St Andrew’s CEVAPrimary School
Assistant Headteacher
Line Manager: Head Teacher
1. Applicable contract terms and duties
As Assistant Headteacher, you are required to work under the terms and conditions for head teachers and stated within the current accepted DfE Pay & Conditions document. This job description should therefore be read in the context of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document and Guidance on School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions, in particular, sections Part X11 and Part X.
Your detailed job description is based on the National Standards for Headteachers published by the TTA. It will enable you to build the key skills and attributes needed in order to progress towards Headship, and to deputise fully for the Head teacher should the need arise.
2. Purpose of the job
The core purpose of the Assistant Headteacher is to fully support and work in collaboration with the Headteacher to:
- Secure and plan for continuous school improvement, including raising standards
- Create a disciplined and productive learning environment
- Develop and maintain networks with the wider community
- Ensure equality of opportunity for all
- Develop and maintain policies and practices
- Establish and maintain a sound professional relationship with the Headteacher
- To liaise regularly with the Headteacher on all management issues and the daily routines of school life
- Ensure resources are efficiently & effectively used & managed
3. Responsibilities of Assistant Headteacher
Of the key areas of Headship, you will concentrate on aiding the Headteacher in:
A. Strategic Direction & Development of the School:
- Leading by example to inspire & motivate staff, governors, parents and pupils, ensuring that the whole school community is committed to achieving its aims and involved in meeting long medium and short term targets for educational success.
- Developing and maintaining a school ethos, values, vision & direction in line with the Headteacher; that secures effective teaching, successful learning & improving achievement for pupils, preparing them for adult life & sustaining improvement in their spiritual, moral, cultural, mental & physical development.
- Accepting responsibility and accountability for agreed procedures, actions and roles as set out within the school’s leadership team.
- Securing the commitment of parents & the wider community to the vision & direction of the school.
- Be involved in creating and implementing the School Action Plan, underpinned by sound financial planning, that identifies priorities & targets for pupil progress, standards and achievement, ensuring teachers’ effectiveness & securing school improvement.
- Ensuring that policies and practices take into account national, local and school data, as well as inspection & research findings
- Monitor, evaluate & review the effect of policies, practices & targets in practice, taking action if
- Attend, contribute and support in Leadership meetings
- Disseminating information to relevant staff and carrying out points for action
- Supporting and challenging other staff with areas for development.
- Demonstrate exemplary lessons.
- Organise training where relevant.
- Demonstrate excellent practice in classroom and support of whole school initiatives.
B. Teaching & Learning - Curriculum
- Create & maintain an environment & behaviour code that promotes & secures good teaching, effective learning, high standards of achievement, behaviour and discipline. This will enable teachers to meet the standards set out in the professional development framework.
- Determine, organise & implement the curriculum & assessment, monitoring & evaluating to identify & act on areas for improvement. Monitor & evaluate the quality of teaching, learning & standards of achievement of all pupils, setting realistic & challenging targets for improvement.
- Ensure that improvements in English, Mathematics, Science & ICT are priority targets for all pupils, including SEND, EAL and G&T pupils, & that they develop study skills enabling them to learn with increasing independence & effectiveness.
- Create & promote effective strategies for promoting the Equality Duty.
- Create & maintain an effective partnership with parents to support & improve pupils’ achievement & personal development
- Develop effective links with the community, including business & industry, to extend the curriculum & enhance teaching & learning.
- Organise training where relevant.
- Demonstrate excellent practice in classroom and support of whole school initiatives.
In addition to the listed key areas, you will need to fully understand and support the Head teacher’s systems and practices in:
- Leading, motivating, challenging and supporting staff to secure school improvement.
- Deploying people & resources effectively to meet specific objectives in line with the school’s strategic plan & financial context
- Accounting for the efficiency & effectiveness of the school to the Governors & others, including pupils, parents and the wider community as necessary.
C. Foundation Stage
The post holder will support the EYFS lead in this area by:
1.Overseeing teachers’ planning.
2.Facilitating effective assessment.
3.Guiding, advising and supporting colleagues in line with school ethos.
4.Monitoring and evaluating the quality of teaching and learning using agreed national criteria.
5.Ensuring continuity and progression of learning throughout the EYFS.
6.Ensure that relevant policies and practises are reviewed and updated.
7.Support the EYFS in analysing quantitative data to prioritise future needs and set targets.
8.Ensuring the provision is of a sufficiently high standard to facilitate learning.
9.Take action to sustain and improve quality of provision for pupils and staff.
10.Ensure best value for use of school’s resources, including impact of expenditure on learning.
11.Report in writing and in person to the Head, Learning Provision Committee and at Full Governor’s meetings the progress against the School Action Plan priorities.
12.To demonstrate strong leadership in all areas of devolved responsibility.
13.To produce action plans as outlined when appropriate.
14.To chair meetings effectively and provide training for all staff in identified areas of development as appropriate.
D. Inclusion Manager
Job Purpose:
Under the direction of the Head Teacher, the Inclusion Manager will provide professional leadership and management for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, LAC, EAL and any other groups of children and their families who have vulnerabilities, to secure high quality teaching, effective use of resources, human and financial and improved standards of learning and achievement for all pupils’.
- As Inclusion Manager, you are expected to provide leadership and direction for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups and ensure that it is managed and organised to meet the aims and objectives of the school.
- To ensure that practices improve the quality of education provided, meet the needs and aspirations of all pupils, and raise standards of achievement in St. Andrew’s CEVA Primary School.
- The Inclusion Manager will play a key role in supporting, guiding and motivating teachers and other adults in Inclusion
- To evaluate the effectiveness of attainment and progress towards targets for pupils and staff, to inform future priorities and targets for children with Special Educational Needs.
You are Responsible for:Strategic Direction and Development of Inclusion to provide professional leadership and management to:
- Develop and implement policies and practices which reflect the school’s commitment to high achievement through effective teaching and learning;
- Have an enthusiasm for the Inclusion which motivates and supports other staff and encourages a shared understanding of the contribution a range of inclusion strategies can make to all aspects of pupils’ lives;
- Use relevant school, local and national data to inform targets for development and further improvement for individuals and groups of pupils;
- Play a leading role in preparing and reviewing policy for the teaching of vulnerable pupils.
- Support with the planning and organisation of the curriculum for all inclusion groups throughout the school, establishing how good standards, continuity and progression can be achieved and sustained;
- Monitor and evaluate the implementation of policy and planning;
- Regularly and systematically provide guidance to colleagues on methodology and resources;
- Develop plans for inclusion which identify clear targets, times-scales and success criteria for its development and/or maintenance in line with the school development plan;
- Oversee the assessment and recording of pupils’ progress
- Monitor progress and evaluate the effects on teaching and learning by working alongside colleagues, analysing work and outcomes.
- To set high expectations and promote high standards of pastoral, social and educational development across the school.
- To work continuously to coordinate and help raise the achievement and attainment of pupils’ with SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups within the school.
- Have an integral part and play an effective role in school self-evaluation and set school targets for continuing school improvement.
- Analyse data to identify specific groups that need to be supported.
- Report regularly and appropriately to the Leadership Team about the progress of identified pupils’.
Leading and Managing Staff
•Enable all teachers to achieve expertise in planning for and appropriately teaching to the needs of SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups through example, support and by leading or providing high quality professional development opportunities;
•Working with the school’s Leadership Team using agreed protocols for raising standards, monitoring and evaluation
•Observing lessons;
•Working alongside colleagues;
•Assisting with planning, teaching and assessment and reporting on SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups;
•Leading discussion on SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups at staff meetings;
•Organising and leading training days;
•Running assessment trials;
•Attending relevant in-service training;
•Prompting others about relevant training;
•Auditing existing resources and advising on the acquisition of new materials;
•Representing the school in local cluster groups.
•Ensure that the head teacher and governors are well informed about policies, plans, priorities and targets for SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups and that these are properly incorporated into the school action plan.
Performance Management
•To act as line manager for teaching and support staff where relevant, undertaking performance management reviews twice a year in conjunction with the School’s policies and procedures;
•Ensure all members of staff for whom you are accountable have clear targets for personal and professional progression in their work and know how their progress towards those targets will be assessed (in line with the school’s policies);
•Undertake regular evaluation of staff progress towards agreed improvement objectives through the School appraisal, performance management and line management policies, practices and procedures;
•Use the school’s observation procedures to monitor pastoral care, behaviour for learning, practice of staff and students, and follow up observations with a discussion on progress and areas for improvement;
•Contribute positively to your own appraisal, performance management and line management.
Effective Deployment of Resources
•Support the headteacher by maintaining efficient and effective management and organisation of learning resources, by developing or identifying new resources including ICT applications for SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups;
•Be aware of and respond appropriately to any health and safety issues raised by materials, practice or accommodation relating to the SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups
•Support the head teacher by maintaining efficient and effective management of the expenditure of SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups;
•Help colleagues to create a stimulating learning environment for the teaching and learning of pupils’ with SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups;
•Take on any additional responsibilities which might from time to time be reasonably determined.
•Lead and manage staff and pupils’ in SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups in order to inspire, raise aspirations and achievement and achieve the vision and aims of the school;
•Be a role model and outstanding classroom practitioner who consistently demonstrates the highest standards of delivery and progress for pupils’;
•Be aware of and implement all relevant school policies in SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups
•Develop plans for SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups which identifies clear targets, timescales and success criteria for its development and / or maintenance in line with the School Development Plan;
•Be responsible for the delivery and success of SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups
•Undertake self-evaluation activities in SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups
•Be responsible for quality control in SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups by collecting and analysing all data available on pupil progress with SEN, linking these to the school assessment diary;
•Ensure that pupils show progress through sustained and consistent improvement in SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups in relation to prior attainment;
•Use relevant school, county and national data to inform targets for development and further improvement for individuals and groups of students;
•To inform parents / carers, colleagues and governors of the progress of pupils with SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups on time and in line with school policies and procedures;
•Monitor progress and evaluate the effects of teaching and learning by working alongside colleagues, analysing work and outcomes;
•Ensure SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups pupils’ are taught at a level appropriate to their age and stage of development;
•Set high standards for the compliant behaviour and behaviour for learning of SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups pupils’ and provide ‘front line’ support to staff in all capability matters in line with School Policy;
•Work closely with the Inclusion Team on matters concerning pupils’ who are identified as being part of a vulnerable group or group with identified needs and the effective deployment of HLTAs, TAs and with IEPs;
•Liaise with parents / carers and outside agencies as and when appropriate to meet pupils’ needs;
•Playing a leading role in the Continuing Professional Development of staff and be accountable for the dissemination of training to members of the school team;
•Run effective SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups meetings/moderations/book scrutiny/monitoring and encourage the involvement of the other staff in discussions concerning SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups delivery and organisation, and provide the Head teacher, through the Assistant Head for Inclusion, with copies of the minutes of these meetings and reports from monitoring;
•Be accountable for the SEN budget and the appropriate and judicious expenditure of allowances, ensuring that any given budget is not exceeded;
•Prepare when requested, a budget plan for the future requirements of SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups
•To take lead, when appropriate, in the development of extra-curricular activities
•Be aware of and ensure that the school is meeting the ‘good’ and ‘outstanding’ criteria in the Ofsted Evaluation Schedule;
•Ensuring adherence to the School’s Home Learning Policy and undertake regular monitoring of the homework provision for SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups children;
•Prepare for and attend any meetings with Senior Leaders to assess progress of pupils’ in SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups
•Share good practice across the school
•Ensure that new staff are aware of the expectations for teaching SEND, LAC, EAL and other vulnerable groups in their class.
•In addition to carry out other duties as reasonably required by the Headteacher.
E. Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) – See separate Job Description
4. Absence of the Headteacher
In the absence of the Headteacher, you will work alongside and fully support the Deputy Headteacher who will become the lead professional for the school; in the event of long-term absence of both the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher, you may be asked to take on the role of Acting Headteacher.
5. Additional notes
It is usual for the Assistant Headteacher to have a teaching responsibility with some leadership release time.
I have read and agree to the above job description for the role of Assistant Head teacher.
Signed ………………………………...... ………………………………………………….
Name …………………………………….………………………………………………….
AHT Job Description