Title / Surname / Given names
Postal address
Suburb / State / Postcode
Business phone / A/H phone / Mobile
Email address / Fax
Pension Card No.: (if a pensioner)
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information published on the mapping, Noosa Council does not guarantee the correctness of data, spatial or otherwise. Some of the information available is highly detailed, and some is collected more broadly. It is not appropriate to use broadly collected data to answer questions that required detailed, highly accurate information. Council accepts no liability or responsibility in respect to published data or inaccuracies therein. Any person or entity relying on such data shall do so at their own risk. All information published, including the images/maps, remain the intellectual property of Noosa Council, and such information must not be reproduced or sold, whole or part, to a third party (including any corporation, institution, organisation or person in any manner associated with the End User) without the express permission of Noosa Council.
Description GST inc. / B&W
$ / Colour
$ / Qty / Total
(Describe Area Over)
- Size A0
- Size A1
- Size A2
- Size A3
- Size A4
- As Constructed A4 pdf
- Size A1
- Size A2
- Size A3
- Size A4
- Additional A3/A4
LiDar, contour and aerial tile supply
Price on application – capped at $500 / 23.00 per sqkm tile
Aerial Photo / GTP Text / Service Names
1:2500 key sheets / House Numbers / Stormwater Drainage
Bikeways / House Number Range / Street Names
BUP Text / Libraries / Suburb Boundaries
Cadastre / Major Roads / Suburb Names
City Surround / Major Road Names
Creeks / Parks / Other:
Contours / Park Names
Creek Names / Property Descriptions
Divisions / Railways
Easement Parcels / Reserve Numbers
Easement Text / Road Parcels
The following layers are available, please tick requirements:
Copies of these maps may not be available at all times over the counter. In order to provide the latest information, maps may be produced on demand and clients will be notified at the earliest possible time of their availability.
All maps are to be paid for with placement of application.
Payment options
Inperson / Customer servicecentres:8.30amto4.30 pmMondaytoFriday(excludespublicholidays).
By mail / Chequeor money order tobe made payable to: Noosa Council.
Cheque / Money order / Mastercard / Visa
Card number / Expiry date / Amount$
Nameon card / Signature of cardholder
Phone / Isareceiptrequired?YesNo
All payments made by credit card will incur a 0.50% surcharge (exempt of GST) to reflect the cost offees charged for credit card transactions.
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