Blubber Glove

Grade Level: 1 Length of Lesson: Date:

Objectives / The student will:
1.  Investigate how Antarctic animals are able to survive in cold water
2.  Explore and identify the functions of physical features of Antarctic species
3.  Record data and communicate observations
4.  Actively engage in experiment and work cooperatively with partner.
Standards / RI GSE: LS1 (K-2)–4: Students demonstrate understanding of structure and function-survival requirements by…
4a identifying the specific functions of the physical structures of a plant or an animal (e.g. roots for water; webbed feet for swimming).
NSES: Content Standard A: Ability to conduct
scientific inquiry
Content Standard C: Develop understanding of
the characteristics of living organisms
Instructional Materials and Resources / For each pair:
·  Eight large clear plastic bags
·  Solid vegetable shortening
·  Duct tape
·  A bucket of cold water with ice cubes
·  Method of recording time (stop watch, clock)
·  Weights
·  Data-collecting sheet
Instructional Activities and Tasks
Opening: / 1.  Open discussion by asking students what we, as humans, do to stay warm in the water. List on board BTS Standard 1
2.  Ask students to work in groups and generate a list of ways that animals are able to stay warm in water. Share after a few minutes. BTS Standards 3,6
3.  Bring discussion back to thematic unit on penguins by saying, “What features do penguins have that we’ve already talked about?” (beak for eating and catching fish, wings/flippers for swimming and diving, black and white colors for camouflage from enemies) BTS Standard 1,2
4.  Today we are going to conduct an experiment in order to see how penguins stay warm in the water and why they are able to float.
Development: / 1.  Split class into pairs. Give each pair eight plastic bags, shortening, and duct tape. Instruct pairs to choose one person to be the data recorder and one person to be the experimenter first.
2.  Demonstrate how to set up experiment : experimenter puts one hand in empty bag and then adds shortening to another bag. Place plastic covered hand in shortening bag and knead shortening until hand is completely surrounded. Wrap duct tape around bag. Cover the other hand with two empty plastic bags. This is the control.
3.  Place both hands into icy water simultaneously. Data recorder keeps track of how long each hand remains under water.
4.  Switch roles and conduct experiment again.
5.  Remove hands from bags and seal the bags so water won’t get in. Attach a weight to each bag. Place bags in water. How much weight can each bag hold before it sinks in bucket?
BTS Standards 2,3,4,5,6
Closing: / 1.  Ask for volunteers to share their data. Which hand was able to remain in the cold water longest? Make a class record of the time each hand lasted. Why does the hand with the shortening last longer? How much weight did the shortening gloves withhold before sinking? BTS Standards 6
2.  Content Blast: Discuss the effects of blubber: warmth, buoyancy. How important is this to their survival? What other animals have blubber? BTS Standard 1,2,8
Assessment / Summative: Students will be assessed through a multiple choice test based on the features of penguins that they have learned so far. See Attached. (Objectives 1 & 2)
Formative: Teacher will use rating scale to assess participation, engagement, and appropriate data recording. (Objectives 3 &4)
BTS Standard 9
Learner Factors / 1.  The hands-on nature of this activity will help visual and kinesthetic learners grasp the material stronger.
2.  For inclusion students with specfic needs, teacher will arrange specific partners to ensure that all students learn from this activity.
3.  If a student finishes early, teacher will guide questioning to further investigation. How much of an affect does the amount of shortening have? Could you try less, try more, is there a peak amount? What does this mean for the weight of penguins?
BTS Standards 3,4,8
Environmental Factors / 1.  Students are instructed in safety measures. (Do not put anything in the mouth, do not try to keep hand in cold water once it begins to sting)
2.  Students should work collaboratively with their partner and remain in their designated work station as to not have any fire hazards.
BTS Standard 6

Adapted from lesson:

Gulf of Maine Aquarium. (2000). Blubber Glove. Retrieved February 12, 2008 from