Uniform items marked * can only be purchased from Prestige Design & Workwear Limited
Maroon blazer with Ashcroft logo*
Plain black trousers*
Plain white shirt with collar suitable for a clip on tie [not polo shirt]
Ashcroft High School Black ‘V’ neck Jumper or sleeveless jumper * - optional
Ashcroft High School clip on tie for correct year group [must be worn]*
Black flat polishable shoes – [no trainers, plimsolls or boots]
Plain white or black socks
Plain black winter coat/jacket
Hooded sweatshirts are not permitted
Maroon blazer with Ashcroft logo*
Plain black trousers* - no skinny trousers/hipsters/leggings
Plain white shirt suitable for a clip on tie [not shaped blouses with rever collar or polo shirt]
Ashcroft High School Black ‘V’ neck Jumper or sleeveless jumper * - optional
Ashcroft High School clip on tie for correct year group [must be worn]*
Black flat polishable shoes – [no trainers, plimsolls or boots]
Plain white or black socks/tights
Plain black coat/jacket
Hooded sweatshirts are not permitted
Please note that the uniform does not include skirts
Headgear - woollen hats may be worn outside but not inside the school building or during lessons. Baseball caps are not permitted.
A plain black head scarf may be worn to cover the hair. This must be tied behind the head and must not in any way cover the school tie, jumper or blazer.
Under Article 9.2 of the Human Rights Act, the Jilbab is not permitted as part of the uniform. This decision has been taken by the Governors in consultation with the school community [students, parents, and staff].
Jewellery, make up and hair
Only a single pair of plain small stud earrings are to be worn [no facial piercings]
No heavy make up, including no false eyelashes, no heavy foundation, no heavy eyeliner
No extreme hair cuts
No extreme hair colours
Inappropriate jewellery/uniform to be confiscated.
Students who come to school dressed inappropriately will be sent home to change or parents will be asked to bring the correct uniform to school. Any work missed will be caught up after school that day
Styles of footwear that ARENOTacceptable in school.
Styles of footwear that isacceptable in school.
School Trousers
Trouser should be of standard school type and should not reflect fashion trends or materials. Leggings or jeans are not suitable as school trousers.
Styles of School Trousers that are acceptable in school.
Styles of School Trousers that ARE NOTacceptable in school.
Hairstyles and hair decorations
Hairstyles should not reflect any extremes of fashion in either style or colour. Patterns or tramlines are not allowed either in the hair or eyebrows. Students should not wear oversized colourful hair decorations.
A plain black Ashcroft headscarf may be worn to cover their hair. This must be purchased from the school or the school shop. No other headscarf’s may be worn..
Shirts / Blouses
Shirts should be plain white and tailored. They should have a top button so that the school tie can be worn in an appropriate manner.
Students are allowed to wear one pair of silver or gold studs (one of the pair in each earlobe) Nose studs, other facial piercings and body piercing (ie. Tongue, eyebrow, tragus etc.) are not permitted. No other jewellery or make up should be worn.
Correctly worn headscarf, that is acceptable in school