Nursing Care and Management
Nursing Assessment
- Was the seizure witnessed from the beginning?
- Were there any warning signs?
- What type of body movement was noted?
- How long did it last?
- Was the patient unconscious throughout the seizure?
- Was there any weakness or paralysis of the extremities post seizure?
- Were there any injuries noted?
- Was the patient in a postictal state after the seizure?
Nursing Diagnosis
- Risk for injury related to seizure activity
- Ineffective airway clearance
- Risk for aspiration
- Fear related to the possibility of seizures
- Ineffective coping related to stresses imposed by epilepsy
- Deficient knowledge related to epilepsy and its control
- Noncompliance: medication
Before (and During) Seizure Care:
- Pad side rails
- Remove unnecessary furniture
- Ease the patient to the floor
- Provide privacy if possible
- If patient experiences an aura, have them lie down immediately to prevent injury
- Remove eyeglasses and loosen restrictive clothing
- Do not try to force anything into the mouth
- Stay with the patient throughout the seizure to ensure safety
- Time the seizure (seizure events often seem much longer then they really are)
- Provide O2 and suction as needed
Post Seizure Care:
- Lay the patient on their side to drain secretions
- Maintain a patent airway
- Suction secretions if necessary to prevent aspiration
- Allow the patient to sleep after the seizure
- Reorient the patient as needed
- Patient remains free of injury
- Patient is compliant with medications and treatment
- Patient verbalizes the need to take medication routinely
- Patient and family verbalize appropriate measure to take during a seizure
- Patient verbalizes a decrease in fear
- Patient and family display effective coping skills
- Exhibits knowledge and understanding of epilepsy
- Verbalizes side effects of medications
- Patient verbalizes that they will avoid alcohol
- Patient displays an absence of complications
- Decrease in seizure activity
Patient Education
- Avoid tub baths without supervision
- Take medications daily
- Never discontinue medications without speaking with the physician
- Notify the physician if they cannot take medication due to illness
- See the physician regularly for exams and lab work
- Understand and report signs of toxicity
- Avoid activities requiring alertness until the effects of medication are understood
- Avoid OTC medications and herbal supplements
- Wear a medic alert bracelet
- Avoid seizure triggers including alcohol, stress, caffeine, constipation, fever, hyperventilation, and hypoglycemia
- Never swim alone
- Exercise regularly
- Avoid temperature extremes
- Adequate sleep
- Utilize the Epilepsy Foundation of America