Mathematics Department2016 – 2017
Mrs. Nguyen, Dieu-Quyen K.Room C-10
COURSE OUTLINE:This course will be covered the most important topics in Algebra to prepare students for 2016-2017 school year. Topics including equations, inequalities, linear relations, functions, systems of equations, quadratic functions, polynomials, inversee, radical functions, exponential, logarithmic functions, rational functions, conic sections, sequences, series, statistics, probability and trigonometric identities. At the end of the school year, students will have a strong background in Algebra.
TEXTBOOK:ALGEBRA 2 by Glencoe, McGraw Hill Education, Common Core Edition.
SUPPLIES:Students are expected to bring spiral notebook, textbook, pencils, eraser, straightedge, and supplemental materials to class every day.
ATTENDANCE:This class is operated under the established rules of GGUSD and Pacifica High School. Be in the room seated when the tardy bell rings as the tardy policy will be strictly enforced. You will be given four hall passes per semester to be used only if needed. Detention will be assigned if you use more than four hall passes.
CLASS ACTIVITIES:Notebook 10%Homework 10%
Chapter Quiz30%Chapter Test50%
MAKE-UP ASSIGNMENT:Tests or quizzes may be scheduled to make-up during class, at lunch or after school.
ASSESSMENT:Grades will be assigned based on points earned:
A = 90 to 100%B = 80 to 89 %
C = 70 to 79%D = 60 to 69%
F = Below 60%
CALCULATORS:To better prepare students for standardized tests, scientific graphing calculators will be used in any occasions. When calculators and required, students may use their own scientific graphing calculators.
EXTRA HELP:I will be available for tutoring after school from Monday to Friday. Parents may leave a message at school 714-663-6515 or email to
HOMEWORK:Students must complete all homework problems on the night they are assigned. Late homework will be accepted for half credit. However, homework completed as make-up for an excused absence is due per teacher assigned within the same unit.
CLASSROOM RULES:We want to keep our classroom in a clean environment at all times. I do not allow any types of food or sugar drinks in class; however, you may have bottle water only. Any electrical devices such as cell phone, I-pod, I-phone are also prohibited in the classroom. If you do not follow the rules, your materials will be sent to the office immediately.
EXTRA CREDIT:Very small amounts of extra credit points are available to everyone to participate in class. Opportunities to earn extra points will mostly to solve a problem in Warm-ups or notes.
File: PHS-Algebra-2-syllabus