Non-Disclosure and Student Thesis Agreement -
Student Thesis Agreement
1. Lund University, [Department of …] (the “University”),
2. [….], (the “Company”),
3. ……………………, (the “Student”),
4. ……………………, (”the Student”); 3 and 4 are hereinafter referred to as the “Students”,
have[on this day] agreed the following:
Students at [name of department] at Lund University who participates in the [course/education] can do this in collaboration with acompany. For the students, the collaboration shall result in a written thesis (the “Thesis”) presented at the University. The students have an academic supervisor at the University (“the Supervisor”).
- The Student Thesis
2.1.The Students undertake to complete the Thesis as it is described in Appendix 1. Appendix 1contains the project description, implementation, timeframe, expected result, time and form of monitoring and reporting, required resources, and the responsibility of each party for the different tasks. It shall be specified if the Thesis is expected to incur costs for theStudents in form of travel, living, material or otherwise, and how these should be reimbursed.
2.2.The Company shall designate a contact personwho will participate in the execution of the Thesis to the extent and in the manner required for the Studentsto be able to carry out the Thesis.
3.1.The Students undertake not to disclose confidential information obtained from the Company to any third party. “Confidential Information” means information which is clearly marked “confidential”, or if disclosed orally, is characterised as confidential at the time of disclosure.
3.2.Information from the Company to be included in the final Thesis shall, in consultation with the contact person,be processed so that theinformation is not deemed confidential when it is submitted to the University.
3.3.The Company agrees not to disclose to third parties the Students’ own findings and results until the Thesis is submitted forapproval atthe University.
3.4.Lund University is a public body and documentsreceived by the Universitywhich concern the University's activities may constitute public documents. Public documents are public, unless there is a legislative basis for secrecy in the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400).
3.5.The duty of confidentiality does not apply to information which is or has become publicly known, or which the Students can show was in their possession at the time of signing this Agreement, orthe Students lawfully received from a thirdparty.
- Approval of the Student Thesis
4.1.The Company is aware that the Students attendan education which will be completed with a written thesis to be presented at the University.
4.2.Before the Students submit documents relating to the Thesis to the University, the Company shall be given an opportunity to review and approve the material before submission to the Universityfor a maximum of seven (7) business days. Submission may be refused forConfidential Information.
4.3.Before the Students present the Thesis at the University, the Company shall be given an opportunity to review the Thesis for a maximum period of thirty (30) days. The Company is entitled to demand that its Confidential Information is not published.
4.4.In the event transfer of ownership of results takes place as set out in section 5 below, publication can be delayed until an application for intellectual property rights protection has been submitted. Such delay can last for a maximum period of ninety (90) days from when the Company received the Thesis.
- Ownershipof the Thesis
5.1.The Students own the copyright of the Thesis.
5.2.The Company has the right to use the Thesis inits own operations. The Company is not entitled to assign or otherwise make the Thesis available to the public without the Students’ prior consent.
5.3.If the Students, in the context of the Thesis,generate intellectual property rights (such as computer software, patents, designs, etc.), this result will be owned by the Students.
5.4.If results that can be subject to intellectual property rights protection are generated during the work with the Thesis, the Students shall immediately inform the Company thereof. The Company is entitled to acquire ownership to such result against fair and reasonable compensation. In this respect, fair and reasonable compensation means at least the same remuneration that would have been paid to the Students had they been employees of the Company. If the Company wishes to obtain ownership of such result, the Company shall inform the Students thereof within thirty days from when the Company was informed of the result. Any taxes or fees that may arise due to the Company’s purchase of the result shall be paid by the Company.
- Liability
6.1.The Company is aware that the University is engaged in education and research and not in commercial activities. The University undertakesno liability for the use or usefulness of the Thesis commercially, functionally or in any other way.
6.2.The University has no employer’s liability for the Students andundertakes no liability towards the Company regarding the Students’fulfillment of the Thesis.
6.3.The Studentsundertake no liability towards the Company for the use or usefulness of the Thesis commercially, functionally or in any other way.
- Insurance
The Studentsare insured for personal injuriescaused byaccidents occurring during the period when the Studentsare present at a workplace where the student Thesis is performed.
- Term
The agreement is valid from 2014-mm-dduntil the Thesis is approved by the University.
- Changes and Amendments
9.1.The Parties shall continuously monitor, evaluate and report deviations from the attached project description. Amendments or revisions to the project description shall be in writing and approved by the Company, the Student and the Supervisor.
9.2.Changes and additions to this Agreement and its attachments shall be made in writing and signed by all Parties.
- Dispute Settlement
Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this contract, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be settled by public courts, with Lund’s district court as court of first instance.
This agreement has been executed in four (4) original copies, each Party receiving one copy thereof.
Lund University[company]
Place: Place:
Date: Date: