C/O Keith Brosious
138 Windy Hill Lane
Falls, PA 18615
DATE:November 12, 2014
Our NOVICE & VARSITY CFL-S TOURNAMENT will be held at HazletonAreaCareerCenter,1451 West 23rd St., Hazle Township, PA18202, on Saturday, December6, 2014.
REGISTRATION PROCEDURE: We will be for all of the registration for the tournament. If you have not set up an account for your school there, please do. Once you have an account, you will be able to register for the tournament. (The registration will not be posted until we have a site confirmation.)
All member schools are eligible to participate in all events according to the specifics provided below:
EVENTS: The following events will be offered on both novice and varsity levels:
•oral interp.•dramatic perf•dramatic duo
•L/D debate•policy debate•public forum debate
Declamation will only be offered on the novice level since it is only open to 9th and 10th graders. If the numbers of entries in any of the events do not warrant separate novice and varsity divisions, we will combine levels. We can expect this to happen to Congress, dramatic duo, and perhaps other events.
NOVICE DEFINITION: We define novice as “any 9th or 10th grader or any junior or senior in his/her first year of forensics competition.” Younger students may compete in the novice division.
ENTRIES: For practice tournaments, we have no limits to registrations per school. However, please be aware that the number of students you enter should always be based on the number of judges you can bring. Please note that policy debate, public forum and dramatic duo are two-person events. Also note that if you enter oral interp., the students must each prepare a prose and a poetry selection to be read in alternate rounds. If you would like to bring more than four entries in an event in this practice tournament, please contact me.
CONGRESS: Schools may submit bills for the tournament up until Monday, November 17, 2014. On Tuesday, November 18, 2014, I will be sending out a list of the bills submitted to all of the coaches. Each school will then get the opportunity to select, in order, the 10 bills that they would like to see debated at the tournament in December. I will email all of the coaches the bills selected and the order byNovember 23, 2014.
JUDGES: Unaffiliated is defined as a person who has not coached your students, does not work in your school, and who would be able to judge your students without any bias or prejudice. Relatives are considered affiliated. Even though you are registering judges in specific areas, they may be asked to judge in other events. High school seniors with forensics experience are able to judge the novice division.
LUNCH: Lunch tickets will be $5.00 each. We would like a preliminary count early in the week. Students from the Culinary Arts Program will be making the lunches. Lunch will be provided for coaches and judges.
COST: Plan A - no charge. Plans B & C- $2.00 per entry.
PRE-REGISTRATION DEADLINE: All registration must be completed by 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 3, 2014. I will be working out the schematics Thursday night. Please make all changes prior to this deadline. Changes after Friday, December 5, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. will be assessed a $5.00 nuisance fee per change. I suggest that you alert your students to that fee and charge them if they create changes!
LINCOLN-DOUGLAS DEBATE TOPIC: Resolved: The “right to be forgotten” ought to be a civil right.
PUBLIC FORUM TOPIC: For-profit prisons in the United States should be banned
Opening Meeting9:00
Round 19:30–11:00
Round 211:00 – 12:30
Round 312:30 –2:00
Lunch1:00 – 3:00
Finals3:00 – 4:30
TOURNAMENT MORNING REGISTRATION: In order to improve the efficiency of the registration process at the tournament site, I am asking all coaches to call or text Jeff Niemiec, SCFL Speech Coordinator, on the way to the tournament, at 570-954-8845, to let him, and me, know the status of their registration for the tournament. At that point, let him know of any student or judge drops. If you call and he does not answer his phone, please leave a message on his voicemail. Call even if you do not have any changes.
CONTACTS: My phone numbers and email follow:
School:570-278-1106 xt 127