CPS Assessment/Assessment/Investigation - Conducting an Assessment/Investigation
Purpose / The purpose of this activity is to familiarize the trainee with the Assessment/Investigation process.CFSR / Safety Outcome 1: CHILDREN ARE, FIRST AND FOREMOST, PROTECTED FROM ABUSE AND NEGLECT.
Performance Item 1: Timeliness of initiating Assessment/Investigation of reports of child maltreatment (case file and interview with caseworker)
Purpose of Assessment: To determine whether responses to all accepted child maltreatment reports received during the period under review were initiated and face-to-face contact with the child made, within the timeframes established by agency policies or State statute.
Supervisor/ Training Coordinator / Arrange for the trainee to shadow an experienced assessor/investigator during the initiation of an assessment/investigation.
If possible allow the trainee to shadow the assessment/investigation of the Intake observed by the trainee.
Trainee / In this activity you will observe an Assessment/Investigation.
Shadow the designated Assessor/Investigator on the initial phase of a new referral.
Complete the CPS Assessment/Investigation Worksheet.
CPS Assessment/Investigation - Conducting an Assessment/Investigation
The trainee has completed the worksheet, demonstrated satisfactory comprehension of the subject and received feedback from the supervisor/training coordinator and/or field practice advisor.
Trainee / DateField Practice Advisor / Date
Supervisor/Training Coordinator / Date
CPS Assessment/Investigation Worksheet
1. / Describe the allegations of maltreatment identified in the referral being investigated.2. / Was law enforcement involved in this action? If yes, describe how law enforcement was involved.
3. / Describe the steps and process taken by the assessor/investigator.
4. / Was face-to-face contact with the child subject to the maltreatment allegations made within the assigned time frame?
5. / How did the assessor/investigator engage the child during the child interview?
6. / What indication of maltreatment was observed or reported?
7. / When was the parent contacted and describe that interaction.
Education & TrainingFebruary 20091
Making Connections – Stage 3