Conformity Assessment Section (CAS) Executive Committee Phone Conference
June 22, 2011 Meeting Minutes
Participants: Mike Violette - Chair (Washington Labs): Harry Hodes – Vice Chair (Acme Testing); Dan Cannon (NTS): Steve Koster (Washington Labs); Don Heirman (DH Consulting); Adam Gouker (A2LA); Joan Sterling (Intertek); Dave Tolman (NW EMC); & Tony Anderson (ACIL SEO).
1.0 Call to order:
The Chair called the meeting to order at 11:05 a.m. EDT
2.0 Introductions:
Mr. Anderson read the roll call of members and guests present
3.0 Anti Trust Statement:
The members acknowledged they had read and understood their obligations under the statement.
4.0 Review and Approval of Minutes of Section Teleconference Call held 05-25-11:
Motion: To aprove the minutes as corrected of the May 25, 2011 Teleconference Call
Moved by: Mr. Heirman
Seconded: Mr. Koster
Approved unanimously.
5.0 Membership:
Mr. Anderson requested that more leads for potential membership approaches are needed. In all categories more contacts with their phone numbers should be sent to Mr. Anderson. Mr. Heirman suggested that there should be an active list of members on the web site so that organizations that are already members are not approached by members. Mr. Heirman would be prepared to approach some of his C63® if he could have a list of members.
Action: Mr. Anderson to speak with Mr. Bright about an active list of members available on the web site.
Action: When Mr. Heirman has a list of active members, he will approach C63 non members about joining ACIL and provide information to Mr. Anderson for F.U.
6.0 ACIL China position statement:
Mr. Violette has drafted a position statement and circulated for comment.
Action: Mr. Violette to send his latest draft to Mr. Anderson for circulation to the section for comment, in preparation for discussion at the upcoming ACIL Board meeting to come up with an organization wide position.
7.0 National Institute of Justice (NIJ) - Offender Tracking Systems:
Mr. Hodes had nothing further to report following the presentation at the last meeting. The next meeting is July 20, and he will have more to report after that.
8.0 ANSI as a Conformity Assessment Coordinator for the United States:
Ms. Sterling stated that she had discussed the issue with Mr. Bush. The understanding is that ACIL will be drafting a position statement and other organizations may also wish to input comments.
Action: Mr. Anderson to follow up with Mr. Bush on this issue.
9.0 Smart Grid Task Force:
9.1 Discontinuing our following of the SGTCC end to end teleconferences
This WG in end to end testing is focusing on testing communications interoperability when devices butt up against each other in the channel from the power supply to the power customer. It is clear that special test equipment, signals, and other protocol will be needed and may only be available from the ITCA. This may not be available from the ITCA until or unless one is part of their organization. The point being is that it is not at a point where the SGTF might take part in the use cases that are to be checked for end to end communications. At this point if Mr. Heirman has time, he will listen in on their webinar as he did this week. Mr. Klouda was also on the call. The consensus was that this is the most effort that should be given at this time and not keep it on the “critical” list to follow.
9.2 Activities update
The main effort at the moment is preparation for the Smart Grid Summer conference in Montreal. For more information see the attached link.
Mr. Heirman has asked SG TF members who are on the SGIP to assist him in monitoring and participating in some of these meetings via live webinars. Those WGs that will be meeting there and are of immediate interest to us including WG8 on support of the IPRM to WG4 on the revision of the IPRM. Finally we are one meeting away from getting our official SGIP vote. “Attending” the webinar for the Montreal meeting will get us the vote (two successive meeting attendance of the SGIP qualifies us)
10.0 C63® Committee update:-
1. C63 workshops to be held the three days before the EMC symposium in Long Beach CA. Workshops are between 11 and 13 August. Mr. Hodes is giving a 3 hour talk on proficiency testing based on his work for the ACIL program. The next two days will be on major EMC measurement and calibration standards in C63®
2. Many C63® standards are in their maintenance phase. This is the time for the ACIL to input to these standards revisions. Standards list is on
3. Preparation for next meeting 3-6 October in New Jersey
4. See C63® Newsletter to get more info on what is happening.
11.0 Status of the ACIL EMC Standards Alert Newsletter:
Mr. Heirman reported he had been exchanging e-mails with Mr. Hodes and the plan was to have the next issue available before the IEEE-EMC Symposium. It will contain a review of major interpretations of C63® standards and possible changes coming that will impact member labs. One example is antenna selection required for testing.
Action: Mr. Heirman to copy Mr. Violette and Mr. Kramer with what he sends to Mr. Hodes.
12.0 PT Activities:-
Mr. Anderson reported that participation in the EM-18 has slowed down again and appealed for more participation. One member did volunteer and will contact Mr. Anderson. Mr. Heirman offered to speak with members of the C63® PT Committee for possible participants. The plan is to end the current round and publish a report by the end of July.
Mr. Hodes reemphasized that the first continuation round on the York CNE III artifact has been completed and the report has been well received. He pointed out that the report, which is in two parts is downloadable from the ACIL web site.
Action: Mr. Hodes to send a formal communication to the four member AB’s directing them to where they can down load the report
13.0 IEEE-EMC 2011 Planning:
August 11 to 19, 2011, Long Beach California
Mr. Hodes will be giving a workshop on Inter Lab Comparisons at the Symposium on Thursday August 11, 2011 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
ACIL will have a table top display in the Exhibit Hall and the CAS section will be meeting Monday afternoon August 15, 2011 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
14.0 Request for video material:
Mr. Anderson explained that there will be a video presentation at the Annual Meeting made up of clips, possibly from You Tube, of member activities. He asked for members to send in any video material they may have. Material for the independent testing web site is also needed in the form of film, photographs and video. Please send to Mr. Anderson by July 15.
15.0 A.O.B.
16.0 Next Conference Call: July 27, 2011 11:00 a.m. EDT
Note: The August CAS meeting will be held at the IEEE-EMC Symposium in Long Beach, CA on Monday August 15, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Thanks to TCB for providing the WebEx service for the call
17.0 Adjournment: 12:00 p.m. EDT
CAS ExCo Meeting Minutes 062211