support for students in Colleges
- support for interdisciplinary teaching and learning
- improved collection and analysis of feedback from students.
Address for the submission of signed hard-copy applications
Antonia Mansel-Long
University Offices
Wellington Square
OX1 2JD.