Biotechnology “Employee Contract”

Welcome to ______(name of course)

This course is designed to get you ready for positions and careers in the biotechnology industry. It is one semester of amultiple semester career pathway. Its goals and expectations are different than in most courses.


A general knowledge of the goals and functions of the biotechnology industry —”The Big Picture.”

Experience with the processes used in the biotechnology industry, including experimental design, use of scientific equipment,data analysis and interpretation, critical thinking, and communication.

The development of good business practices, organizational skills, and self-reliance.


Biotechnology students are expected to be present and prompt to class every day.

Biotechnology students are required to maintain a legal, scientific notebook and develop a placement portfolio.

Biotechnology students are required to develop lab and industry skills with at least 80% competency.


1. You are expected to be in class (at work), seated, with materials, ready to work when the bell rings.

2. Every day, you are expected to have the following materials:

• your legal, scientific notebook • a black pen • a metric ruler • a calculator • a gluestick

3. You are expected to follow the directions of the instructor/supervisor the first time.

4. You are expected to use all equipment correctly, safely, and as directed.

5. You are expected to respect the rights of others to learn and work.

6. You are expected to participate in all labs and discussions, plus take notes during lectures.

7. You are expected to clean your work area. The teacher (supervisor), not the bell, dismisses you.

8. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to make up the work/time in the required time period.

EVALUATION: Since biotechnology courses are designed to prepare you for the workforce, you will be evaluated in a fashionsimilar to the evaluation techniques used in industry.

Classwork/Homework / 10%
Tests/Quizzes / 55%
Labs / Projects (includes lab notebook) / 25%
Final Exam/Project / 10%

LATE WORK: Only 4 assignments will be accepted late throughout this entire course. you may use one late pass per homework assignment with no penalty as long as the assignment is turned in the next school day!

The pass is to be stamped when the late assignment is shown to the teacher.

Lost passes will not be replaced!!

Late passes CANNOT be used on Labs or Projects.

Late passes will not be accepted for extra credit.

MISSED LABS. Make-up days for labs will be after school only and given during the week of a presented lab! See me to make arrangements.

Biotechnology students will have opportunities not available to others, including sophisticated laboratory research, guestspeakers, “meaningful” readings/activities/discussions/ lectures/ presentations, field trips, and workplace experiences. It requiresa commitment from the students and the adults in his or her life. Because it is often hard to control the timing of experiments,occasionally students will be expected to be in the lab at unscheduled times.

I understand the commitment required for this course.

Student’s Signature ______Date:______