Service specific questions:Early Talk Accreditation

  1. What does your service do?

Early Talk Accreditation is a quality assurance programme for early years settings and services which show good practice in helping children’s speech language and communication skills. Early Talk Accreditation recognises settings who show good practice in the identification and referral of children with speech, language and communication needs.

I CAN Early Talk Accreditation is a popular award in early years, demonstrating that a setting is supporting the communication and language needs of its children. Accreditation develops practitioners’ awareness and skills in early years language and communication. It gives strategies for working with children and a framework on which to build the skills development of all the staff.

Early years settings in many areas of England have become accredited. Details of all early years settings which have Early Talk Accreditation are listed on the I CAN website

  1. Who does your service provide for?

Early Talk Accreditation is for early years settings that work with children from birth to five years.

There are three different levels of accreditation which settings can work towards.

•Supportive level for practitioners working with children who havetypically developing communication and languageand common concerns

•Enhanced level for services supporting children withmild to moderate communication and language difficulties

•Specialist level for services to support children withsevere communicationdisabilities

  1. How can I start using the service?

You can find out if there is an I CAN accredited setting in your area by checking the I CAN website where all accredited settings are listed

Settings can contact I CAN for information about buying Early Talk Accreditation on 020 7843 2515 or email

I CAN will be able to give information about Licensed Mentors offering Early Talk Accreditation in your local area.

  1. How are decisions made about who can use your service?

Most supportive level and enhanced level accredited settings are available to children in the local area. Specialist level services can be used via the local speech and language therapyservice; theycan give details of each service including referral criteria, waiting times and how to get a place.

Settings will decide if they want to buy I CAN Early Talk Accreditation.

  1. How do you communicate with service users and how are theyinvolved in decision making/planning?

Accredited settings will provide information about how they support children’s communication and language needs.

6. What training are the staff supporting children and young people withSEND had or are having?

Early Talk 0–5 years provides training that helps early years practitioners to support all young children’s communication skills. This training can then be used to support settings to achieve Early Talk accreditation.

7. Who can I contact for further information?

  • A list of Early Talkaccredited settings is on the I CAN website
  • Contact I CAN for more information or to find out about local practitioners offering Early Talk accreditation 020 7843 2515 or email
  • Parents can contact settings directly for more information

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