This contract is to be strictly observed at all times during your clinical rotation. It is the responsibility of the student to know, understand, and obey the clinical guidelines in order to ensure the safe care of each patient and for the student to have a valuable clinical experience.
- Cosmetics must be worn in moderation.
- No jewelry is to be worn in clinical (with the exception of a watch).
- Student must always have a watch with a second hand, black pen, and a small notepad.
- Perfume or cologne must not be worn.
- Student must wear scrub suit at all times.
- Student must wear clean closed toe shoes. Socks should be worn.
- Student must wear I.D. badge at all times.
- No cell phones are allowed into the clinical agency.
- Personal phone calls must not be taken or made at clinicals.
- Do not leave the unit without checking with the person in charge.
- Do not visit other departments.
- Be professional in all communications while in clinical. Disrespect to clinical supervisors will not be tolerated. This will lead to major disciplinary action.
- No smoking allowed.
- Arrive and leaveclinicals at the proper times. Attendance at clinicals should be treated as a job.
- Do not perform any skill not trained to do.
- Student must notify Health Science instructor and the clinical preceptor of any absence. Notification to the instructor and agency/preceptor must be made at least 30 minutes prior to the clinical. If the absence is due to a school function, Health Science instructor and clinical preceptor must be notified before the absence.
- Standard precautions must be used to protect the student and the patient.
- Report any accident immediately. They must be reported to your clinical preceptor and to Health Science instructor.
- Students are responsible for notifying the instructor and clinical site if pregnant and must have documented medical clearance from physician.
- Students cannot participate in a clinical rotation, if they have an elevated temperature, vomiting, skin rash, draining or open wound, scabies, lice, flu symptoms, or other contagious illness. Student must notify instructor and clinical preceptor.
- Student is not allowed to bring anyone with them to the clinical setting (ie: boyfriend, sibling, etc.)
- Student must remain at the clinical site for the duration of their assigned time, unless they are checking out of school or emergency. Instructor must be notified in advance, if this is necessary.
- Unprofessional behavior, actions, and unethical behavior will not be tolerated. Student will be dismissed from all clinical rotations.
I understand that if I do not comply with these guidelines, disciplinary measures will be taken and termination from the program may be necessary.
(Student Signature)(Date)
(Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date)