Summary report - Voluntary Sector Lead and GIRFEC implementation (Dec 2013 – Jan.2014)
Children’s Services Management Groups (CSMGs)
- Re-structuring and strengthening supports for voluntary sector reps.
Following discussions with reps and with the Network about how best to support our CSMG vol sector representatives, CSMG reps had a first peer support working group, on Thursday 5th December, prior to the Network meeting, where GIRFEC was on the agenda.This was felt to have been useful and the second meeting of this working peer group will take place on Thursday 6th February 2014, to allow reps. to share ideas as well as to offer/receive support with issues which may arise from CSMG related work.
EVOC’s Voluntary Sector Representatives in the CSMG localities are:
CSMG East: Susan Heron from The Venchie shares the role with Nicki Powers from Health Opportunities Team
CSMG West: Margot Mackenzie from Homestart
CSMG South West: Danny Holligan, from Barnardos
CSMG South: Sandy Corlett from Children 1st.
CSMG North: The current two areas have amalgamated to form one single CSMG North area
Our Reps currently are:
North West:Marilyn Keilloh from Stepping Stones ares the role with Kevin Ross, centre manager Granton Youth Centre
North East: Steve Gowenlock (Multi Cultural Family Base)ares the role with Dina Subasciaki, Senior Youth Officer, Ripple Project
We will undertake a rationalisation in the new “Edinburgh North” CSMG to take account of current developments and as part of that Steve Gowenlock has decided that he will be withdrawing from the new broadened CSMG North. VS representatives report bi-monthly to EVOC as well as to their local forums, and they are keen that voluntary sector agencies in their localities are aware of their role in working to strengthen service provision, particularly at local level and in the teams around the school clusters.
- CSMG Coordinator Groups
Marilyn attends certain of the Coordinator Group meetings, to ensure a degree of vol sector participation in that group’s work. Total Craigroyston is working with that group more closely as all are working to the same aims. Connected to this work Marilyn has been liaising with vol sector reps from Total Craigroyston to work towards establishing stronger connections with the broader vol sector group of CSMG reps., and with the Network.
Recent coordinator work has included discussions with Housing to explore how this important aspect of family supports sits alongside Getting it right work practices, and looking at possibilities for working more closely in partnership with other supports for vulnerable families, particularly in relation to concerns about homelessness and temporary accommodation. The need for increased foster carer numbers was also briefly discussed in terms of the question raised as to whether this is something that CSMGs might consider locally.
Voluntary sector led training initiatives – supporting developing expertise in the localities
Further to various partnership discussions,MN will follow up with Louise Rogers, EVOC’s new development officer, the possibilities of putting together training idea/opportunities which may feed into the ongoing work of the Teams around the Cluster in the CSMG localities.
EVOC re-structuring
The re-structuring within EVOC means that there is now a bigger staff team whose remit is around the work of the Network and Children and Young People and this will include some additional supports for work relating to Getting it right. Marilyn will continue her one day per week as Voluntary Sector Lead for GIRFEC implementation. Ian Brooke, EVOC’s deputy director,has oversight of all Children and Families related work. Kate Kasprowicz (0131 555 ) is now EVOC’s Senior Development Worker for Children, Young People and
Families (working 0.6 in this part of her role). We welcome too a new full-time Children and Families development officer, Louise Rogers, whotook up her new post in early December. Marilyn, Kate and Louise have met to discuss next steps in taking forward Getting it right in the context of this strengthened team.
Supports for inclusive engagement of Parents/Carers/Young People
Two further ‘Train the Trainer’ workshops to promote GIRFEC awareness raising with parents/carers were held at EVOC. Attendees’evaluations were positive and comments/feedback underline that this kind of training is useful to
practitioners and managers as they continue their work to increase engagement of parents/carers. Marilyn to liaise further with the Parent/Carer Development team re next steps.
The workshops are open to all across the partnership and will support organisations to extend GIRFEC thinking and awareness to their service users, providing ideas and structure, as well as relevant materials and resources.
Parent/Carer Awareness Raising Workshop:Following discussions with Pilton Young People’s Project, who are piloting a new in-depth family support work project (POPS), it is planned that Marilyn will work alongside a member of their staff to offer a Parent/Carer workshop on GIRFEC awareness raising, as part of the introductory work with new families joining this programme. PYCP staff will then be able to work alongside their own experienced worker, who can help to promote GIRFEC inputs and resources for use in future planning for the parent support programme.
Young People and GIRFEC Awareness raising: Liaison currently between Marilyn and the Ripple Project who plan to offer a Getting it Right awareness raising input (planned for Feb 2014) for young people as part of the ongoing induction programme for buddying work going on in the Restalrig, Craigentinny, Lochend parts of the city.
Other information on how our voluntary sector supports and promotes GIRFEC aims:
- The Red Book (Online Directory): EVOC was delighted to launch, at its AGM and Conference on 26th November, the first edition of its Red Book online directory of voluntary sector organisations across Edinburgh. The current information on services for children and young people and families is due to be expanded over the coming months. It is available at
The recent publication of the on-line multi-agency directory of Edinburgh North services will support the next steps in developing the children and young people elements of the Red Book and MN has passed this to the EVOC team to assist in updating our information.
-Article due out in Spring 2014 edition of COSCA’s professional journal‘Counselling in Scotland’ by MN on Getting it right for those who work in the field of counselling/psychotherapy with young people and parents/carers, highlighting holistic work practices and, as example of good practice, outlining the steps which Edinburgh has taken in implementing Getting it right(this has been postponed from initial publication date of Winter 2013).
-The question of voluntary sector inclusion in HMI Inspectorate:following the Edinburgh inspection, the HMI received feedback inviting stronger inclusion and participation by vol sector individuals in the Inspectorate’s programme of multi-agency working. MN has had support from both EVOC and CEC in applying to engage in this work and the Inspectorate has now invited herto becomean associate, working as part ofthe LA multi-agency inspection teams. We are currently looking at how this secondment will be facilitated.
-Input to the Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy (SCPHRP)working group on early years. Theyare currently planning their next 5 year programme. Highlighted GIRFEC principles and importanceof ensuring that next points of focus consider the context of Getting it Right and multi-agency working throughout early years.
Marilyn Nicholl, Vol Sector GIRFEC Lead, 28th January 2014