Appendix 4
Impact Assessment Level 1: Initial screening assessment
Subject of assessment: / Stan Hollis MemorialCoverage: / Service-specific
This is a decision relating to: / Strategy / Policy / Service / Function
Process/procedure / Programme / Project / Review
Organisational change / Other (please state)
It is a: / New approach: / Revision of an existing approach:
It is driven by: / Legislation: / Local or corporate requirements:
Description: / Key aims, objectives and activities
- To commemorate Stan Hollis, born in Middlesbrough and awarded the Victoria Cross, by erecting a memorial in his honour on Council land - outside the Dorman Museum. The memorial is being paid for by the Stan Hollis Committee and once complete, will be adopted and maintained by Middlesbrough Council.
Differences from any previous approach
- Currently nothing to commemorate Stan Hollis’ achievements, this memorial will ensure one of Middlesbrough’s most famous sons is honoured in an appropriate manner.
- That the Council supports the committee’s fund raising efforts by taking over ownership and maintenance of the memorial.
Live date: / It is anticipated the memorial will be unveiled in winter 2015
Lifespan: / n/a
Date of next review: / n/a
Screening questions / Response / Evidence
No / Yes / Uncertain
Human Rights
Could the decision impact negatively on individual Human Rights as enshrined in UK legislation? [*] / None of the absolute or qualified rights will be infringed by these proposals.
Could the decision result in adverse differential impacts on groups or individuals with characteristics protected in UK equality law? Could the decision impact differently on other commonly disadvantaged groups? * / The Council has a duty to consider the impact proposed decision on relevant protected characteristics to ensure it has due regard to the public sector equality duty (PSED). The duty means the Council must have due regard when taking decisions to the need to:
(a)eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this Act;
(b)advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it;
(c)foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
Consideration of this duty has been undertaken within this project and the project will not have any adverse differential impacts on groups or individuals.
Community cohesion
Could the decision impact negatively on relationships between different groups, communities of interest or neighbourhoods within the town? * / The project will not impact negatively on relationships between different groups, communities of interest or neighbourhoods within the town.
Sustainable Community Strategy objectives
Could the decision impact negatively on the achievement of the vision for Middlesbrough? Does the decision impact on statutory duties associated with these key objectives? * / There is no anticipated adverse impact on the Sustainable Community Strategy objectives as a result of this project.
Organisational management / transformation
Could the decision impact negatively on organisational management or the transformation of the Council’s services as set out in its transformation programme? * / Not applicable to this project.
Next steps: If the answer to all of the above screening questions is No then the process is completed.
Assessment completed by: / Charlotte Considine / Head of Service: / Sharon Thomas
Date: / August 2015 / Date: / August 2015
[*]Consult the Impact Assessment further guidance appendix for details on the issues covered by each of theses broad questions prior to completion.