NANPA Report to the NANC
September 24-25, 2002
1) CO Code Office Code Activity Report
2) NPA Relief Planning Status Report
3) Changes in NPA Exhaust Projections
4) NPA Inventory and Reservations
5) 500 NPA Status
6) NRUF Update – Adding FRN to Form 502
7) CAS/LERG Discrepancy Work
8) 4Q01 NeuStar Neutrality Audit
Central Office Code Activity Report
The following table is a summary of the Central Office (CO) code activity for the period January 2000 through June 2002[1].
Month / Re-Quests / Assign-ments / Changes / Suspen-
sions / Denials / Cancel / Discon-nects / Reser-vations / Lottery Denial / Lottery Priority
January 00 / 3,372 / 1,276 / 849 / 187 / 247 / 49 / 179 / 0 / 507 / 78
February / 4,240 / 1,649 / 1,221 / 271 / 208 / 28 / 227 / 19 / 506 / 111
March / 4,533 / 1,627 / 1,393 / 317 / 162 / 93 / 369 / 2 / 475 / 95
April / 4,083 / 1,333 / 1,073 / 404 / 207 / 66 / 291 / 5 / 545 / 159
May / 4,127 / 1,356 / 1,259 / 217 / 189 / 51 / 437 / 4 / 430 / 184
June / 4,486 / 1,437 / 1,212 / 597 / 274 / 86 / 195 / 0 / 482 / 203
July / 4,745 / 1,328 / 1,214 / 464 / 713 / 113 / 253 / 1 / 474 / 185
August / 4,633 / 1,112 / 1,456 / 435 / 848 / 70 / 283 / 0 / 317 / 112
September / 4,048 / 1,057 / 1,045 / 470 / 617 / 53 / 282 / 2 / 357 / 165
October / 4,748 / 1,453 / 1,173 / 470 / 669 / 121 / 393 / 0 / 360 / 109
November / 3,834 / 942 / 1,071 / 606 / 387 / 92 / 360 / 0 / 304 / 72
December / 3,609 / 840 / 992 / 570 / 316 / 59 / 393 / 0 / 225 / 214
/ 50,458 / 15,410 / 13,958 / 5,008 / 4,837 / 881 / 3,662 / 33 / - / -January 01 / 4,373 / 959 / 1,414 / 266 / 841 / 104 / 789 / 0 / N/A / N/A
February / 4,590 / 817 / 1,922 / 14 / 1412 / 64 / 361 / 0 / N/A / N/A
March / 6,980 / 1,319 / 3,660 / 4 / 1333 / 89 / 575 / 0 / N/A / N/A
April / 3,514 / 754 / 1,541 / 9 / 839 / 37 / 334 / 0 / N/A / N/A
May / 5,143 / 1,358 / 1,757 / 7 / 1,392 / 73 / 556 / 0 / N/A / N/A
June / 4,224 / 1,024 / 1,589 / 20 / 1,087 / 73 / 430 / 1 / N/A / N/A
July / 3,439 / 768 / 981 / 36 / 831 / 73 / 750 / 0 / N/A / N/A
August / 3,140 / 734 / 1,124 / N/A / 787 / 132 / 363 / 0 / N/A / N/A
September / 2,974 / 610 / 937 / N/A / 891 / 38 / 498 / 0 / N/A / N/A
October / 3,102 / 836 / 1,008 / N/A / 763 / 92 / 398 / 5 / N/A / N/A
November / 2,912 / 617 / 1,133 / N/A / 465 / 70 / 627 / 0 / N/A / N/A
December / 2,893 / 602 / 1,337 / N/A / 468 / 109 / 377 / 0 / N/A / N/A
/ 47,284 / 10,398 / 18,403 / - / 11,099 / 954 / 6,058 / 6 / - / -Month / Re-
Quests / Assign-ments / Changes / Suspen-
sions / Denials / Cancel / Discon-nects / Reser-vations / Lottery Denial / Lottery Priority
January 02 / 3,132 / 491 / 1,254 / N/A / 630 / 102 / 655 / 0 / N/A / N/A
February / 2,821 / 557 / 1,593 / N/A / 462 / 77 / 132 / 0 / N/A / N/A
March / 3,180 / 683 / 1,388 / N/A / 587 / 110 / 412 / 0 / N/A / N/A
April / 6,047 / 896 / 3,570 / N/A / 731 / 181 / 669 / 0 / N/A / N/A
May / 3,121 / 792 / 1,495 / N/A / 414 / 74 / 346 / 0 / N/A / N/A
June / 2,586 / 704 / 1,238 / N/A / 320 / 79 / 425 / 0 / N/A / N/A
July / 2,335 / 576 / 1,131 / N/A / 314 / 107 / 207 / 0 / N/A / N/A
August / 2,788 / 855 / 1,407 / N/A / 315 / 58 / 153 / 0 / N/A / N/A
· Total assignments in the first eight months of 2002 were 5,554 codes. Net assignments were 2,735 codes.
· In comparing the first eight months of 2002 with the same time period in 2001 (7,733), assignments are down by 2,179 codes.
· Total returns in the first eight months of 2002 were 2,819. In comparing the 2002 returns with the same time period in 2001 (4,158), total returns are down by 1,339.
Summary of Central Office Code Categories
The following are the definitions of the code categories included on the CO Code Activity Report.
Requests – Sum of all the different categories of code requests by month.
Assignments – Quantity of CO code applications (i.e., the Part 1 Request form of the CO code (NXX) Assignment Guidelines) that resulted in the assignment of a code to a service provider.
Changes – Quantity of CO code applications that resulted in a change in the information associated with a code assignment. Per the CO Code Assignment Guidelines, service providers submit a Part 1 Request form with the appropriate changes.
Suspensions – Quantity of CO code applications that were suspended by NANPA due to the need for additional clarification or documentation or further follow-up with the code applicant. Effective August 2001, NANPA eliminated this category. Any code application suspended and later assigned or denied will appear in the “Assignments” or “Denials” category.
Denials – Quantity of CO code applications that were denied assignment of a code because they failed to meet the criteria for assignment as prescribed by the CO Code Assignment Guidelines.
Cancel– Quantity of CO code applications requesting NANPA to either cancel or withdraw a previous assignment request.
Disconnects – Quantity of CO code applications requesting NANPA to disconnect an assigned code. Codes that are returned to NANPA are included in this category.
Reservations – Quantity of code applications requesting and receiving a code reservation per the CO Code Assignment Guidelines. Applicants receiving a code reservation must submit a Part 1 Request form at the time they want the code to be assigned to them.
Lottery Denial – Quantity of code applications in a lottery that were denied because the application was not selected in the lottery. Effective January 2001, NANPA eliminated this category. These denials are now included in the “Denial” column.
Lottery Priority – Quantity of code applications in a lottery that were selected for eventual assignment of a code. The priority status indicates when their request will become eligible for assignment. Effective January 2001, NANPA eliminated this category. Any code put in the lottery priority category and assigned or denied in a subsequent month will be shown as an assignment/denial in that month.
Changes in NPA Exhaust Projections
As noted previously in NANPA reports to the NANC, NANPA monitors CO code assignment rates in all NPA codes and will make adjustments to a projected NPA exhaust date if necessary. Items that may impact the projected exhaust date include a reduction in CO code demand, the assignment or return of a large quantity of codes or the implementation of CO rationing. When changes are made by NANPA to an NPA code exhaust date, NANPA posts that change to the NANPA web page (found under ‘NPA Relief Planning’ and ‘Latest NRUF Results.’) NANPA also contacts the state commission and addresses any questions they may have. A copy of the latest report is below.
Locality / NPA / RevisedDate / June 02 / Quarter
+/- / Notes
New Jersey
(8/28/02) / 609 / 2006 / 3Q / 2003 / 2Q / ( / +13 / ) / Reflects impact of pooling and the return of codes
NANPA is presently reviewing forecast data recently made available by the Pooling Administrator with regard to the demand for CO codes with the implementation of wireless pooling. NANPA is focusing primarily on those NPAs that are projected to exhaust in the near term (within the next 3 years) to determine if any adjustment in the forecasted exhaust date is warranted. It should be noted that the PA forecast only reflected the impact of wireless pooling on its need for CO codes over the next 12 months (through August 2003). With the next NRUF submission cycle (February 1, 2003), additional forecast information will be available from the service providers such that the PA will be able to provide a five year CO code forecast for pooling rate centers. This data will be used in developing individual NPA exhaust projections next year.
NPA Inventory Report
There are 800 possible combinations in NXX format.
Of the 800, 125 are not assignable or set aside for special purposes. These are N11 (8), expansion codes N9X[2] (80), blocks reserved by INC 37X and 96X (20), 555 and 950 (2), codes set aside by INC for 88X expansion 883-5 and 887 (4), 521-9 set aside to avoid confusion with Mexican wireless users roaming in the US (9), and non-dialable toll point codes 886 and 889 (2).
Subtracting 125 from 800 leaves 675 assignable codes.
Of the 675 assignable codes, 367 are currently assigned.
Of the 367 assigned codes, 323 are in service.
Of the 323 codes in service, 310 are geographic and 13 are non-geographic: 456, 500, 600, 700, 710, 800, 877, 866, 880, 881, 882, 888, 900.
Of the 367 assigned codes, 44 are awaiting implementation.
Of the 675 assignable codes, 308 are currently unassigned.
Of the 308 unassigned codes, 48 are easily recognizable codes (ERCs) currently allocated for non-geographic use, and 260 are general purpose codes.
Of the 48 unassigned ERCs, 11 are reserved[3], leaving 37 available.
Of the 260 general purpose codes, 232 are reserved[4], leaving 28 available.
500 NPA Update
In 2001, NANPA assigned 127 new 500-NXX codes. However, NANPA, using data collected via the Number Resource Utilization and Forecast (NRUF) reporting, was successful in reclaiming or encouraging the return of over 170 500-NXX codes. As a result, at year-end 2001, there were 479 codes assigned, which is over 40 codes less than the quantity assigned at the beginning of the year. Further, on average, nearly 11 codes were assigned each month in 2001. At this rate, the 500 resource is projected to exhaust in 2005.
As of August 31, 2002, there are 529 500-NXX assignments/reservations. There are 259 codes 500-NXX codes available for assignment. There have been 62 500-NXX assignments from January 1 through August 31, 2002. Four 500-NXX codes have been returned/reclaimed in 2002. The rate of assignment over the past 12 months is 5.33 codes. Based on this current monthly rate of assignment, the 500-NXX resource will exhaust in 48 months, or 3Q06.
NRUF Update – Adding FRN to Form 502
On September 13, 2002, NANPA was directed by the FCC to add an additional data element, the Federal Registration Number (FRN), to the NRUF Form 502. The FCC letter is attached. The updated form should be made available for use with the February 1, 2003 NRUF reporting cycle. NANPA was also requested to inform service providers of this new requirement sufficiently in advance of the February 1, 2003 submission deadline.
The FRN is a 10-digit number that is assigned to an entity that does business with the FCC. A filer, licensee, certificate holder, or any entity sending payments to the FCC is considered to be doing business with the FCC. The FCC uses this FRN to determine if all of an entity’s fees have been paid. The FRN is the same number used by entities on FCC Form 499-A. More information about FRNs can be found on the following web site:
The FRN field will be added to the “Company Information” page of the Form 502. The field will be a required field. If a service provider fails to enter any information in the field (i.e., it is left blank), NANPA will reject the submission and inform the service provider that the FRN is required in order to have a valid NRUF on file. If the field is populated, NANPA will check to see if the number is valid (i.e. a 10-digit number). If the number is not valid, NANPA should reject the submission and notify the service provider. Finally, NANPA will collect and store the information provided in the field, similar to other company information provided on the Form 502.
NANPA expects to have the revised Form 502 and associated FTP file formats updated and available approximately two months prior to the February 1, 2003 submission cycle.
CAS/LERG Discrepancy Analysis
As part of NANPA’s 2000 Performance Improvement Plan (PIP), NANPA is studying discrepancies between CAS and LERG data and making recommendations on how to address and resolve these discrepancies. NANPA first reported on its efforts in this area at the August 29, 2002 NOWG conference call. The following is a summary of NANPA’s analysis and a proposed corrective action to be taken. This corrective action will be reviewed with the NOWG at its September 25, 2002 meeting.
In comparing the August 1, 2002 edition of LERG and the August 1, 2002 copy of CAS, a total of 7,496 NXXs were identified where CAS and LERG differed in one or more of the following data elements: Operating Company Number (OCN), Code Assignment status and Rate Center. These discrepancies represented 3.3% of the 226,400 NXXs in CAS inventory.
Of the 7,496 records, 6118 (81.6%) had an assignment date before the transition to NANPA (NeuStar).
The identified discrepancies were classified into seven categories.
Category I – 2,694 records – This is the case where:
- The OCN in CAS for the NPA-NXX and the OCN in the LERG are not the same.
- One or more of the up to ten OCNs found in the NRUF for the particular NPA-NXX matches the OCN in the LERG.
- None of the OCNs for the particular NPA-NXX in NRUF matches the OCN in CAS
This discrepancy occurs when a service provider changes, thru merger, for example, their OCN. The service provider has notified the LERG but not filed documentation (Part 1) with NANPA for inclusion in CAS.
Proposed Corrective action(s): The OCN in CAS for each of the affected NPA-NXX will be contacted by e-mail (if such data is available) and asked to verify their “ownership” of the NPA-NXX and requested to submit the appropriate Part One for the change. Alternatively, the Code Holder would be permitted to submit the corrective changes electronically in bulk format. NANPA may accept reply e-mails as authentication to verify OCN or to make corrections.