Free and Mahala!

At first glance you will probably wonder, “What’s the Catch?” - but there’s nothing like that. The only catch is that, if you do not make use of this opportunity or you wait too long, the available funds could be allocated.

The AgriSETA Board literally offers millions of Rand to support you as employer and employee in respect of training and development programmes. Over and above the grants you receive back, the following special offers also appear on the menu:

1.Short Courses / Unit Standard based training

The agricultural sector over many years got used to the so-called ‘Short Courses’. Boskop offered these with great success. The single, most important problem was that the learners never received recognition on the successful completion of these courses. During the past years much effort was invested in finding a solution to this problem. So-called ‘Unit Standards’ were designed which ensures that the incumbent complies with minimum standards. Therefore, in future such training will be certified and learners will receive officially recognised certificates!

Apart from establishments such as AgriculturalColleges and Universities, Further Education and TrainingColleges, Technikons and Universities, a list of accredited suppliers that offers Unit Based training is enclosed herewith. Please contact these establishments for your training needs.


A learnership can by and large be compared to the well-known apprenticeship. A learnership normally covers a period of six months to one year. Thirty percent of the training is theoretical and 70% is practical. The major part of the training, at least the practical training, can be offered on the farm. Learnerships are available in the following subjects:

-4 x National certificates in Animal Production, available respectively at NQF 1, NQF 2, NQF 3 or NQF 4

-4 x National certificates in Plant Production, available respectively at NQF 1, NQF 2, NQF 3 or NQF 4

-2 x National certificates in Mixed Farming Systems, available respectively at NQF 1 or NQF 2

-National Diploma in Animal Production at NQF 5

-National Diploma in Plant Production at NQF 5.

A learnership leads to a qualification and the level of qualification starts at Level 1 – Level 1 is equal to Grade 9 or Standard 7 – for those that still remembers!

AgriSETA will pay the course fees should you wish to expose your employees to a learnership. In order to provide for as many employers as possible to participate in this process, a maximum of five workers per farmer will be paid for. If an employer wants to expose more than five workers to learnerships, he is welcome to do so, but the employer will have to pay their fees himself. The charge per learner is about R15 000 for a learnership.

The above is directed at permanent employees, but should you wish to offer an unemployed person the opportunity to complete a learnership, you are welcome to contact us.

The employer will have to enter into an agreement with the learner for the duration of the learnership. The strategy is that the employer offers an opportunity to the employee to obtain practical experience in the work place. The practical experience will obviously have to be in relation to the theoretical training the learner is busy with. After completion of the learnership, the employer will have no further obligation towards the learner. By taking in such a learner you as employer get the opportunity of evaluating the person with a view to future employment!

3.Literacy training

The generating of literacy amongst farm workers is perhaps one of the greatest challenges to the agricultural sector. The skills to read and write are in many cases the stepping-stone to other more sophisticated skills and in many instances influence the attitude of workers. AgriSETA Board dedicated R10 million to increase literacy in this sector. In principle it was decided to establish a large number of ‘Skills Centres’ across the country. Such a centre will be fitted out with computers as well as software for the presentation of literacy courses. Employers that are interested to establish such a centre on their farm is invited to contact the office.

5.HIV Project

Our first two pilot projects were concluded. One of the farms, Lindeshof, owned by the DuToit Group at Ceres started with an encompassing programme in HIV Training. One of the most important building bricks in the project is “Know your status”. An individual that knows his/her status, whether it be positive or negative, is in a better position to manage the situation. As the project grows we will keep you informed.

Kind regards and Peace!

Johann Engelbrecht

PO Box 26024012 325 1655 (T)

Arcadia012 325 1677 (F)