Student Government of Seattle University
Representative Assembly Meeting
October 31, 2012STCN 130at 6:00 p.m.
- Call to Order @ 6:07 pm
- Roll Call
a)Nicole Gaddie- President
b)Eric Sype- Executive Vice President
c)Dylan Hoffman- Vice President of Finance
d)Mason Bryan- Vice President of University Affairs
e)Natalie Alvarado- Senior Representative
f)Hannah Pantaleo- Junior Representative
g)Katie Smith- Sophomore Representative
h)Brady Carlson – Freshman Representative
i)Mallory Barnes- Freshman Representative
j)Aljohn Gaviola- At-Large Representative
k)Austin Kawano- At-Large Representative
l)Karla Ruff- Athletic Representative
m)Tooba Dilshad- International Representative
n)Keenan Kurihara- Multicultural Representative
o)Janie Bube- Transfer Representative
p)Becca Policar- Commuter Representative
q)ChrisTiana Obey- Non Traditional Representative
r)Nicole Robison- Advisor
- Approval of the Minutes
Unanimously approved (Brady abstains)
- Public Comment: None
- Guest Speakers
Father Peter Ely S.J-Mission and Ministry
-Vice President of Mission and Ministry
-20 people in the division of Mission and Ministry, 1.5 million dollar budget
- Campus ministry makes up half of this division
-Magis program:Works with alumni of any Jesuit institution (not just SU) living in the Seattle area
- Alumni living the mission
- CLA: Contemplative Leaders in Action
- 18 people compose this program
- They want to think about their vocation; reflecting on their life and what they are doing
- Vocation: where your deepest desires meets the world’s greatest needs
- Reports to Vice President of Mission and Ministry and Office of Alumni advancement
-Office of Jesuit mission and identity: Puts on program for staff/faculty
-Father Pat O’Leary will be honored as the Loyola medalist this year
- SEAL retreat: spiritual exercises in everyday life
- During a period of 7 months, student make a dedication to pray every day and meet with an advisor periodically
-Why is this office/program important?
- Specific Jesuit way of being Catholic—especially regarding education
- Leaving a Jesuit legacy: spiritual, educational
- Being bridge builders, reconcilers, organizers of dialogue
- Addressing where people are coming from. Like Ignatius believed, you should try to address what people say in the best way possible; assume that what they are saying is coming from a good place
-Depth of thought and imagination
-D1 athletics in relation to the Jesuit Mission: how sports are addressed and how the programs are run and deal with winning and losing determines if athletics fits with the Jesuit Mission
-New program within campus ministry: Christian life communities
-Board of Trustees trying to make Campus Ministry more broadly appealing to the student body
- Old Business
REPA 20121017 Forum(Eric Sype) Discussion
-Group reports:
- Content:
- Chuck is available during the date and time of our forum
- Structure: Presentation (presenter TBD), then discussion and Q&A
- Marketing
- Roll-down in progress
- Needs time for forum in order to finish roll-down
- Wants to tweet about fireside forum (possibly starting SGSU hash-tag)
- Keoni is working on a poster
- Event will be put in campus announcements
- SEAC and Seattle U twitter accounts are going to be tweeting about this event too (possibly more)
- Tabling?
- Start marketing 4-5 days before event
- Logistics:
- Time: 6:00-7:30pm
- Est. amount of people: 30-50
- Food: small desserts? (funds for food needs to get approved by Execs)
- IT: Microphone (3), speakers, projector
- Sign-ups for people that attend for people to get updates on campus tech issues
- Depending on how many coaches approve it, this event could possibly be an exception to study hall hours for athletes (+30 attendees)
- Austin has furniture layout drawn out
- Things we need from CES: 3 microphones, media cart, projector/screen
- Movie:
- Meeting tomorrow at 5:00pm
- Things being figured out tomorrow: script, cast
- At the brainstorming point; wants to work in conjunction with marketing to distribute video
- Distributing video through social media and links in constituent emails
-Word of mouth is very important, especially right before the event
- New Business
Motion to add agenda item: Discussion of Public Safety Forum
M: Keenan
S: Mallory
Motion approved unanimously, discussion ensues
-Public Safety discussion on Monday:
- Public safety is being audited as changes are being made
- Consensus: safety on campus is strong, off campus is not so strong
- Average score for public safety (overall image on campus): 6.5 out of 10
- Students generally have a negative image of how they are approached by Public Safety
- The only students there were representatives from on-campus organizations
- Public Safety did meet with other organizations on campus
- Public Safety will be hiring a new Executive Director (probably by next quarter)
- Possible reason for negative reaction to Public Safety: students often encounter them while being documented
- Look into possible escort program to and from volunteer opportunities and/or students living off campus
- Addressing where students are going for volunteering opportunities and if those locations are safe
- An escort service is offered for student living off campus, but only within a 2 block radius
VIII. Officer Reports:
A)Nicole Gaddie-President
-Voter registration issues
-Working on election night party
B)Eric Sype- Executive Vice President
-Working on quarter zips
-Ordering polos and nametags for new reps
-Wrapping up retreat plans
C)Dylan Hoffman- Vice President of Finance
-U.S. bank partnership
-November 14th:first US Bank seminar
-November 12th:US Bank seminar in the Douglas
-Reviewing appropriations decisions
-Updating appropriations form
D)Mason Bryan- Vice President of University Affairs
(see committee report)
- Natalie Alvarado- Senior Representative
-Met with graduate assistant in career services office
- Working of forum for seniors addressing applying to Grad school
-Senior week planning
- Hannah Pantaleo- Junior Representative
-Sent out survey— received over 200 responses
- Working on synthesizing responses
- Katie Smith- Sophomore Representative
-Meeting with office of Health and Wellness Promotion Director
-Looking into new survey system
-Met with Patrick about Sophomore retreat
-Contact Katie if you would like to help plan Sophomore retreat
- Brady Carlson – Freshman Representative
-Started talking to Bon Appetite worker about plastic cups
- Looking into if the cups are BPA free
-Met with advertising group for forum
- Mallory Barnes- Freshman Representative
-Wondering how she should deal with outlandish requests from Freshman
-Working on forum
- Aljohn Gaviola- At-Large Representative
-Working on marketing for forum
-Everyone should add Aljohn on Facebook
-Working on retreat plans with Eric
- Austin Kawano- At-Large Representative
-Possible CPR training program
- Contacting Swedish health educator for possible training programs
-Forum logistics meeting
- Karla Ruff- Athletic Representative
-Met with study hall coordinator; got forums accepted as a study hall alternative
-Went to SAAC meeting. SAAC is already planning swishes for wishes game. Looking for SGSU volunteers
-Working on survey for constituents
- Tooba Dilshad- International Representative
-Forum marketing committee work
- Keenan Kurihara- Multicultural Representative
-Working on Nighthawk texting program
-Met with Chuck Porter about forum and laundry card readers
-Thinking of creating a Bon Appetite student advisory committee
- Janie Bube- Transfer Representative
-University affairs committee items
-Transfer event coming up
- Becca Policar- Commuter Representative
-Working with forum committee
-Drafter bio for website
- ChrisTiana Obey- Non Traditional Representative
-Working on survey to constituents
-Wants to start a fundraising drive to raise money to buy Bon Appetite gift cards for non-trad students that need assistance with buying food
- Nicole Robison- Advisor
-+Turn in release form by tomorrow at the latest
-Bus is leaving from Piggott parking lot!
-Retreat will include all of student activities, but group time will be spent just with SGSU too
-Towards the end of the retreat, there will be a discussion of diversity and language awareness
-Will be back no later than 6:30 on Saturday
IX. Committee ReportsDiscussion
PAB: First Friday Doughnuts is this week (starting at 9:00am), focus on tobacco free campus
Steering: RETREAT!
Appropriations: Working on what message the committee wants to promote
UA: Extending committee application deadline until Monday, possibly opening committee slots to SGSU members
X. Announcements Discussion
- Officer reports don’t have to be just what you’re working on
- It’s okay to pass on officer reports if you have no new information
- Meetings need to have more decorum
- People need to raise their hand before speaking
- Possible frequent SGSU tabling time 12:00-1:00
XI. Adjournment @ 7:47