CTC Board Meeting
April 15, 2014
CTC President, Bill Brock called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. He also read the mission statement.
Members present: Bill Brock, Jane Webb, John Crawley, Stephanie Windle, Steve Smalling, Chas Webb, Ron Branam, Sue Barlow, Mike Leary, Ryan Shrum, Joe Dumas, Jessica Marlier, Sujeel Taj, and Stacey Malecky, Club Manager. Visitors were Russ Rogers, Mark Wisdom, and Donelle Dunning
I. Open, Welcome - Bill Brock
II. Minutes/Approval
The minutes were approved unanimously, with the exception of adding Joe Dumas’s name as attending March meeting.
Financial Reports - Steve Smalling
The Financial Reports were approved unanimously. Steve Smalling explained the handout.
March financials. Steve handed out a budget examination and explainedthat net loss forMarchis mainly due to expenses with Scenic City Half being paid in March. Sinceour financials, with the exception of a few year-end accruals,are on a cash basis, SCHM revenues were recorded mostlyin prior monthsaspeople registered, and many expenses were recorded after the race when paid.
Discussed Chickamauga Marathon 2013 and 2014 numbers comparison and projected profit. He is keeping a watch on checking account balance. We are in discussions to upgrade our contact with Team Magic and the Waterfront Triathlon which would improve our profit by $8,000. Bill discussed how we now have a different structure and physical model. We have 3 main events which we need to concentrate on to increase our profit.
Motion, Seconded and approved.
III. Visitor introduced: Donelle Dunning with The Jets
The Jets are the only track and field organization in the city. They coach 200 children. They would like to partner with us for track events in the summer and helping out as sentries and water stop positions at CTC races. We would like to help them financially. In discussion, we mentioned needing their help at Market Street Mile race in June. Hugh Enicks and Donelle get our emails and eNews and as they see a good fit with scheduling, they will notify us of their interest in being involved with certain events.
IV. Presidents Report - Bill Brock
Bill reported on the very good meeting held last week with the City on our permit request to have a Marathon. Things are looking very good and we should have an answer back in 1 week. At that time we will have to act fast to begin further preparations. Stacey Malecky is checking with media design individuals and beginning the process of development and marketing of the event. The date is still tentative and is a part of the negotiations as we want to work with the city on their date recommendation.
Sponsorship efforts are on-going for our 3 big events each year, which are, Waterfront Triathlon, Scenic City Half, Chickamauga Marathon. We are working on a model to kick off sponsorship drive. We need more sponsors to support our mission. Sponsors can help educate the public on what we do and how we help citizens and the city. Clinics and seminars and helping youth groups are an important piece. Ryan with Get Out Chattanooga magazine is helping with this initiative and has a lot of great ideas and energy.
New Trademark idea was presented. Race Local. There are legal fees involved. Sujeel Taj discussed how it works to help support our brand and appealing to a wider audience. Discussion concerning pros and cons of using this. A committee was formed consisting of Sujeel Taj, Stacey Malecky, Bill Brock and Chas Webb and they will research and discuss benefits. They will report back at the May board meeting.
Motion made, Seconded and Approved to proceed.
Meet up – Group Runs – Jessica Marlier said this is very useful and used by a lot of runners looking for people to run with. We discussed trying a nine month membership for approximately $60.00
Motion made, Seconded and Approved.
V. President Elect Report – Sujeel Taj
He reported on our first free seminar at Outdoor Chattanooga. Center for Sports Medicine was there to present a program and demonstration of treatment using Lynda Webber. They answered questions about a number of common running injuries and issues. They were very pleased with the number of people that attended. Our next clinic will be May 1st. Yoga for Runners conducted by CTC member Hillary Libby. Our Facebook Event page has 12 people accepting. Sujeel feels that 12-15 attendees would be great. We will have one seminar or clinic per month. He would appreciate any ideas and suggestions. Discussion including tying a clinic in with preparing for Chickamauga Marathon, especially if this is your first one. Whole Foods will be approached by Stephanie Windle to see if they would like to conduct a clinic on nutrition for runners.
VI. Membership Committee Report - Chas Webb
Our membership is at 701 members. Chas handed out a power point presentation concerning Club Manager position and evaluation. He thanked everyone for responding back with input. We are 95% of the way to our goal, with the last piece of the puzzle being financial stability. We will look at this report again in one year. Please give Chas feedback or questions. Chas also discussed using Flint technology and app for iPhones and iPads at races and events to collect membership dues. This will be tried out Saturday at the Chickamauga Chase by Rita Fanning at the Day-Of Registration table. We have a Flint account set up and almost ready to go for testing. We need more volunteers to help with Membership Station at races due to the fact that the committee members oftentimes want to run the race also. The Race Team shirts will be in this week at Fast Break Athletics.
Next meeting will be at Over There or another new Business partner on May 8th at 5:15 p.m.
VII. Races Committee Report – Mike Leary
Chattanooga Chase length will be advertised as 4.7, not an 8K. Everything is shaping up nicely. The Jets will be involved as sentries and they will benefit financially from the profits of the race. Last year the proceeds went to Boston Strong. Chickamauga Chase is coming together and we are hopeful for a normal parking situation and not needing the buses. Market Street Mile committee will meet for the first time this week in preparation for the June 21st event. Market Street Mile committee will meet for the first time this week in preparation for the June 21st event. We would love for the Jets to help with or participate as runners in this event also.
Waterfront Triathlon is coming together for the June 29th date. Missionary Ridge is on track for August 9th. Raccoon Mountain is on track for September 27th. Committee is looking at our race fees and if they are on track with other races and events. We have traditionally had the lowest prices, so we are looking at bumping these up a small amount. Elementary Cross County series was discussed and we would like to make some improvements from last year. The Race Director section (drop down box) on our webpage is being worked on to improve and simplify. Timing issue in Cleveland (65 Roses) was discussed and Mike explained how Trey is testing and checking all chips and also the positioning of the mats to reduce the number of issues and problems occurring. Bib chip timing and shoe chip timing produce different issues and we will continue to improve our processes.
The next meeting will be held at the YMCA on May 6th.
VIII. Communications Committee Report - Sue Barlow
We are approaching the deadline of early May for Jogging Around. We will hold the issue a short time in order to add pictures from May events. If anyone has an article idea, please send that to Sujeel Taj. The September issue will be dedicated to Youth Running.
VX. Secretary Report - Jane Webb
Membership cards are being handed out at races. We continue to add business partners
willing to give our members a 10% discount. Please check with some merchants you
frequent and ask them to participate . Jane can send you her ask letter if you like.
Membership station needs more volunteers from the board or the membership for our
races. Jane and Stacey had a nice time at Volkswagen last week helping them with their
campaign to sign up a large VW team for Chickamauga Chase. They seem pleased with our
interest in their health and wellness and it certainly ties in with our Mission Statement.
X. Club Manager Report - Stacey Malecky
Stacey passed out the Code of Conduct forms and asked everyone to please sign. She is pleased with the Club Manager report and her self-analysis of her performance.
XI. New Business – Bill Brock
Bill announced that Pam Cuzzort has resigned from the board due to business demands and healthcare needs of a parent. We all certainly wish her well and thank her for her wonderful service. Our Mission Statement is being worked on to improve it and freshen it up to align with our new initiatives. Sujeel will head up a team consisting of Bill Brock, Chas Webb, Sue Barlow, Joe Dumas and Stacey Malecky. They will report back at the May board meeting.
Adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
Next Meeting: May 20, 2014 at 5:30 p.m.