Minutes of South Texas Executive Board Meeting

May 22, 2016

San Marcos, Texas

Present: Michael O’Neal, Sue Humphrey, Randy Rendon, Randy Reina, Charles Matthews, Scott Slade, Debbie Romero, Michael Shedd, Deborah Carr, Orlando Mathews, Kevin Adams. Not Present-Bert Pickell, Bear Jones, Ricky Williams, Seth Brower, AC Jaime, Dave Dunbar, Joe Prusaitis.

Secretary Sue Humphrey called the meeting to order in place of President Bert Pickell, who wasn’t present due to medical issues. She also reported that Treasurer Bear Jones had a death in his family and wouldn’t be present and that Ricky Williams, Officials Chair, was out of town.

Minutes of the past meeting were posted online and hard copies were handed out along with the meeting agendas. The minutes were approved as written and will be added to the record.

Vice President Mike O’Neal gave the treasurer’s report. We currently have $32,881.17 in the bank. Recently, we paid $170. for June 11 sanctions and $600. for rental of the St. Michael’s facility. Jones has turned in the 990 EZ for the association for 2015 and it’s posted on the South Texas’ website.

A question was asked why the USATF master calendar allows non-USATF sanctioned events to be listed. This question has been asked at past Annual Meetings with no clear reason given. It seems that we are giving free advertising to non USATF events. This concern will be taken to the Annual Meeting again.

Humphrey also mentioned how important branding has become to USATF. They have asked for photos of any violations of the logo. A lot of schools are using “the wings” in various positions and different colors.

Membership chair Randy Rendon reported that we are at 1022 members currently. Club membership is at 31 with several clubs still waiting for background checks to be finalized. There are 3 clubs from the Southwestern Association who have transferred to South Texas. Several members expressed concern as to why the required background checks take so long. Humphrey said this was also a concern at the Annual Meeting. We also want to find out the exact target numbers we are looking for to maintain accreditation. Anyone who is listed as “unattached” needs to try and join a club as 50% of our members must also belong to a club for accreditation. All officials who don’t have a club can join the South Texas Officials club. Just let Rendon know.

O’Neal also gave the officials report. This year only new officials were certified. Since this is the end of the quadrennial, all officials will have to be recertified in 2017. It was asked for a list of what level each official was currently in and specifically what was needed to move up the certification levels. Meet directors need to understand these different levels and how many officials are needed to run an event. Deborah Carr gave a report for several officials. They are questioning why the pay and benefits are different depending on the meet. For example, the various colleges provide varying pay and housing on multi-day meets. Some meets only pay for one main official per event; others pay all USATF certified officials. A consensus was that many of these concerns are out of our hand as the various meets are autonomous. The issues can be mentioned to the various leaders, but the officials as a group might need to unite and decide if they are going to work meets that don’t provide officials’ benefits.

Basically we need operating procedures from the officials subcommittee which specify pay and benefits for South Texas officials. The various topics to include are pay for number of hours worked, how to work up the various certification levels, what penalty would there be for officials who repeatedly sign up to work, but don’t show up, etc. During the upcoming certification clinics, officials need to try new events and become more experienced in all track and field events. You don’t want to be labeled as one who can only do certain things!

Old Business

Humphrey reminded the subcommittee chairs that haven’t turned in their operating procedures need to ASAP. A few of subcommittees are functional because there is not a group of members working together on their projects.

Scott Slade reported on Coaches Education projects. The next Level I school is scheduled for August 12-14 in McAllen, TX. Registration is on the USATF website at the link-- We will be advertising in the valley and at the Texas High School Coaches Convention in July. We’ll have a booth there advertising various local and national USATF activities. New restrictions between level I and II will go into effect soon. However, there is only one Level II school a summer. There is no way there are enough slots for Level I coaches to take Level II. Slade is going to discuss this with the National Committee.

Association Championships on June 11 report was given by Debbie Romero. There is confusion as all youth in the Junior Olympics program must be USATF members. However, she is saying the open and masters will be open to all with only USATF members getting awards. The group expressed negative feelings on this concept as the meet will be the Association Championships. Participants should be a member of USATF to be in the championships was the feeling of those at the meeting. A question of insurance coverage on a non-member was discussed. A volunteer signup sheet will be posted. O’Neil is going to do a walk through as we don’t know if there’s a steeplechase at St. Michaels. Hammer throwers will be advanced to Regionals. Will any other groups?

Slade has resigned at the LDR chair. Randy Reina is working on getting some new people involved and to get the LDR series going. Brandon is working on a youth distance program.

New Business

Romero mentioned that someone contacted her about South Texas bidding for a Masters Throwers Meet. She still is getting more details.

3D Athletics expressed interest in hosting a “Developmental” meet and Level I school in San Antonio.

Romero suggested that we host a “Run, Jump & Throw” through a YMCA.

The next meeting will be scheduled for Sunday, September 18. Elections will be held for President & Secretary. The Treasurer election will be in 2017 and the Vice President and Membership Chair are scheduled for 2018.

The meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by Sue Humphrey, Secretary Bert Pickell, President