Developing a ‘Pet’ Policy
Providers must comply with requirements of health and safety legislation – Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage – 2017:29, point 3.54
The provider must promote the good health of children attending the setting – Early Years Foundation Stage – 2017:27 point 3.44
The policy should include:
The risk assessments that are in place to support any injury to children from pets on the premises and the settings awareness of any dogs placed under the Dangerous Dog Act
Where pets will be kept whilst caring for children and where pet food will be stored and how and when pets will be fed, away from the children or any area accessed by the children
How external fish ponds are made safe to eliminate any incident of accidental drowning
How the indoor and outdoor environment will be checked prior to children attending the setting to ensure they are clear of any pet faeces and anything else that could pose a potential health risk to children
What procedures are in place for pets needing to go outside during the day when children are present
How parents are informed of the settings ‘pets’ and how parental consent is required should children be actively involved in the care of the animals
How effective hygiene routines are followed when children have handled, petted, fed or cleaned out any of the animals and the practice the setting put in place to ensure children are aware of these important hygiene practices
How the setting are made aware of any allergies children may have that are ‘triggered’ or worsened by pets
Where vulnerable groups and/or children are not expected to carry out specific care routines for setting pets, for example children and pregnant women not emptying cat litter trays as this carries a heightened risk of toxoplasmosis
The procedures adhered to should any outside agencies take pets into the setting as part of an activity
The procedure should be reviewed:
At least annually.
The procedure needs to be signed by the registered person, include reviewed date and next review due date.
If any changes are made to the procedure when reviewed the staff and/or parents need to be informed.
Links to other policies and procedures:
Health and Safety
Hygiene procedures
Risk Assessments
Partnership with parents
This information is provided for guidance only. It is your responsibility to ensure that all statutory legal guidance is adhered to. Consideration needs to be given to any changes in legislation subsequent to the production of this information.
S:/Childcare/Debbie C/ Policies & Procedures – 18/04/17