Southern Safety Liaison Group Meeting
Date: 21st June 2018
Venue: Ara Woolston Christchurch
Time: Breakfast 7:00am
Meeting 7:30am
Chair: Dougal Holmes
Minutes: Kelvin Spark
NAME / COMPANY / NAME / COMPANYAdrian Kilian / Isaac Construction / John Turner / Calder Stewart
Amanda Flavell / Tradestaff / Lisa McAllister / Compliance Fire Protection
Charles de Lambert / Safe and Sound / Lyndene Rea / Triex
Cornel Janse Van Rensburg / TC Services / Mark Idiens / Powerplus Electrical
Dan McSorley / Max Contracts / Martin Rea / Bolle Safety
Dave Ewan / HRS Construction / Neil Joubert / Armitage Williams
Dougal Holmes / Maiden Group / Paul Collings / Apex Interiors
Gillian Ferguson / Mike Greer Homes Canterbury Limite / Rob Abraas / Leighs Construction
Greg Milne / EQC / Sammy Burnett / Graham Hill Roofing
Hannah Patten / KB Contracting and Quarries Limited / Sandii Lees / Advance Protocol
Hans Verbeek / Kirk Roberts Consulting / Scott Cameron / Phoenix Health and Safety
Helen van den Bogaert / Wise Advisors / Shane Andrews / Tai Poutini Polytech
Ian Williams / Santec / Steve Moran / Worksafe NZ
Janette Walker / Health and Safety by Design NZ / Sue Alexander / Alexander Ergonomics Consulting
Jen Dransfield / Safe n Sound / TimotiRiwaka
Jeremy Packham / City Care - Civil / Tina Lange / Miles Toyota, Health & Safety At Work NZ Ltd
Jim Whipp / Clearwater Construction Limited / Trudy Downs / Methodist Church of New Zealand
Vida Laird / Brosnan Construction / Wendy McLean / Clive Barrington Construction Limited
Ronnie Bentley / Advance Protocol / Hal Tapley / ICP Asbestos Consultants
Carol Aitken / TriEx / Dean Bayliss / ICP
NAME / COMPANY / NAME / COMPANYLyn Osmers / Work Safe / Paul Gofton / Vital Industries
Gareth Shaw / Safe and Sound / Chris Brown / 3M
Alex Newfield / Newfield Roofing / Jason Lamb / Carters
Debora McAlpine / 3M / Nigel Cross / Canterbury District Health Board
Paul Johnston / ETU / Grant Harvey / Construction Safety
Melanie Vink / Heart Saver / Nicola Glubb / Water & Irrigation
Dave McBeth / Site Safe / Mike Flanagan
Valerie Cassin / TWS Group
Hayley Edgerton / Toolkit Training
- Introductions
- Thanks to Site Safefor breakfast
- Thanks to Ara for providing venue
- Steve Moran Work Safe presented and gave a Work Safe update.
The Work Safe web site has been updated and you are all encouraged to visit the site. There is a new fact sheet on the site about Electrical Test and Tagging. Nicole Rosie has been getting around the country meeting with business leaders. Work Safe have been conducting less site visits. Larger companies are monitoring themselves. Smaller companies are more of a focus for Work Safe. Work Safe will also taking a closer look at Sub Trades on sites. There are still a large number of injuries happening from low level falls. There is also a focus around worker health, as we all know a large number of workers die from or suffer from occupational diseases. . Work safe will also be conducting trade breakfasts going forward
- Nathan Dougherty from Ecan presented on sediment/erosion control in regards to construction sites. Please visit the Ecan Web Site for further information. Remember Nathan is happy to come to site and give some direction in regards to this. Nathan also advised that there is going to be an ECan Field day on the 28th August 2018. Details to be confirmed
- ACC. Jill Williamson apologies for not being here today. However she has sent a document (attached) about Safety at home
- Charles De Lambert spoke briefly about the next NZISM CPD day. This is 27th July 2018 (Information attached) If you are a Health and Safety Professional you are encouraged to join NZISM. In addition NZISM are bring Chris Peace to Christchurch on the 27th/28th August 2018 and he will be presenting on ISO 45001. More information to follow about this
- General business
- Breakfast sponsor for next meeting is Total Site Supplies
- Next meeting is 23rd August 2018,at Total Site Supplies72 Treffers Rd, Wigram, Christchurch 8042. This meeting will be a little different with breakfast and networking first as per normal. We will give our normal speakers a break from presenting at this meeting. However hopefully they will still attend so as you can talk to them. We will then be given a demonstration on the correct way to erect and dismantle a mobile scaffold. You will be able to touch and feel harness, scaffold and other safety gear related to falling from heights. Parking is limited so you are encouraged to try and get there EARLY. Parking will be on Treffers Road, and there will be limited parking on site. I would also suggest you dress up warm as the demonstration will be in the warehouse on site