Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences
Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-2115
Telephone: (650) 723-1429 E-mail: mahood@
PERSONAL DATA Born 6/27/51 U.S. Citizen Married No children
6/80 Ph.D., Geology, University of California, Berkeley
6/76 M.A., Geology, University of California, Berkeley
6/74 A.B., Geology, University of California, Berkeley
9/79-present Acting Assistant Professor to Assistant Professor to Associate Professor to Professor, Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences (formerly, Geology Department), School of Earth Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
4/89-12/89 NSF Visiting Professor, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
1/83-3/83 Visiting Assistant Professor, Geochemistry and Mineralogy Graduate Program, Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA.
6/78-7/78 Geologist, Proyecto Arqueologico Copan, Honduras.
8/78-8/79 Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of Geology and
3-6, 9-12/76 Geophysics, University of California, Berkeley, CA.
9/74-8/77 National Science Foundation Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, CA.
6/74-9/74 Sr. Engineering Aide, Central Nevada Geothermal Exploration Group, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, CA.
3/74-6/74 Part-time Research Associate, Geothermex, Berkeley, CA.
11/73-3/74 Part-time Physical Science Aide, U.S. National Park Service, Division of Mining and Minerals, San Francisco, California.
1987 Fellow, Geological Society of America
1989 National Science Foundation Visiting Professorship for Women
University Committee Membership and Service
2005-present Associate Dean for Graduate Policy in the Office of the Vice Provost and Dean of Research and Graduate Policy
2005-present Member, Provost’s Diversity Cabinet
2005-present Member, Steering Committee of the Faculty Senate
2005-present Member, Faculty Senate
2005-present Member, Committee on Graduate Studies
2002-present Member, Panel of Fact-Finders for University Faculty Appeal Procedures
1990-present Academic Advisor (variously, freshmen, undeclared transfer students, undeclared sophomores, G&ES undergraduate majors)
2003-2005 Member, Board of Trustees Committee on Land and Buildings
2001-2004 Member, Committee on Faculty Diversity
2004 Member, Subcommittee on University Honors
1999-2003 Member, Faculty Steering Committee on the Campaign for Undergraduate Education
2002 Chair, Search Committee for Academic Secretary
2002 Faculty leader, Stanford Alumni Travel trip to Baja California
2001-2002 Member, Advisory committee on the future of the Institute for Research on Women and Gender
1999-2002 Member, Academic Standing Committee
2000-2001 Member, NCAA Compliance Committee
1996-1998 Member (Vice Chair, 1997-98, 1999-2000; Chair 2000-2001) Advisory Board
1999-2001 (7-member board that reviews all appointments, promotions, dismissals, dissolutions of departments, etc.)
2000 Faculty leader, Stanford Alumni Travel trip to Baja California and Copper Canyon
1999 Faculty leader, Stanford Alumni Travel trip to SE Alaska
1997-99 Member, Committee on Nominations, Stanford Board of Trustees
1996-99 Member, Faculty Senate Planning and Policy Board (considers long-range university issues)
1997-98 Member, Subcommittee on Fiscal Integrity, Self-study for NCAA certification of Dept. of Athletics
1995, '96, '98 Stanford's Sophomore College (one of 5 instructors invited to teach in inaugural year)
1994-98 Member, Provost's Committee on Budget and Strategic Planning
1997 Member, Search committee for Assistant University Librarian for Collection Development
1994-97 Member, UPS Endowment Advisory Committee to the Provost
1996 "Classes Without Quizzes" Homecoming Weekend lecture on volcanic hazards for Stanford Alumni Association
1995-96 Chair, Faculty Senate
1994-96 Member, Steering Committee of the Faculty Senate
1992-96 Member, Faculty Senate
1994-95 Member, Design Committee, Science Core for Nonscientists
1991-95 Academic Council Committee on Academic Appraisal and Achievement (C-AAA) (Chair, 1992-94)
1993-94 Member, President's Commission on Undergraduate Education
1990-94 Member, Stanford Judicial Council
1994 Chair, Advisory Group on Sponsored Projects Administration
1994 Member, Review Committee, Program on Writing and Critical Thinking
1994 Lectures: Tanner Trustees; Frosh football players academic orientation
1993 Lectures: Branner House
1993 Member, Search Committee for Provost
1992-94 University Fellow
1992 Committee on Physical Education Programs (C-PEP)
1989 Lecture: Reception for first-year women Ph.D. students
1988-89 Classroom Planning Committee for Near West Campus
1988 Lectures: Reception for first-year women Ph.D. students; Management Development Program
1987 Member, Faculty Senate
1986-88 Selection Committee, Provost's Fund for Innovation in Teaching
1986 Lecture: University Seminars
1983 Member, Faculty Senate
1983 Lectures: Science Librarians; Women in Science and Engineering
1980-83 Academic Council Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid (C-UAFA)
1981 Lectures: School of Engineering; Palo Alto Stanford Alumni Club; Alumni Conference
1980 Lectures: Okada House
1980 Faculty leader, Stanford Alumni Travel trip on the Snake River
School of Earth Sciences Committees
1994-2000 Earth Sciences Council
1994-2000 Earth Systems Steering Committee
1980-96 Library Committee (Chair, 1983-1987, 1994-96)
1992-93 Earth Sciences Council
1991-93 Earth Systems Steering Committee
1992 Faculty Committee on Restructuring
1991 Faculty Committee on Downsizing
1990-91 Ten-Year Plan Committee
1990 Space Utilization Committee
1990 Repositioning Advisory Committee
1979-85 Microprobe Committee
1982-83 X-ray Equipment Acquisition Committee
1980-83 Chair, USGS Analytical Facilities Committee
Department of Geology/Geological and Environmental Sciences Committees
2005 Coordinator, High-Temperature and Pressure Processes Faculty Group
2004-2005 Graduate Student Coordinator
2002-2005 Long-range Planning Committee
1999-2000 Director of Undergraduate Studies
1996-98 Department Chair
1990-95 Department Associate Chair
1987-95 Graduate Awards Committee (Chair, 1987-9, 1991-94)
1991-93 Faculty Search Committee for Isotope Geochemist
1989-90 Committee on Revision of the Geology Undergraduate Major
1987-88 Faculty Search Committee for Sedimentologist
1980-81, 83-87 Admissions and Awards Committee (Chair, 1986-87)
1981-86 Shell Fund Committee
1979-83 Graduate Student Committee (Chair, 1979-81)
1979-80, 82-83 Faculty Search Committee for Geochemist/Petrologist
1979-80 Curriculum Committee
Courses Taught Last Five Years
GES1 Fundamentals of Geology (5 units; required for GES and Earth Systems majors)
GES4 GES Undergraduate Seminar (1 unit)
GES48N Stanford Introductory Seminar: Volcanoes of the Eastern Sierra Nevada (2 units)
GES49N Stanford Introductory Seminar: Field Trip to Death Valley and Owens Valley (4 units)
GES182 Field Seminar on Continental-Margin Volcanism (2 units)
GES184 Field Seminar on Eastern Sierran Volcanism (2 units)
GES185 Volcanology (3 units)
ARCH 188/288 Archaeometry Seminar (2 units)
GES 212 Staford Alpine Project (Field trip to Guatemala)
GES285 Petrogenesis of Crustal Magmatism (2 units)
Graduate Degrees Completed Under My Supervision (initial place of employment)
1983 Christopher J. Fridrich M.S.
1986 " " Ph.D. (Geologist, U.S. Dept. of Energy)
1983 Jacqueline S. Eaby M.S. (Asst. Prof., Univ. of Miami)
1984 Brent D. Turrin M.S. (Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey)
1984 Clark M. Johnson M.S. (Asst. Prof., U. Wisconsin, Madison)
1984 Patrick F. Dobson, Jr. M.S. (Geologist, Unocal)
1984 Horacio G. Ferriz Ph.D. (Asst. Prof., Whittier College)
1985 Steven W. Novak Ph.D. (Analyst, Charles Evans & Assoc.)
1986 Anita L. Grunder Ph.D. (Asst. Prof., Oregon State University)
1986 Thomas P. Frost Ph.D. (Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey)
1986 Peter C. Wallmann M.S. (Geologist, environmental firm; deceased)
1987 Elizabeth J. Moll-Stalcup Ph.D. (Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey)
1987 Phillip B. Gans Ph.D. (Asst. Prof., U.C. Santa Barbara)
1987 David R. Boden Ph.D. (Geologist, Nevada mining company)
1987 Jenny M. Metz Ph.D (Analyst, Charles Evans & Assoc.)
1990 Paula C. Cornejo M.S. (Geologist, Chilean Geological Survey)
1991 George E. Nibler M.S. (Geologist, environmental firm)
1991 Susan DeBari Ph.D. (Asst. Prof., San Jose State University)
1991 Jacob B. Lowenstern M.S.
1992 " " Ph.D. (Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey)
1994 Elizabeth Warner-Holt M.S. (Ph.D. student, CalTech)
1996 Tamara K. Lowe Ph.D. (Computer systems analyst, SUNY)
1998 Cheryl Gansecki Ph.D. (Co-owner, scientific video company)
2000 Joshua Ring M.S. (High school science teacher)
2004 Invited Lecture: Louderback Award Luncheon, U.C. Berkeley Commencement
2003 Invited Lecture: NSF-USGS meeting on Long Valley
1997-2000 Associate Editor, Bulletin of the Geological Society of America
1996-99 Councillor, Geological Society of America
1996-99 Member, Audit Committee, Geological Society of America
1996-98 Member, Program Committee, VGP Section, American Geophysical Union
1995-98 National Visiting Committee, ModularChem Consortium (NSF-funded consortium to reform the undergraduate chemistry curriculum)
1997 External Reviewer, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
1996-97 Member, Nominating Committee, Geological Society of America
1993-96 Organizing Committee, International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) Commission on Granites
1995 Invited Participant, NRC/NSF National Convocation: From Analysis to Action: Undergraduate Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology
1995 Congressional testimony concerning the role of the U.S. Geological Survey
1994 Field Trip Leader, Volcanism of the eastern Sierra Nevada, in conjunction with 8th Intl. Congress on Geochronology and Geochemistry
1988-94 Founding Editor, IAVCEI Proceedings in Volcanology
1992 Invited Lecture: Assoc. for Woman Geoscientists
1991-1992 Executive Editor, Bulletin of Volcanology
1991 William Bowie Medal Subcommittee, American Geophysical Union
1991 Invited Lectures: Cambridge University; Oxford University; Keynote address, Annual meeting of U.K. Volcanic Studies Group, University of Wales; Woodford-Eckis Lecturer, Pomona College; University of California, Santa Cruz; Commencement speaker, University of California, Berkeley; Keynote address, Second Hutton Symposium on the Origin of Granites, Canberra
1990-1991 Co-convenor, Symposium on volcanic hazards and Cenozoic volcanism in the western U.S.A., Geol. Soc. America, Cordilleran Section Meeting, 1991
1990 Editorial Board, Bulletin of Volcanology
1990 Invited Lecture: University of California, Berkeley
1988-1990 Editorial Board, Geology
1989 Invited Lectures: University of Michigan; University of Chicago; Western Michigan University
1988-1989 Co-convenor of Symposium on Evolution of Silicic Magma Chambers, 28th International Geological Congress
1987-92 Member, Continental Scientific Drilling Review Group for the U.S. Department of Energy
1986-1989 Member, Program Committee for 1989 Meeting in Santa Fe of IAVCEI
1985-1989 Member, IAVCEI subcommittee of the U.S. national committee of the International Union of Geology and Geophysics
1987 Co-convenor of session, Hawaii Symposium on How Volcanoes Work, Hilo
1987 Invited Lecture: Hawaii Symposium on How Volcanoes Work, Hilo
1985-1987 Member, Geochemistry subcommittee, Office of International Affairs, National Research Council
1986 Invited Lectures: University of California, Santa Barbara; University of Southern California; Symposium on Mineralogy of Granites, Pegmatites, and Skarns, International Mineralogical Association, 14th General Meeting, Stanford
1984 Invited Lectures: University of California, Davis; "Careers in the Geosciences", conference sponsored by University of California, Berkeley; "Expanding Your Horizons", conference for teen-age girls sponsored by Tri-Valley Teachers Assoc.
1983-1984 Vice President, Peninsula Geological Society
6/80-6/82 Construction of a K-Ar Extraction Line for the Dating of Very Young Volcanic Rocks. Stanford Institute of Energy Studies, $13,000.
8/80 Short-term Scientific Visit to Mexican Geothermal Areas. NSF INT-8722322, $2,482.
1/81-12/83 Transport of Trace Metals in Magmas Within a Temperature Gradient. Research Corporation, $8,000.
4/81-8/83 Evaluation of the Geothermal Potential of Volcanic Systems Using an Integrated Petrological Approach: 3 case studies. Petroleum Research Fund/American Chemical Soc. PRF #12765-G2, $10,000.
4/82-4/84 A Re-Examination of the Geologic History of Pantelleria, Strait of Sicily, and Its Implications for the Petrogenesis of Strongly Peralkaline Magmas. NSF EAR-8121380, $61,300.
5/82-5/84 Mid-Tertiary Faulting and Volcanism in East-Central Nevada: Extensional Tectonics in a Continental Arc Setting (Co-P.I. with Elizabeth Miller). NSF EAR-8206399, $96,581.
5/83-5/84 X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks. NSF EAR-8219322, $75,000.
5/83-4/85 Compositional Zonation in Silicic to Intermediate Magma Chambers: A Comparative Study. NSF EAR-836860, $99,400.
6/83-5/85 Mid-Tertiary volcanism in east-central Nevada (Co-P.I. with Elizabeth Miller). Sohio Petroleum Co., $10,000.
11/84-10/86 A petrological study of Pantelleria: petrogenesis of a continental rift bimodal suite and the effects of chlorine on trace element abundances. NSF EAR-8407822, $89,700.
1/88 Short-term scientific visit to Chile. NSF INT-8722322, $2,482.
7/88-12/90 Physical and petrological evidence for differentiation processes in felsic magma chambers as preserved in granitic plutons. NSF EAR-8805074, $130,000.
2/89-1/91 A collaborative study of the origins of compositional and mineralogical zonation in La Gloria pluton, central Chilean Andes. NSF INT-8822573, $14,655.
4/89-12/89 Visiting Professorship for Women at The University of Michigan for isotopic studies investigating the petrogenesis of continental rhyolite magmas. NSF RII-8800088, $87,709.
10/89-9/90 The use of natural systems to characterize trace metal partitioning between vapor and melt. Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Los Alamos National Laboratory. IGPP 50, $15,000.
9/91-12/91 U.S. science support for sampling sea floor. USSSP #20587, $18,443. (Support for research by J. Sparks, XRF/XRD Research Associate)
2/92-1/93 Major and trace element geochemistry of Leg 140 basalts from Hole 504B, Costa Rica rift zone. Ocean Drilling Program, $10,418. (Support for research by J. Sparks, XRF/XRD Research Associate)
6/92-1/93 Determination of potential effects of bedrock lithology, alteration, and mineralization on the acidity of lake water in the Bench Lake/Mt. Pincho Area, eastern Sierra Nevada. California Air Resources Board, $4,139.
7/92-6/94 A geologic investigation of processes at the volcanic-plutonic interface: Minarets caldera complex, Sierra Nevada, California. NSF EAR-9204636, $98,588.
1977 Mahood, G.A., Preliminary report on the Comenditic Dome and Ash Flow Complex of Sierra La Primavera, Jalisco. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Geologia, Revista 1:177-190.
1979 Mahood, G.A., Preliminary report on the Comenditic Dome and Ash Flow Complex of Sierra La Primavera, Jalisco: A Reply. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Geologia, Revista 3:184-189.
1980 Mahood, G.A., The geological evolution of a late Pleistocene rhyolitic center: the Sierra La Primavera, Jalisco, Mexico. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 8:199-230
1981 Mahood, G.A., The chemical evolution of a late Pleistocene rhyolitic center: the Sierra La Primavera, Jalisco, Mexico. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 77:129-149.
1981 Mahood, G.A., A Summary of the Geology and Petrology of the Sierra La Primavera, Mexico. In: F. Barker, ed., Granites and Rhyolites, Journal of Geophysical Research 86:10137-10152.
1982 Mahood, G.A., Drake, R., K-Ar dating young rhyolitic rocks: A case study of the Sierra La Primavera, Jalisco, Mexico. Geological Society of America Bulletin 93:1232-1241.
1983 Mahood, G.A., Hildreth, W., Large partition coefficients for trace elements in high-silica rhyolites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 47:11-30.
1983 Mahood, G.A., Review of "Uranium in Volcanic and Volcaniclastic Rocks", edited by P.C. Goodell and A.C. Waters, 1981. Economic Geology 78:546-548.
1983 Mahood, G.A., Truesdell, A.H., Templos, M., L.A., Reconnaissance geochemical study of La Primavera geothermal system, Jalisco, Mexico. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 16:247-261.
1983 Turner, B.L., III, Johnson, W.C., Mahood, G.A., Wiseman, F.M., Turner, B.L., Poole, J., Habitat y Agricultura en La Region de Copan. In: Introduccion a la Arqueologia de Copan, Inst. Hondureno de Anthropologia e Historia. Tegucigalpa, Honduras, pp. 35-142.
1983 Mahood, G.A., Discussion of "The Rio Caliente Ignimbrite: Analysis of a Compound Intraplinian Ignimbrite from a Major Late Quaternary Mexican Eruption" by J.V. Wright. Bulletin of Volcanology 46-2:103-106.
1983 Mahood, G.A., Hildreth, W., Nested calderas and trapdoor uplift at Pantelleria, Strait of Sicily. Geology 11:722-726.
1984 Fridrich, C.J., Mahood, G.A., Reverse zoning in the resurgent intrusions of the Grizzly Peak cauldron, Sawatch Range, Colorado. Geological Society of America Bulletin 95:779-787.
1984 Ferriz, H., Mahood, G.A., Eruption rates and compositional trends at Los Humeros volcanic center, Puebla, Mexico. Journal of Geophysical Research 89:8511-8524.
1984 Mahood, G.A., Pyroclastic rocks and calderas associated with strongly peralkaline magmatism. Journal of Geophysical Research 89:8540-8552.
1984 Metz, J., Mahood, G.A., Eruptive history of Glass Mountain, Long Valley, California: Precursors to a large explosive eruption. In: D.P. Hill, R.A. Bailey, A.S. Ryall, eds., Proceedings. Workshop XIX, Active tectonic and magmatic processes beneath Long Valley caldera, eastern California, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-939:41-75.
1985 Mahood, G.A., Review of "Pyroclastic Rocks" by R.V. Fisher and H.-U. Schmincke. Eos, American Geophysical Union 66:92-93.
1985 Hildreth, W., Mahood, G.A., Correlation of ash-flow tuffs. Geological Society of America Bulletin 96:968-974.
1985 Gilbert, C.M., Mahood, G.A., Carmichael, I.S.E., Volcanic stratigraphy of the Guadalajara region, Mexico. In: S.P. Verma, ed., Special Volume on the Mexican Volcanic Belt, Geofisica Internacional 24:169-191.
1985 Dobson, P.F., Mahood, G.A., Volcanic stratigraphy of the Los Azufres geothermal area, Mexico. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 25:273-287.
1985 Mahood, G.A., Gilbert, C.M., Carmichael, I.S.E., Peralkaline and metaluminous mixed-liquid ignimbrites near Guadalajara, Mexico. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 25:259-271.
1985 Metz, J., Mahood, G.A., Precursors to the Bishop Tuff eruption: Glass Mountain, Long Valley, California. Journal of Geophysical Research 90:11121-11126.