O’Saben, 6
Professional Address: Home Address:
Counseling & Psychological Services 127 Charity Drive
Appalachian State University Boone NC 28607
Boone NC 28608
(828) 262-3180 (828) 265-4926; (cell) 828-773-7522
(e-mail) (e-mail)
Ph.D., 1994 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Department of Psychology (APA Accredited)
Major: Counseling Psychology Minor: Supervision and Training
M.S., 1987 Villanova University, Villanova, Pennsylvania
Major: General/Experimental Psychology
B.S., 1985 Saint Joseph’s College, Rensselaer, Indiana
Major: Psychology Minor: Business Administration
State of North Carolina Licensed Psychologist and Health Service Provider-Psychologist (#2868)
Commonwealth of Virginia Licensed Clinical Psychologist (1997-2002)
State of Missouri Clinical Psychologist License (1995-1997)
Clinical services; crisis and risk management in university settings; training and supervision of psychologists; outcome assessment; individual and group psychotherapy; ethics in supervision and training; research on supervisor development
American Psychological Association
Division 17 (Counseling Psychology)
Section on Counseling Centers
Association for the Coordination of Counseling Center Clinical Services
Center Representative, 2002-present
Steering Committee member (Recorder), 2005-2007
Website manager, 2004-present
Associate Director/Clinical Director, July 2002 – present
Counseling & Psychological Services Center
Appalachian State University
Clinical Service: Provide initial interview assessment, individual, couples and group therapy and psychological assessment for university students. Provide walk-in and after-hours on-call emergency crisis intervention services. Provide clinical consultation to university members, parents and concerned others.
Training: Provide supervision in the APA-accredited predoctoral psychology internship training program and for master’s-level clinical psychology externs and practicum students. Facilitate the Supervision of Supervision seminar for interns. Provide Training Seminar sessions on such topics as Ethics, Suicide Assessment and Intervention, Trauma Issues and Women’s Issues.
Outreach: Provide psycho-educational outreach programming to the University community. Topics include general Counseling Center services information, Listening Skills, Sexual Abuse Recovery, Eating Disorders, Sizism, Sexual Assault, LGBT Issues, Suicide and Depression.
Consultation: Serve as the Center’s liaison to a variety of different offices, depending on staffing needs. Offices served include the University Women’s Center, Housing and Residence Life and the University’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Task Force. Consult with the University’s Risk Management team.
Professional Development: Attend annual and regional conferences on topics of professional interest. Represent the Counseling Center at the annual Association for the Coordination of Counseling Center Clinical Services meeting.
Administration: Serve as the Center’s Associate Director and Clinical Director. Primary responsibility for oversight of center’s clinical services, including walk-in clinic, after-hours on-call services, case disposition and wait list policies and procedures. Coordinated the Center’s transition to electronic file management and scheduling and manage the Center’s Scheduling and Clinical Database. Revise annually the Center’s Clinical Policies and Procedures manual. Update clinical forms as necessary. Responsible for outcome assessment of Center clinical services. Provide leadership to the Center on advancements in technology related to clinical service. Provide leadership for the Center on recent developments in clinical service. Serve as Center’s HIPAA Compliance Officer. Chair the Center’s Clinical Committee. Serve on the Center’s Training Committee. Respond to administrative demands of the Center, including the granting of psychological withdrawals from and readmission to the University. Serve on University committees as assigned (e.g., Residence Life Search Committee, Retention Management Committee, Student Development Assessment Committee).
Teaching: Taught one section of Freshman Seminar during Fall Semester 2006.
Emergency Crisis Staff, New River Area Behavioral Health Center
Boone, NC, October 2002 – June 2006 (part-time)
Clinical Service: Responsible for after-hours mental health emergency coverage for Watauga County. Provided lethality assessments, mental status examinations, referrals to appropriate facilities. Conducted screenings for voluntary and involuntary psychiatric commitment.
Consultation: Provided consultation with law enforcement personnel, hospital staff, residential facility staff, and county magistrates.
Associate Director/Training Director, May 2001- June 2002
Staff Psychologist/Coordinator of Training, August 1996-May 2001
Counseling & Student Development Center
James Madison University
Clinical Service: Provided intake assessment, individual and group therapy and psychological assessment for university students. Provided walk-in and after-hours on-call emergency crisis intervention services. Individual services were generally time-limited in nature, although some clients were seen on a long-term basis. Therapy groups included Surviving Sexual Violence, General Therapy and Grief Recovery groups co-facilitated with graduate trainees.
Training: Designed, implemented and coordinated the Predoctoral Psychology Internship Training Program in the Center. Re-structured and supervised the Coordinator of the master’s and educational specialist-level graduate practicum and internship training programs in the Center. Provided individual and group supervision for interns and practicum students; organized weekly training seminars; facilitated orientation for new trainees. Chaired the Training Committee in the Center. Coordinated selection procedures and activities for psychology interns, counseling interns and practicum students. Provided ongoing training for the senior staff on supervision and training issues; facilitated Supervisors’ Meeting (to discuss trainee progress) and Supervisors’ Case Conference for review of supervisors’ work with trainees. Represented the agency at Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies (ACCTA) Conference; served on ACCTA Board of Directors. Facilitated the agency’s move toward and acquisition of APPIC membership for the predoctoral psychology internship program. Served as liaison to graduate training programs in the School of Psychology.
Outreach: Provided psychoeducational outreach and programming to the university community (e.g., classes, residence halls, student organizations). Co-chaired Addictive Behaviors Outreach Team for the Center.
Consultation: Served as liaison to the Office of Residence Life. Consulted with Area Coordinators, Hall Directors and Resident Advisors; provided training for staff and addressed mental health concerns of residents. Also served as liaison to Center for Multicultural and International Student Services. Consulted with Director, Assistant Director and graduate student staff to provide training for staff and sponsored student organizations.
Teaching: Taught graduate counseling classes (Spring 1997, Introduction to Mental Health Counseling; Fall 1999 – Spring 2002, CSDC Practicum class).
Professional Development: Attended annual ACCTA conferences; attended monthly staff professional development seminars; participated in weekly graduate training seminars; attended additional national or local conferences as Center budget allowed.
Administration: Managed budget for Center Training Program; developed initiatives to expand and improve the Training Program; developed policies and procedures for Training Program; developed Graduate Training Manuals for each of the five training programs served by the Center. Served on a variety of Center and University Committees, including search committees for various positions, Self-Study Committee of the University Health and Recreation Department, and External Advisory Committee to JMU Counseling Psychology Program. Responsible for oversight of outcome assessment of Center services. Responded to administrative demands when Director was absent from office. Served as member of the Center's Management Team for addressing administrative issues in the Center.
Counselor and Coordinator of Training and Supervision, University Counseling Services
Adjunct Graduate Faculty, Counselor Preparation Program
Truman State University, August, 1992 – May, 1996
Clinical Service: Provided individual, group and couples therapy for students. Facilitated and co-facilitated various therapy groups--Surviving Sexual Abuse and Eating Concerns (long-term groups for women) and General Therapy groups (generally co-led, time-limited, process-oriented groups). Conducted initial assessment interviews for assignment of clients to counselors. Provided “on-call” and emergency after-hours coverage.
Training and Supervision: Coordinated the training and supervision of master’s-level intern and practicum students at the Center. Developed policies and procedures manual. Provided weekly individual supervision for students. Planned and organized a weekly Professional Development Seminar for staff and students. Facilitated weekly Case Conference Seminar for professional staff. Provided in-service training seminars for staff and peer educators. Participated with other staff in the preparation and implementation of training for various campus agencies (e.g., crisis intervention for residence hall staff and Department of Public Safety).
Outreach: Provided psychoeducational programs to student clubs, organizations, residence halls and classes on a variety of topics (e.g., stress management, relationships, sexual abuse, effective communication, eating disorders).
Liaison: Served as the UCS Liaison to the largest residence hall on campus. Met weekly with professional hall staff and monthly with student staff. Provided training and regular in-service programming on issues affecting students in the residence hall.
Administration: Integral in the development of the new University Counseling Services on campus as no agency existed prior to 1996. Assisted in development and refinement of policies and procedures for the agency. Initiated a formal training program for counseling students.
Graduate Teaching: Provided weekly group supervision for internship students in CACREP-accredited counseling program. Served as a member of four graduate thesis committees.
Pre-doctoral Psychology Intern, University Counseling Services (APA-accredited)
Kansas State University, August, 1991 - July, 1992 (full-time)
Clinical Service: Provided long-term and time-limited individual and couples therapy. Co-facilitated a structured, five-week workshop for Adult Children of Alcoholics. Co-facilitated two therapy groups (Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families and Eating Disorders). Conducted intake and diagnostic screening interviews. Provided on-call and emergency after-hours coverage. Interpreted and prepared written MMPI reports for various staff members.
Teaching: Team-taught two-semester hour Career Life Planning course with co-intern during Fall semester. Developed syllabus and course plan. Prepared and implemented class activities (e.g., use of DISCOVER, MBTI, class role-plays, journaling). Graded assignments. Assigned course grades.
Outreach: Provided psychoeducational presentations to student clubs and residence hall groups on various topics (e.g., stress management, effective communication, and long-distance relationships). Assisted in the coordination and development of the Eating Disorders Outreach Program and in the preparation of an outreach presentation package for Eating Disorders. Assisted in the preparation and presentation of a half-day stress management workshop for faculty and staff. Presented dissertation research at professional staff meeting. Presented a two-hour in-service for agency staff on ethics in supervision.
Administration: Served as Intern Assistant to the Training Director. Assisted in intern selection process. Served as rotating member of Training Committee. Coordinated Tenth Anniversary Intern Reunion and Conference. Responsible for coordination and distribution of presentation requests for agency.
Group Testing: Administered and proctored several national tests (e.g., OAT, DAT, SAT, GRE, ACT, PPST) through KSU Testing Services.
Therapist, Sexual Abuse Treatment Program, Counseling Center
Southern Illinois University, August 1990 - July 1991, Staff position (half time)
Provided individual, family and group psychotherapy for sexually abused children, adolescents and non-offending parents referred by child protective services. Co-facilitated two weekly therapy groups for adolescent survivors of incest. Conducted intake and group screening interviews. Prepared clients for court testimony. Administered and interpreted assessments as needed, including one complete battery of a sexual abuse perpetrator. Participated in multidisciplinary staff meetings to assess progress of clients.
Emergency Program Counselor, Jackson County Community Mental Health Center
Carbondale, Illinois, August 1990 - July, 1991 (part-time)
Clinical Service: Responsible for after-hours mental health emergency coverage for Jackson County. Provided lethality assessments, mental status examinations, referrals to appropriate facilities. Conducted screenings for voluntary and involuntary psychiatric commitment.
Training: Participated in selection and training of newly hired personnel in both daytime and evening emergency counselor positions.
Consultation: Provided consultation with law enforcement personnel, hospital staff, residential facility staff, and volunteer crisis line workers.
Therapist, Specialty Practicum, Counseling Center and Sexual Abuse Treatment Program
Southern Illinois University, August 1989 - August 1990.
Clinical Service: Provided individual and group psychotherapy for sexual abuse survivors. Co-facilitated therapy group for adolescent survivors of incest. Conducted intake and group screening interviews.
Administration: Participated in weekly interdisciplinary staff meetings with child protective service personnel and other therapists.
Supervisor, Educational Psychology
Southern Illinois University, Spring and Summer, 1990
Supervised three master’s-level practicum students in weekly individual sessions. Methods of supervision used included audiotape and direct observation. Reviewed trainees’ files. Co-facilitated weekly group supervision of seven practicum students.
Supervisor and Teaching Assistant, Fundamentals of Counseling
Southern Illinois University, Fall, 1989
Provided supervision and feedback of in-class counseling role-play situations. Provided weekly individual supervision of three student’s short-term counseling via videotape review and direct observation.
Therapist, Counseling Center Practica, Counseling Center
Southern Illinois University, Fall and Spring, 1988, Spring, 1989
Provided individual psychotherapy for college students presenting with a wide variety of issues. Administered and interpreted assessment instruments as needed.
Therapist, Career Counseling Practica, Career Development Center
Southern Illinois University, Fall and Spring, 1988, Spring, 1989
Provided individual career counseling for college students. Administered and interpreted assessment instruments as needed.
Teaching Assistant, Introductory Psychology, Department of Psychology,
Southern Illinois University, Fall, 1987 and Spring, 1988
Teaching: Prepared and facilitated weekly discussion sections for 30 students from the large lecture classes. Developed class activities. Administered quizzes. Assigned final grades.
Administration: Served as Logistics and Record Keeper for 8 graduate teaching assistants. Coordinated preparation of quizzes and weekly and final grades.
Teaching Assistant, Introductory Statistics, Department of Psychology
Villanova University, Fall, 1986 and Spring, 1987
Prepared and conducted weekly undergraduate statistics lab sessions. Graded homework assignments. Administered quizzes and exams. Assisted in preparation of final grades.
Teaching Assistant, Perception, Department of Psychology
Villanova University, Fall, 1985 and Spring, 1986
Conducted weekly perception labs for senior psychology majors. Graded reports. Assigned final grades.
Recipient of the Angel Award presented by Appalachian State University’s Office of Housing and Residence Life. May, 2005.
Recipient of the R. Randy Rice Service Award presented by the North Carolina Housing Officers for “going above and beyond the call of duty and service to the institution”. October 15, 2004.
Clark, S.L., Walker, J.A., & O’Saben, C.L. (2007, September). Transgender Issues in University Counseling Center Settings. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Conference of Counseling Center Personnel. Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina.
Galiardi, S.L., Hutchison, D.E., O’Saben, C.L., & Orbovich, L. (2007, April). Onward Through the Fog: One Group’s Quest for Assessment Enlightenment. Presentation at the annual North Carolina State Undergraduate Assessment Symposium. Cary, North Carolina.
O’Saben, C.L. & Clark, S.L. (2005, February). Fat Like Me: Developing Size Esteem. Presentation at the annual Eating Disorders Awareness Week, Appalachian State University. Boone, North Carolina
O’Saben, C. L., Miller, G. A., Fearrington, M. E., Davis, M. B., Kirkley, D. E., & Lovin, D. M. (2004, July). Responding to the Challenges of Computerizing a University Counseling Center. Poster presentation at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association. Honolulu, Hawaii.
O’Saben, C.L. & Meyer, J.K. (2004, March). One Size Does NOT Fit All. Presentation at the annual Women’s Leadership Conference, Appalachian State University. Boone, North Carolina.
O'Saben, C. L. (1997, May). Current Issues in Training. Discussion facilitator at the annual Virginia College Counseling Center Conference, Harrisonburg, Virginia.
O'Saben, C. L. (1996, November). The Double Edged Sword: Ethics in Supervision and Training. Invited presentation at the semi-annual James Madison University Psychology Symposium, Harrisonburg, Virginia.
O’Saben, C. L. (1995, July). Dual relationships in college counseling centers. Visions, 3(2), 11-12.
O’Saben, C. L. (1995). The impact of cognitive complexity, supervisory experience and supervision training on the effectiveness of counseling supervision. (Doctoral dissertation, Southern Illinois University, 1994.) Dissertation Abstracts International, 56(1), 532B.
Swanson, J. L., & O’Saben, C. L. (1993). Differences in supervisory needs and expectations by trainee experience, cognitive style, and program membership. Journal of Counseling and Development, 71, 457-464.