Speak with love about the one who is love
Sat 4th June / 6.00 / Mass /10th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Sun 5th / 9.30 /Mass
/ 10th Sunday of Ordinary TimeMon 6th / 9.00 / Mass / Feria
Tues 7th / 9.00 / Mass / Feria
Wed 8th / 9.00 / Mass / Feria
Thurs 9th / No Mass
Fri 10th / No Mass
Sat 11th / 12.00
6.00 / Mass
Mass / St Barnabas
11th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Sun 12th / 9.30 /
/11th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Mon 13th / 9.00 / Mass / St Anthony of PaduaNOTICES
FOSTAS-We are doing St. Crux on Saturday 11th June, we are looking for any bric a brac, books, toys etc. Cakes and helpers on the day. If anyone can help in any way please contact Trish Thompson 07712337605.
CANON MICHAEL RYAN celebrates his golden jubilee on Monday 13th June. Mass 7pm at St. George’s Church. Afterwards at the Barbican Centre. All very welcome.
ASCENT TRIP to Pickering, Whitby and Canon Pat Hartnett’s new church at Ingleby Barwick.
Wednesday 22nd June. Depart St. Aelred’s 09.00 return approx 6.30pm. £10. Poster and list in porch.
HCPT Diamond Jubilee Ball - Saturday 1st October, York Racecourse. Tickets £40pp. Booking forms available now from Irene Shanks(07708264685,.
SVP: call St Aelred's SVP for assistance. Tel:07340011619
HELP needed to clean church 1hr. every other Thursday morning after 9.00am Mass. Please contact Pauline 416528 or Molly 422201.
ST AELRED’S SCHOOL are collecting all Supermarket vouchers---Box at the back of church.
HOSPITAL CHAPLAINCY. If you or anyone you know would like a visit from the hospital Chaplaincy team, please ring Fr. Paul Jenkins on 07765407075 or Catherine on 07950488685 or via the hospital switchboard on 631313 ask for Catholic Chaplain.
ELECTRIC MOBILITY SCOOTER. For sale, hardly used and in very good condition. For further information ring 01904 421861.
200 Club May Prize winners £100 No. 242 L. Horsley £50 No. 155 M. Addison £25 No. 206 C. Duckworth £25 No. 104 M. Jones. Half yearly subs now due. Cheques for £13 made payable to PCC of St. Aelred’s can be posted in 200 club mail box in church porch. Thank you.
UCM.Tuesday 7th June.Visit to the Poor Clare's Convent at Askham Bryan. Mass at 7.00pm, cars to leave St. Aelred's at 6.15pm.
Saturday 11th June.UCM Annual General Meeting at St. Aelred's. Parish Hall open from 10.30am , Mass at 12.00
RELICS OF ST ANTHONY OF PADUA-are visiting St Mary’s Cathedral, Monday 20th June, 9.00am-8.00pm. If you would like to go please put your name on the list at the back of church. This week only chance.
GIFT AID: There is a personal statement for everyone who has contributed to Gift Aid in the last tax year and these were distributed at both Masses last weekend. If you were unable to collect yours it will be available in a box on the rear church windowsill, near the steps to the choir, until the end of June. The statement is useful if you have to make a tax return. If you pay tax and have not made a Gift Aid Declaration please consider doing so. It will cost you nothing extra and will add 25% to any offertory donations you make. Pink Forms are available on the rear windowsill.
If you have any queries please contact John Ormerod on 01904 421469 or email
SPONSORED SWIM –I will be raising money to help cover St Aelred’s School costs for the recent, and forthcoming, improvements to our wonderful school. Swim is this Friday.
WALSINGHAM IN THE YEAR OF MERCY-Bishop Terry sends an open invitation to all parishioners to join him on the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham, 01/02 October. Pope Francis ask us all to go on pilgrimage in this Year of Mercy. Application forms in the June issue of the Voice. See poster for full details.
CARE FOR OUR COMMON HOME: Over the last year, there have been a number of studies madeonLaudato SiThe first anniversary of its publication is being celebrated 12 - 19 June as Laudato Si Week.For anyone who is interested in further reflection, there will be an opportunity to meet together at7.30 pm on Thursday June 16thin the Father Kelly Room atOur Lady's church, Acombto explore the theme‘Care of Our Common Home’ and to consider what this might be calling us to personally and as a parish group.All are welcome.
800th JUBILEE OF THE DOMINICAN ORDER OF PREACHERS-the English friars are organising a number of events locally including a small pilgrimage from Beverley to York. See posters for details.