

MINUTES of the Meeting of Aylesbeare Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 2 May 2012, on the rising of the Annual General Meeting which commenced at 7.30pm.

Meeting commenced 7.37pm


Cllr K Chun (Chairman)

Cllr J Ayres (Vice-Chairman)

Cllr Mrs G Hichens

Cllr N Finegan

Cllr A Ringe

Clerk: Mrs L Parker

Others Present: District Cllr Mrs C Wright, PC D Smith and two members of the public

1. Apologies of Absence

There were none.

2. Declarations of interests in Items on the Agenda

The Chairman, Cllr K Chun, declared a personal interest in Item 9, Application No 12/0828/FUL – he is a friend of the applicant. Cllr Chun took no part in the debate.

3. Minutes

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated 4 April 2012 were confirmed to be correct.

4. Police Report

PC David Smith introduced himself as he will be reporting to the Parish Council in future. He gave the crime figures for the 12 months ending 31 March 2012. In April 2011 there had been a burglary to a dwelling which remains undetected. In June there was a report of a drink driver who had been apprehended and criminal damage to a dwelling and assault – both relating to the same incident. In October there was a report of a dog out of control which had resulted in injury. The owner of the dog had been summonsed but the case was dropped on a technicality. The situation is now under control. Also in October there had been unlawful access to a computer. In November there was a different case of a dog out of control but this could not be followed-up as no-one knew where the dog came from. In February 2012 there had been an incident of fraud. There had been 8 crimes for this period compared to 11 last year. Each parish that PC Smith is responsible for has had its crime figures dropped by approximately 25% which is encouraging. He did, however, warn the meeting that the Police are hounded by rural crime in the form of the theft of scrap metal – field gates, rollers and the like are regularly being stolen – the price of scrap is high so there is a ready market for it. Often vehicles visit premises with bogus signs painted to make them look authentic for example mobile numbers and addresses that do not exist. PC Smith said that the numbers of neighbourhood police will eventually be cut by 50%. At present there are three Police officers based in Ottery St Mary all of which will have retired by Christmas 2013. It is not known what will happen after that.

PC D Smith left the Meeting


5. Report of District Councillor

Cllr Mrs C Wright mentioned that there had been a glitch in the number of houses put forward in the ED Local Plan for Aylesbeare but it had been corrected. Next week a revised version of the plan will be put before the Development Management Committee with a recommendation that detailed policy maps (draft insets to a Proposals Map) for the seven current main towns of East Devon go out for a four week consultation period in May and June. The Plan will be put before full Council for ratification 25 July. A short consultation will follow in August – September before presentation to the Planning Inspectors in December 2012. The Examination in Public will follow in the spring of 2013. If this is acceptable the Plan will be formally adopted later in 2013.

Cllr Wright had attended a meeting of Devon County Council’s Management Committee regarding quarrying at Straitgate Farm, Ottery St Mary. Final decisions will be made in the autumn. It had been a well-attended meeting with some excellent speakers. There were consensual comments regarding both options – Ottery St Mary and Uffculme – as to whether either was needed.

Cllr Wright is chasing up EDDC’s decision regarding dog exclusion zones.

There is a new proposal at EDDC to employ a Reputation and Communications Manager which is basically a PR role.

6. Chairman’s Report

There was no report.

7. Clerk’s Report

Mrs L Parker had received information from EDDC regarding its 10% annual price increase for grounds maintenance services. The annual RPI increase for the year to 31 March 2012 is 5.25% which is largely attributable to national increases in fuel. Added to this is a correction increase of 4.75%. At some point in the past Aylesbeare was quoted a ‘below cost’ figure for grounds maintenance which fitted in with the policies of that time. By increasing the cost by 10% it is a way of gradually re-aligning the payment with the cost of carrying out the work.

When the clocks went forward some switch controls did not adjust for the change in time so some appear to be switching off later. Should there be any in the parish which are still alight after 1.30am they can be adjusted.

There is to be a ‘Village SOS Roadshow 2012’ meeting in Exeter on 19 June. Cllr J Ayres will be the Parish Council representative.

An insert has been included with this month’s Topics to encourage someone to come forward from the village to join the Parish Council.

8. Reports of Council Representatives on other Bodies

Planning System Explained 14 March 2012 – Cllr J Ayres

This meeting had been organised by the Devon Association of Local Councils. There was an overview of the planning system as it will be from now onwards. The top-down framework is emerging as (1) the Localism Bill and National Planning Policy Framework (national legislation) (2) East Devon Local Plan (District Council level) (3) Neighbourhood Plans (local level).

Neighbourhood Plans will have legal status and, together with the East Devon Local Plan, will form the development plan for the area. Parish Plans now carry little weight in the planning system although EDDC values the help that these documents give. Neighbourhood Planning Regulations came into force on 6 April and EDDC will shortly be forwarding further information regarding the application process. Neighbourhood Plans provide a means of development according to a shared vision which may not be fully covered in the ED Local Plan. They can be used to expand development beyond that which is proposed in the Local Plan but they cannot be used to reduce such development. There is a pilot scheme underway for a Neighbourhood Plan in Dawlish. This is proving to be a very expensive exercise with


countless consultations, submissions, independent examinations, amendments and referendum of parishioners on acceptance. EDDC has a budget of between £10,000

and £20,000 to fund the examination and referendum processes of any prospective Neighbourhood Plans. The plans will cost each parish approximately £50,000.

Neighbourhood Plans are optional – there is no legal requirement to prepare one. The policies in the ED Local Plan will still apply whether a Neighbourhood Plan is produced or not. The costs, commitment and timing are daunting. Should Aylesbeare be happy with the Local Plan it may be decided that there is no need to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan. An important consideration would be whether the vision and aspirations for the parish, as described in our 2005 Parish Plan, are covered adequately by the Local Plan.

All Councillors felt that any decisions regarding the production of a Neighbourhood Plan for Aylesbeare should be deferred for 12 months until more information comes to light from the East Devon Local Plan.

Village Hall Management Committee – AGM – 17 April 2012

Cllr A Ringe had attended this meeting. Income comes from regular booking fees, private functions and donations. The income from booking fees has increased but is still not enough to cover all expenses. The financial viability relies on donations from the fete, bingo and Parish Council. Advice has been taken from an independent surveyor that no repair work is required to the roof other than replacement of broken tiles. There has been a problem of excessive use of water in flushing the gents’ urinal. This has been addressed and a push-button switching device will be installed. There had been a complaint regarding hirers using the outside area to the hall. After much discussion it was agreed that this issue would be addressed with a letter from the Chair to the Youth Group Leader, with copies to all parties concerned, confirming that the terms of the hire of the Village Hall includes full access to all areas of the hall and its grounds. Improved lighting in the car park in front for safety and supervised youth group activities, fully funded by Leisure East Devon, is still under consideration.

9. Planning Applications

Observations made between meetings due to time constraints were ratified:

Application No: 12/0747/FUL

Applicant: Mr & Mrs R Salisbury

Location: Larksfield, Oak Road

Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings and construction of replacement two storey dwelling and garage

Observations: Members could not find any material reason not to support

this application

New applications

Application No: 12/0828/FUL (& amended plans)

Applicant: Mr J Airdrie

Location: 4 Minchin Orchard, Village Way

Proposal: Construction of kitchen extension to front of dwelling

Observations: Recommend approval

Application No: 12/0891/VAR (Adjacent parish)

Applicant: Mr M McBain

Location: The Top Bungalow, McBains Antiques, Exeter Airport

Clyst Honiton, EX5 2BA

Proposal: Variation of condition 1 of planning permission (granted under appeal ref: APP/U/1105/A/10_2137212 for continuation of temporary use of land as a car park until 1/11/2013

Observations: No comment found to be necessary


Application No: 12/0918/FUL

Applicant: Mr C Pople

Location: Topshayes Farm, Oak Road

Proposal: Construction of extension to cow sheds to provide cover to existing yard

Observations: Recommend approval

Application No: 12/0930/FUL

Applicant: Mr C Pople

Location: Topshayes Farm, Oak Road

Proposal: Construction of agricultural storage building

Observations: Recommend approval

10. East Devon District Council: Planning Decisions – Approvals

Application No: 11/2471/FUL

Applicant: Mr P Slade

Location: Bendarroch School, Village Way

Proposal: Conversion and extension of school building to create dwelling, construction of 2 no detached dwellings and internal access road (resubmission of application 11/1349/FUL)

Application No: 12/0656/FUL

Applicant: Mr P Marsh

Location: Ford Cottage, Perkin’s Village

Proposal: Construction of two storey extension

Application No: 12/0638/FUL

Applicant: Mr D Ware

Location: Rosamondford Close, Perkin’s Village

Proposal: Construction of pitched roof to dormer on front elevation and front porch and creation of tarmac splay to front drive

11. East Devon District Council: Withdrawal

Application No: 11/2231/MOUT(Adjacent parish)

Applicant: Mr M McBain

Location: McBains Antiques, Exeter Airport, Clyst Honiton

Proposal: Redevelopment of site with 15 no light industrial units (class B1) including parking and access works (Outline application reserving details of layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping)

12. Finance

It was noted that the first instalment of the Precept has been received £3,250.00

Payment of the following invoices was approved:

Mrs L Parker – Parish Clerk £262.44

Came & Co – Parish Council Insurance £528.93

David Hinchliffe – Internal Audit £100.00

N W Adams – Playground Inspection £94.80

(1) It was noted that the internal audit has taken place and there is nothing to be brought to the attention of the Council.

(2) The accounts for the Financial Year 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012, which have been the subject of Internal Audit, were received and approved.

(3) The Statement of Accounts and the Annual Governance Statement, which form part of the annual audit return, were approved and completed.


13. Risk Management: Year end 31 March 2013

The Risk Assessment was received and adopted with the following addition:

Playground equipment and street furniture –Playground equipment to be inspected annually by a reputable inspector, as agreed by the Council; a full report issued and actions taken on medium and high risk comments. Street furniture to be inspected annually. Both to be adequately insured.

14. Emergency Plan

The Vice Chairman, as Liaison Officer, gave a report on progress to date.

The Aylesbeare Local Emergency Response Team (ALERT) comprises Anna Thompson, Paul Seager, Robert Lillicrap, John Airdrie and John Ayres. No further offers of help have come forward following a plea in April’s edition of Topics. The team have therefore approached some who they feel might be able to help. The next step is the circulation of a short survey which will appear as an insert in the June issue of Topics and also an on-line survey to try to identify those who might need the most help in an emergency and those who could provide specific help and support. There is to be a meeting of the committee this month to draft the survey and decide on the most appropriate way of collecting responses. Once the survey responses are collated an ALERT local plan can be drawn up and ratified with the emergency planning departments at EDDC and DCC.

15. Allotments

The Clerk informed members of the proceedings so far.

Following the application by 17 members of the public for an allotment Mrs Parker contacted the Housing Services Department at EDDC regarding the land that lies adjacent to the playing field to see whether it would be permitted to be used as amenity land and leased to the Parish Council for allotments. Mr Brookbank, the Programmed Works Officer, responded that he would contact the two Ward Members for their opinions and also Jill Elson, the Sustainable Homes & Communities’ Portfolio Holder. He did state however that in any licence agreement there would be a three month termination clause on either side. No reply has been received yet. A letter has been sent to all the applicants explaining the position thus far. As the Parish Council does not own any land a further letter has been sent to the Head of Property at Clinton Devon Estates to see whether Clinton has any land in the parish that would be suitable for allotments.