Welcome to Falcon Ridge! We are looking forward to our competition. While we are sure most of you have played the course, we don't want anyone to be at a disadvantage. With this in mind, we offer the following information to assist you in enjoying your game. Hopefully this will give you a general "lay of the land" before we start.

Due to course conditions:

Ground Under Repair (GUR); All bare ground/dirt areas in the rough will be considered GUR. Balls may be lifted and dropped within 1 club length in the rough only no closer to the hole. GUR in the fairway will be circled with a white line, and may be dropped no more than 1 club length and no closer to the hole. Balls landing in divots must be played as they lie, unless in GUR areas.

Local rules:

(1)All roads and walls and fences defining the border of the course are "out of bounds"; and

(2)All desert areas and rock gardens are played as "lateral hazards", unless otherwise marked.

Clarification of "local rules":

1."Out of Bounds" are marked by white stakes and/or a white line painted on the cart path - When both stakes and white lines are used to mark "Out of Bounds", the stakes identify "Out of Bounds" and the painted lines define the boundary of the "Out of Bounds". When lines are painted on the cart path, the outside border of the cart path is the boundary. If your ball ends up in someone's back yard, you can be sure that you are "out

of bounds".

2. "Lateral Hazards" (or "Lateral Water Hazards" as defined in "The Rules of Golf") are marked by red stakes and/or a red line painted on the card path - When both stakes and lines are present the stakes identify the "lateral Hazard" and the painted lines define the boundary of the "Lateral Hazard". When lines are painted on the cart path, the outside border of the cart path is the boundary.

3. "Water Hazards" are marked by yellow stakes. There are no designated "drop areas" for water hazards at Falcon Ridge. You may play your next shot from a spot as close as possible to where the previous shot was played or anywhere along a line that keeps the point where you last crossed the margin of the hazard and keeps the hazard between you and the hole. Three holes have areas that are marked as "Water Hazards”: #2; #11; and #13. The lake in front of #13 green is a "Water Hazard" up until the far left-hand margin of the green and fringe (Marked by a yellow and red stake side-by-side). At this point, moving toward the back of the green and around the lake to the left until the golf course border, the lake becomes a "lateral Water Hazard". If a ball last crosses the "lateral Water Hazard" portion of the green and fringe area (red staked area), you can drop within two club lengths of and not nearer the hole measured from the point where the ball last crossed the margin of the lateral water hazard. Note: You must drop your ball so that it does not end up on the putting surface.

4. The term "Rock Gardens”means all areas within the boundaries of the course that are covered with processed or crushed rocks, regardless of whether these areas include planted trees, bushes, or flowers. There are several areas where small strips of crushed rock are next to boundary walls. In these cases, a ball in the rocks is within a "Lateral Hazard" and balls over the wall are out of bounds.

5. There are no "Environmentally Sensitive Areas”at Falcon Ridge and you may play your ball from desertareas. When you elect to playa ball within a desert area or rock garden, please remember these are "lateralhazards" and you cannot ground your club or move any rocks, twigs, or other natural items.

6. Balls that come to rest on aCart Paththat is next to a rock garden or desert area may be dropped at theclosest point of relief that is no closer to the hole and not within a hazard or on a putting green.

For the benefit of you that are not very familiar with Falcon Ridge, we have attached a summary of the Boundaries and Hazards for each hole.