BANGALORE – 560 001
Ph: 22262960 Fax: 22268562 Email:
Sealed tenders are invited for Annual Maintenance Contract for Computers / Catering Contract for Hostels / Security / Electrical / Plumbing / Air conditioners / Housekeeping / Manpower (Room boys, Laundry boys, Utility workers etc.,), Front Office / Kitchen / Food & Beverage Service / Admin etc.,
Sealed tenders for each item to be submitted indicating the VAT, taxes etc.,
The bidders should submit separate sealed cover for each item clearly superscribing on top. Desirable experience for manpower bidders for Executive Development Centre: Prior experience in 3 star and above category of Hotels.
The tenders are to be submitted along with a Demand Draft for Rs.25,000/- separately for each item as an Earnest Money Deposit drawn in favour of the Director, Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Bangalore.
The last date for submitting the sealed tender is within 15 days from release of advertisement.
The tender details, terms and conditions can be downloaded from
Terms and Conditions for Tenders for Annual Maintenance Contract for Computers / Catering Contract for Hostels / Security / Electrical / Plumbing / Airconditioners / Housekeeping / Manpower (Room boys, Laundry boys, Utility workers etc.), Front Office / Kitchen / Food & Beverage Service / Admin etc.
The sealed tender is for the Annual Maintenance Contract for Computers / Catering Contract for Hostels / Security / Electrical / Plumbing / Airconditioners / Housekeeping / Manpower (Room boys, Laundry boys, Utility workers), Front Office / Kitchen / Food & Beverage Service / Admin etc.,
1. The tender should be quoted in sealed cover at the lowest rate for the above items. The sealed envelope containing the tender should have the name of the firm quoting the tender on the outer cover of the envelope and should be addressed to the Director, Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, Bangalore.
2. The tenderer should be a reputed manufacturer / dealers authorized or approved agency / renowned institutions and Government departments and should be able to produce documentary evidence to that effect.
3. The tenderer should deposit a sum of Rs. 25,000/- as an Earnest Money Deposit at the time of submission of the tender. The tenderers should submit separately for each items enclosing separate earnest money deposit. The amount is payable by a demand draft in favour of the “Director, Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, Bangalore”. The earnest money deposit will be returned within 20 days to all the unsuccessful tenderers.
4. The demand draft should be deposited separately in the Accounts section and a receipt should be obtained for the same. Tenders without earnest money deposit will not be considered.
5. The last date for the receipt of tender is within 15 days from release of advertisement.
6. The Director / Secretary reserves the right to postpone / cancel / reject any tender without assigning any reasons.
7. The tender amount should clearly indicate the amount payable along with taxes, duties etc., if included in the price, the percentage of tax / duty to be shown separately. The rates quoted should be inclusive of all taxes, surcharges, excise duties, warranty, freight etc.,
8. The tenderer should furnish a copy of the Certificate of registration.
9. In cases of dispute, the decision of the Director / Secretary shall be final.
10. For all legal disputes and Jurisdiction is Bangalore.
11. No advance will be paid with the order.
1) Annual Maintenance Contract for electrical and plumbing maintenance contract work for IHM / EDC/ IHM Hostels (from Government approved licensed qualified personnel / firms only)
*No of people required Two shifts: 1 Plumber, 1 Electrician Qualified and experience
Class I PWD contractor
*General Shift : 1 Supervisor with Civil/plumbing/
* subject to change as per requirement HT operation /
Installations as per Central
Electricity Authority Rules
1. This contract for one year and it may be terminated earlier by either side by giving 15 days notice. (Electrical / Plumbing and civil with effect from 1st May 2011). However we reserve our right to terminate this contract earlier without assigning any reason and notice thereof. If the services are unsatisfactory at any time, we reserve the right to with hold any or part payments that are to be made to you.
2. You will abide by any instructions / suggestions etc., given to you either by the in charge or any other person nominated by the Director regarding your services rendered under this contract.
3. You must notify to us in writing your employee’s name employed by you for rendering the services referred to herein. It is clearly understood and agreed by between the parties that we will not be held responsible or be liable under any laws that are in force / come in force from time to time, in respect of personnel engaged by you and you will be solely responsible for their terms & conditions of services, etc.,
4. It is agreed and understood that you will be responsible for any disciplinary matters arising out of your employee’s behavior and conduct. We will take appropriate disciplinary action against your employees if found indulging in any act indiscipline in our premises or in connection with the services referred to herein.
5. You should cover your staff under all-statutory requirements, viz, E.S.I. and P.F. etc., and comply with all formalities in this regard.
6. The Institute will not be liable for non-payment of ESI and PF and any other dues / claims by you to your workers.
7. Uniform for your staffs are to be provided by you with ID badges. They should wear them all the time on duty.
8. It is clearly agreed and understood that all staff deputed by you for this contract will be fulfilling the age criteria as per the Labour Act of Government of Karnataka.
9. Any theft, etc., the agency will be held responsible.
10. Any dispute arise the jurisdiction will be in Bangalore.
11. The tender should accompany with the copy of the letter of Labour Registration, ESI, Provident Fund, Income tax returns, Service taxes, Professional tax registration, Experience certificate for 5 years from any reputed hotels / hospitals / MNC.
12. None of your employees are allowed to form any association, groups etc while working at the Institute / EDC / Hostels.
Electrical Maintenance contract for IHM / EDC / Hostels:
EDC has 30 residential room training facility with Front Office, Restaurant, Conference hall with TV’s, Minibar, Refrigeration, LCD TV, Air conditioners, running hot and cold water, distribution awareness and maintenance of all IHM / Hostels electrical and plumbing works.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Contractor:
They should maintain the complete electrical installation lias with Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited, Public Works Department and other Government agencies for appropriate maintenance and running of electrical installation and plumbing.
Maintenance of Lift, Generator, Air conditioners.
Maintenance of Solar generators etc.
Plumbing in all rooms
The works includes maintenance of passenger lift, service lift, HT panel, Sub station, water supply pump sets, borewell.
People qualified, experienced with necessary certification with competent authority of the above works have to be positioned in the Institute
Supervisors – 1no
*Guards – 8 nos in two shifts
* Subject to change
as per requirements
Duties & Responsibilities: To safeguard and look after the IHM / Executive Development Centre / Hostels Property and any other Security related works etc., as may be assigned.
In the event of any theft, etc., the agency will be held responsible and the amount will be recovered.
1. This contract for one year and it may be terminated earlier by either side by giving 15 days notice. However we reserve our right to terminate this contract earlier without assigning any reason and notice thereof. If the services are unsatisfactory at any time, we reserve the right to with hold any or part payments that are to be made to you.
2. You will abide by any instructions / suggestions etc., given to you either by the incharge or any other person nominated by the Director regarding your services rendered under this contract.
3. You must notify to us in writing your employee’s name employed by you for rendering the services referred to herein. It is clearly understood and agreed by between the parties that we will not be held responsible or be liable under any laws that are in force / come in force from time to time, in respect of personnel engaged by you and you will be solely responsible for their terms & conditions of services, etc.,
4. It is agreed and understood that you will be responsible for any disciplinary matters arising out of your employee’s behaviour and conduct. We will take appropriate disciplinary action against your employees if found indulging in any act of indiscipline in our premises or in connection with the services referred to herein.
5. You should cover your staff under all-statutory requirements, viz, E.S.I. and P.F., accidents, compensation, etc., and comply with all formalities in this regard.
6. The Institute will not be liable for non-payment of ESI and PF and any other dues / claims by you to your workers / employees.
7. Neat Uniform for your staff are to be provided by you with ID badges. They should wear them all the time on duty.
8. The security guards should have working knowledge of English.
9. It is clearly agreed and understood that all staff deputed by you for this contract will be fulfilling the age criteria as per the Labour Act of Government of Karnataka.
10. The rates claimed should be as per the Government rules.
11. If any legal dispute arises, the jurisdiction will be “Bangalore”.
12. Lunch facility along with Group’D’Staff could be availed at nominal charges per day per head, for your staff on duty at the Institute premises on days when food is served. This will be deducted from the payment due to you.
13. The tender should accompany with the copy of the letter of Labour Registration, ESI, Provident Fund, Income tax returns, Service taxes, Professional tax registration, Experience certificate for 5 years from any reputed hotels / hospitals / MNC
14. They should maintain registers at all the entry / exit gates (in English).
15. People should be ready to work in shifts.
16. At all time all the exits should be manned exits – 1) IHM entrance 2) EDC entrance 3) EDC back entrance 4) Gate between EDC & IHM at the basement / Hostel entrance
17. All employees exiting from the IHM entrance and EDC block entrance should be frisked.
18. No one should be allowed to carry any object without gatepass out of the premises (with the exception of garbage)
19. No employee should be allowed to bring in their personal belongings into the IHM / EDC / Hostels premises (except small personal items like wallet, purse etc.,) In case anyone is carrying any personal items, it should be registered at the entrance and struck out during the time of exit.
20. In case any employee is carrying out any object of value, it should be accompanied by a gatepass duly signed by Dean / Dept. Incharge. This would include gifts given by guests / other staff.
21. Any visitors should be issued visitors pass (at IHM / Entrance / EDC back entrance). Their tools should be entered in the register and checked back during exit. In case any item is being sent out with them, it should be accompanied with a gate pass duly signed by Dean / Dept. Incharge.
Contract Manpower (Room boys, Laundry boys for EDC)
No of person required* :9 Nos
Supervisors – 1 no.
Room boys – 6 nos
Laundry boys – 1 no
Gardener – 1 no – general shift
*Subject to change as per requirements
1. This contract for one year and it may be terminated earlier by either side by giving 15 days notice. However we reserve our right to terminate this contract earlier without assigning any reason and notice thereof. If the services are unsatisfactory or in case of absenteeism at any time, we reserve the right to with hold any or part payments that are to be made to you.
2. You will provide the services as given in Annexure A.
3. You will abide by any instructions / suggestions etc., given to you either by the incharge or any other person nominated by the Director regarding your services rendered under this contract.
4. You must notify to us in writing your employee’s name employed by you for rendering the services referred to herein. It is clearly understood and agreed by between the parties that we will not be held responsible or be liable under any laws that are in force / come in force from time to time, in respect of personnel engaged by you and you will be solely responsible for their terms & conditions of services, etc.,
5. It is agreed and understood that you will be responsible for any disciplinary matters arising out of your employee’s behaviour and conduct. We will take appropriate disciplinary action against your employees if found indulging in any act indiscipline in our premises or in connection with the services referred to herein.
6. You should cover your staff under all-statutory requirements, viz, E.S.I. and P.F. etc., and comply with all Government formalities in this regard.
7. The Institute will not be liable for non-payment of ESI and PF and any other dues / claims by you to your workers on any grounds.
8. Uniform and shoes for your staffs are to be provided by you with ID badges. They should wear them all the time on duty.
9. It is clearly agreed and understood that all staff deputed by you for this contract will be fulfilling the age criteria as per the Labour Act of Government of Karnataka.