Career Preparedness Midterm Exam Review
- Steve is a computer programmer and he works 40 hours a week. Steve gets paid $25 per hour. His total deductions for the week were $158.33. What is his total net pay?
- Kids are locked in a room with one marshmallow, and are asked to sit there for 15 minutes without eating the marshmallow. If they sit there for fifteen minutes, they get two. The kid tries to hold off, but decides to eat the marshmallow within the first two minutes. The kid portrayed what principal?
- You have the opportunity to attend a student conference in the summer. You really want to go but don’t want to miss out on hanging out with friends. You delay your decision, until it is too late to register for the conference. What strategy did you use?
- What is an employee required to complete when they begin a new job?
- Negative attitude toward a person or group is called?
- What form is used to verify an employee’s eligibility? (Citizenship)
- Play it safe is a decision making strategy in which you choose the alternative with the lowest level of risk.
- A decision making strategy in which you hand over control or let someone else decide.
- A decision making strategy in which you consider every detail option over and over again.
- Teamwork involves building relationships and working with other people using a number of important skills and habits.
- A decision making strategy in which you go with your first reaction.
- A strategy where you make connections with people you know (friends and family) to find jobs available.
- Arriving or doing something at the expected or planned time.
- Your parents are trying to get you to agree to go to an Atlanta Braves game this coming weekend with your entire family. Your best friend is having a huge birthday the same night. Instead of letting your parents know whether you are planning on going with them you go to a friend’s house to get out of having to tell your parents you don’t want to go. You are trying your best to avoid the decision all-together. This is an example of which decision-making strategy?
- The government agency responsible for collecting federal taxes is the:
- A code that governs the expectations of social behavior in a workplace, in a group or a society.
- The quality of being honest and fair.
- Gross pay is higher than net pay.
- A dependent is a person who pays the taxes for all the members of the family.
- The analysis of how working hours are spent and prioritization on tasks in order to maximize personal efficiency in the workplace.
- ______is the use of electronic communication to intimidate or harass others.
- Intentionally rejecting someone from an online group, like a “buddy list” or a game is called ______.
- A student logged into another student’s email and sent a message from that student’s email, posing as that student.
- Repeatedly sending offensive, rude, and insulting messages is known as ______.
- ______may also be considered dissing online.
- Intentionally posting provocative messages about sensitive subjects to create conflict, upset people, and bait them into “flaming” or fighting is called ______.
- ______is online fights using electronic messages with angry and vulgar language.
- Which of the following are good methods of looking for employment?
Direct contact
- How long should a resume be?
- After an interview, you should send a follow-up letter to the interviewer?
- How many references should you include with your resume?
- Do employers typically take less than 30 seconds to look at a resume?
- How should headings on a resume be formatted?
- Which of the following is not a type of employee benefit?
- A person can hold several different jobs in a career.
- How do you calculate net pay (take home pay)?
- Which of the following would be a good skill to have working in an office?
- A student’s grade point average is based on grades earned during all four years of high school.
- Any type of schooling after the high school level is called?
- Which of the following is not a type of postsecondary school?
- What is the length of time one would normally attend a community college?
- What is the name of a two year degree?
- What type of postsecondary establishment could one learn a specific trade such as welding or automotive?
- Public colleges/universities receive their funding from donations, religious organizations, and student tuition.
- Gloria received 80 hours of overtime.
- What is Gloria’s year-to-date Federal Income Tax?
- What is the total amount of all taxes and deductions made from Gloria’s paycheck stub during this pay period?
- Gloria M. Perez earns $13.50 per hour.
- What is Gloria’s net pay each pay period?
- What is Gloria’s yearly net pay?