Revised 03/2014
Gifted/Talented Students
Date: School:
Contact Name: Telephone Number:
To the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of:
(Student’s Name)
This is to invite you to an individualized education program (IEP) meeting. At this meeting, the IEP Team will:
Develop an interim individualized program (IEP). This interim will remain in effect for 60 business
days or until the evaluation is completed (whichever comes first). During this time, all
regulations - pertaining to exceptional students will apply to your child.
Discuss the results of the evaluation and documentation of the determination of eligibility.
Develop, review, or amend an individualized education program (IEP) and to determine placement for your child. The development of the IEP will be based on information from a variety of sources including the most recent evaluation, progress reports, and test results. At this meeting, unless you disagree, we will have a draft copy of the instructional plan for the Committee to review. In all cases, the IEP Committee of which you will be an equal participant must review each section of the IEP to assure agreement. Any section can be modified by the Committee before the IEP is finalized.
Reevaluate your child’s need for special education services. Your permission is requested for the reevaluation.* The evaluation procedure(s) we plan to use, include the following:
A review of vision and hearing screening results.
A review of existing evaluation data including evaluations and information provided
by you.
A review of your child’s progress toward meeting annual goals, benchmarks and
short-term objectives.
Interviews with you, your child, your child’s teacher(s) and related services
A review of current classroom-based assessments.
A review of all of his/her education records.
Other tests and evaluation procedures deemed necessary by the IEP Team.
In addition to you and the student (unless you choose not to have him/her there), the persons listed below have been invited to attend this meeting and participate as members of the IEP Team. You may also bring other persons with you to assist in planning your child’s educational program.
School System Personnel: Others (list):
Officially Designated RepresentativeEvaluation Representative / IEP Facilitator
Regular Education Teacher / Regular Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher / Special Education Teacher
The following arrangements have been made for the meeting:
Please indicate on the next page whether you plan to attend the IEP Team meeting as scheduled. If this is not convenient for you, please indicate when you can attend. Return the form within three (3) days.
Parents of a child with an exceptional ability are afforded protection under the procedural safeguards of the Regulations for Implementation of the Children with Exceptionalities Act. These procedural safeguards are described in the enclosed copy of Louisiana’s Educational Rights of Gifted/Talented Children in Public Schools.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:
Student’s Name:
Please check & initial the appropriate spaces that pertain to your child, sign and return to the school within three (3) days to:
_____I plan to attend the IEP Team meeting at the time and place indicated in the notification letter.
_____I am unable to attend the IEP Team meeting at the time and place indicated in the notification letter. The best time and date for me are ______.
*____I give my permission for you to conduct the reevaluation and any additional tests that may be needed.
_____I have received a copy of Louisiana’s Educational Rights of Gifted/Talented Children in Public Schools.
_____I have received a copy of the evaluation report and documentation of the determination of eligibility.
Parent’s SignatureDate
If you choose to receive your notification letter by electronic mail, please provide your e-mail address and initial on the line below.
E-mail address: Initials:
The following arrangements have been made for the meeting:
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please list:
Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the LPPS to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.