Genesis Solutions

13 Daly St. Frankston Vic. 3199 Tel/Fax: (03) 9785 9013



Not classified as hazardous according to criteria of Worksafe Australia


Product Name: EMULSIFIER Carpet Detergent

Other Names: -

UN Number: None Allocated

Dangerous Goods Class: None Allocated

Subsidiary Risk: None Allocated

HAZCHEM Code: None Allocated

Packaging Group: None Allocated

EPG/IERG Number: None Allocated

Poisons Schedule: None Allocated

Manufacturer’s Code: -

Use: Carpet Pre-Spray.

Physical Description/Properties:

Appearance: Citrus perfume, light yellow in colour.

Melting/Boiling Point (°C): Not applicable

Flash Point (Closed Cup °C): Not flammable.

pH, 1% m/m solu. 11.5 approx.

Specific Gravity: 1.07

Soluble in Water Soluble

Ingredients CAS Number Proportion (% m/m)

Disodium silicate 6834-92-0 Low <10%

Butoxy ethanol 111-76-2 Low <10%

Aqueous Acrylic Polymers Non applicable Low <20%

Tetrasodium Ethylenediaminetetraacetate Dihydrate 10378-23-1 Low <10%

Sodium Phosphate 7758-29-4 <80%

Water & non-hazardous builders and other powder & liquid ingredients to 100%

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Acute Effects are basically irritation due to the alkalinity of this product.

Swallowed: Will cause irritation or burns of the digestive system and may produce nausea if


Eye: Irritating to eyes due to its alkalinity and can cause burns and eye damage if not

removed immediately.

Skin: Irritating to skin in the undiluted state and can cause burns on prolonged contact.

Inhaled: Spray, mist are irritating to the upper respiratory tract.

Chronic Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause irritant contact dermatitis.


Swallowed: DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Rinse mouth and immediately give plenty of water

or milk and contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre (Phone : 13 11 26).

Eye: Immediately hold eyes open and flush with water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention.

Skin: Remove all contaminated clothing and wash before re-use. Wash affected area with plenty of soap and water.

Inhaled: Remove from further exposure. Seek medical attention if effects persist.

Advice to Treat symptomatically.



Exposure The National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (Worksafe Australia).

Standards Exposure Standard, 8-hour time Weighted Average (TWA) for butoxy ethanol is


Engineering Good general room ventilation is normally adequate but vapour is

Controls irritating increase ventilation with a fan.

Personal Prolonged contact should be avoided. Wear clothing to protect skin and PVC or rubber

Protection gloves when using. Wear eye protection also when transferring from the container.

If vapour or mists are generated, a suitable respirator should be worn.

All personal protective equipment must comply with Australian Standards and should be maintained and stored to ensure continued suitability for use.

Flammability Does not burn. Does not support combustion.

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Storage Not classified as a Dangerous Good for storage and transport.


Transport Store away from heat, foodstuffs and empty foodstuff containers, oxidising agents and acids.

This product is a Schedule 5 Poison and should be stored and handled accordingly if

used in a domestic situation.

Spills Wear protective clothing, goggles and PVC or rubber gloves; dust mask if

And mist is likely to be generated.


For large spills prevent spread, sweep up and collect in any suitable container.

Isolate any leaking containers and transfer contents to alternative containers. Where

practical, collect spilt material directly to containers for recovery or disposal at a

licensed site.

Clearly label all containers.

After clean-up wash area thoroughly with water to remove residues.

For small spills, wash away as appropriate.

Fire/ Not a fire risk. Extinguishing agent is determined by other materials present.

Explosion In a large fire, toxic fumes containing nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide

Hazard may be produced. Wear self contained breathing apparatus.

Other This product contains surfactants which are readily biodegradable according to

Information Australian Standard AS4351.

Phosphate can act as a plant nutrient and may precipitate heavy metals in waterways.

.. This MSDS summarises our best knowledge of the health and safety hazard information of the product and how to safely handle and use the product in the workplace. Each user must review this MSDS in the context of how the product will be handled in the workplace and in conjunction with other materials. If clarification or further information is needed to ensure that an appropriate risk assessment can be made, the user should contact this company.

EMERGENCY CONTACT : Phone: (03) 9785 9013 (Business hours)

0403 011 696 (24 hours)

Issue Date : 1/7/2006

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