MONDAY 27th JULY 2015

Committee present: Polly Smith, Vanessa Clothier, Julie Arnold, Pam Mansfield, Helen Thompson, Kelly Crowley, Gemma White.

Registration of teams - all teams were present and packs received.

Minutes of last AGM - The Minutes from 15th July 2014 were read and approved.

Treasurer’s Report . A detailed Report was read out and explained by Kelly Crowley Court costs will go up slightly in September probably to £18.00 per hour per court.

Fixtures Report - Vanessa put together her Report online with some great pictures.

Winter 2014/2015 Winners and Runners Up:-

Steiner Premier: Winners: Wila Lighting Runners Up: PCFS

Division 1:Winners: Newbury 3 Runners Up: Bowlers Arms

Division 2:Winners: Rushmoor Runners Up: Jets Orange

Summer 2015

Steiner Premier Winners: Wila Lighting Runners Up: PCFS

Division 1Winners: Hungerford Extras Runners Up: DWH

Best Player Awards: Premier Nicki Mainwaring

Division 1 Natalie Tucker and Anna Cassall

Division 2 Katie Madge

Overall Best Player: Katie Madge

Umpire’s Award Pam Mansfield

The 2015 Tournament will be held on 27th September and the season will start on the 4th October. The cost to affiliate will be £28.50.

Affiliations - Players will be able to affiliate from 4th August 2015 and Vanessa asked that these should be done online by 5th September 2015. All players must be affiliated and fee paid to England Netball before they take to the court, even if they are added to your registration throughout the year. Bring affiliation sheets to theTournament.

We have asked the Kennet School to roughen the lines particularly on the first two courts and sink the posts, they should be ready for the beginning of the Winter season.

Press Officer’s Report

Gemma said thank you to all teams for their improved reports. Please keep them coming as we are now getting some good coverage. There is a £10.00 fine if a team fails to send in a report.

Newbury Junior Report -

Helen read her Report with the Newbury Juniors continuing to do well in the Berkshire League and in Tournaments. They have also received the Bronze Cap Award.

Umpiring Report -

Julie read out her Report and confirmed there would be a Rules Forum which all umpires must attend. She will confirm a date as soon as possible.

Presentations -

Teams and best players received their trophies and photographs taken.

Election of Officers - All Committee Members were re-elected.


Kelly read out report on NET10 and thanked everyone for their support. We raised £249.60.

Chairperson Report - Polly read out her Report after another very successful winter and summer season.

The AGM closed 9.30pm